A380 Limitations, Recalls and Memory Items Flashcards
Aircraft General / Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits
Clean configuration
-1 G to +2.5 G
LIM-AG-F_CTL | 31-MAR-06
Aircraft General / Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits
Other than clean configurations
0 G to +2 G
LIM-AG-F_CTL | 31-MAR-06
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum operating speed
340 kt / M O.89
LIM-AG-SPD | 15-MAY-07
Aircraft General / Operational Parameters / Environmental Envelope
Maximum operating altitude
43,100 ft
LIM-AG-OPS | 31-MAR-21
Aircraft General / Operational Parameters / Environmental Envelope
Maximum altitude for take-off and landing
10,000 ft
LIM-AG-OPS | 31-MAR-21
Aircraft General / Operational Parameters / Environmental Envelope
Maximum OAT at sea level
55 °C
LIM-AG-OPS | 31-MAR-21
Aircraft General / Operational Parameters / Environmental Envelope
Minimum TAT
-53 °C
LIM-AG-OPS | 31-MAR-21
Aircraft General / Airport Operations and Wind Limitations / Runway Limitations
Maximum runway slope
±2 %
LIM-AG-OPS | 02-JAN-20
Aircraft General / Airport Operations and Wind Limitations / Runway Limitations
Minimum runway width
45 m
LIM-AG-OPS | 02-JAN-20
Aircraft General / Airport Operations and Wind Limitations
Maximum certified crosswind for take-off
(gust included)
35 kt
LIM-AG-OPS | 03-MAR-15
Aircraft General / Airport Operations and Wind Limitations
Maximum certified crosswind for landing
(gust included)
40 kt
LIM-AG-OPS | 03-MAR-15
Aircraft General / Airport Operations and Wind Limitations
Maximum tailwind at take-off
15 kt
LIM-AG-OPS | 05-SEP-13
Aircraft General / Airport Operations and Wind Limitations
Maximum tailwind at landing
Airport pressure altitude at, or below 8,000 ft
15 kt
LIM-AG-OPS | 05-SEP-13
Aircraft General / Airport Operations and Wind Limitations
Maximum wind for cabin door operation is ____ kt
Maximum wind is ____ kt, if the aircraft nose is oriented into the wind.
The cabin door must be closed before the wind reaches ____ kt.
40 kt
LIM-AG-OPS | 06-OCT-14
Maximum wind is 50 kt, if the aircraft nose is oriented into the wind.
The cabin door must be closed before the wind reaches 60 kt.
Aircraft General / Airport Operations and Wind Limitations
Maximum wind for cargo door operation is ____ kt
Maximum wind is ____ kt, if the aircraft nose is oriented into the wind, or if the door is on the leeward side.
The cargo door must be closed before the wind reaches ____ kt.
40 kt
LIM-AG-OPS | 06-OCT-14
Maximum wind is 50 kt, if the aircraft nose is oriented into the wind, or if the door is on the leeward side.
The cargo door must be closed before the wind reaches 60 kt.
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum cockpit window speed
Opening and Closing
Opening . . . 250 kt
Closing . . . 160 kt
LIM-AG-SPD | 14-FEB-07
Opening the cockpit window is not possible with the packs ON.
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum flaps / slats speed
263 kt
LIM-AG-SPD | 14-NOV-06
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum flaps / slats speed
In CONF 1+F, when the aircraft reaches a speed of ____ kt, the ARS automatically retracts the flaps to CONF 1.
222 kt
LIM-AG-SPD | 14-NOV-06
In CONF 1+F, when the aircraft reaches a speed of 212 kt, the ARS automatically retracts the flaps to CONF 1.
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum flaps / slats speed
220 kt
LIM-AG-SPD | 14-NOV-06
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum flaps / slats speed
196 kt
LIM-AG-SPD | 14-NOV-06
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum flaps / slats speed
182 kt
LIM-AG-SPD | 14-NOV-06
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum speed with the landing gear extended
VLE (and Mach)
250 kt / M O.55
LIM-AG-SPD | 01-AUG-08
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum speed with the landing gear operating
VLO (and Mach)
250 kt / M O.55
LIM-AG-SPD | 01-AUG-08
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum speed for landing gear gravity extension
VLE/VLO (and Mach)
220 kt / M O.48
LIM-AG-SPD | 01-AUG-08
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum tire ground speed
204 kt
LIM-AG-SPD | 13-MAY-08
Aircraft General / Speeds
Minimum control speed
(one-engine inoperative)
120 kt
Aircraft General / Speeds
Minimum control speed
(two-engines inoperative)
144 kt
LIM-AG-SPD | 02-OCT-06
Aircraft General / Speeds
Maximum windshield wipers operating speed
250 kt
LIM-AG-SPD | 14-FEB-07
Aircraft General / Weight and Centre of Gravity Limits
Maximum Taxi Weight
574,000 kg
Aircraft General / Weight and Centre of Gravity Limits
Maximum Take-off Weight
572,000 kg
MTOW, MLW, and MZFW vary with the center of gravity.
Aircraft General / Weight and Centre of Gravity Limits
Maximum Landing Weight
391,000 kg
MTOW, MLW, and MZFW vary with the center of gravity.
In exceptional conditions (in-flight turnback or diversion), an immediate landing at a weight above maximum landing weight is permitted, provided that the flight crew follows the overweight landing procedure.
Aircraft General / Weight and Centre of Gravity Limits
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
366,000 kg
MTOW, MLW, and MZFW vary with the center of gravity.
Aircraft General / Weight and Centre of Gravity Limits
Minimum Weight
270,000 kg
Air BLEED/COND/PRESS/VENT / Air Conditioning with HP Ground Air Supply
Use of HP ground air supply when APU supplies bleed air
Do not use HP ground air supply, when APU supplies bleed air
LIM-AIR | 31-MAR-06
Air BLEED/COND/PRESS/VENT / Take-off Packs Off Prohibited
Take-off with both packs OFF
Take-off with both packs OFF is prohibited
LIM-AIR | 14-APR-22
Air BLEED/COND/PRESS/VENT / Cabin Pressure
Maximum positive differential pressure
9.65 psi
LIM-AIR | 27-SEP-22
Air BLEED/COND/PRESS/VENT / Cabin Pressure
Maximum negative differential pressure
-0.725 psi
LIM-AIR | 27-SEP-22
Procedures / Abnormal and Emergency Procedures / CABIN PRESS
CABIN PRESS warning is triggered if the cabin altitude is above ____ .
9,550 ft
Auto Flight System / General
Minimum height for use of autopilot after take-off
100 ft AGL and at least 5 s after liftoff
LIM-AFS-10 | 02-FEB-18
An internal PRIM logic prevents the autopilot from engaging during 5 s after liftoff.