A320 Abnormals Flashcards
- PRESS Page, If outflow valve is open try to manually close it
- Perform a quick or Emergency descent depending on conditions
- When cabin altitude is under control assess the situation:
- There is no requirement to land within a given time scale
- If continuing to destination, Normal Fuel Required must be available unless the requirements of In-flight Reduction of Normal Fuel Required can be met
Smoke in cockpit or cabin
• ECAM actions
• QRH paper check list “Smoke/Fumes/avionics smoke”
• Anticipate diversion
• Immediate actions of the QRH
• Communicate with the Cabin crew
• Source of smoke not immediately identified:
- Before continuing the check list:
i. Divert
ii. Descend
- Boxed items at any time for Smoke Removal (manual control of cabin pressure can’t be selected in emergency electrical conf)
- Search for the source of smoke
i Air Conditioning ?
ii Cabin equipment ?
iii Avionics/Electrical equipment?
Uncontrollable engine fire
- Mayday Mayday Mayday Dragon xxx
- Divert to nearest airport
- Fly at VMO
- Request emergency services
- Evacuate on the runway after landing
Critically ill passenger
• Mayday Mayday Mayday Dragon xxx
• Activate IOC alert phase
• Prepare divertion
- locate the 2 closest airports
- check weather
• Coordinate with CP to find doctor on board
• Send message to Medlink (MED), messages will be routed through IOC
• Wait for Medlink decision to divert and airport chosen
• Advise OPS of decision and brief the CP
• Divert Note: If Medlink have been contacted and a course of action recommended, their advice should be followed and takes priority over the advice of any on-board medical person
Weather deterioration at destination
• Check weather at Alternate airports
• Send ACARS to IOC to request current holding time at destination
- Enter routing from destination to alternate
- Update Fuel Pred page with diversion fuel
- Check holding Fuel at destination
• Update destination weather and trend
• Passing the last En Route Alternate decide to divert or continue
Weather deterioration at alternate
• Find a suitable alternate
• Compute the diversion fuel to that alternate
• Assess Fuel at destination, extra available
• If Fuel at destination close to diversion
- Drop the alternate if conditions are satisfied
- Contact IOC
- Divert
Destination runway blockage
• Send IOC Alert Phase • Check weather at Alternate airports • Check Fuel remaining • MCDU: - Enter routing from destination to alternate - Update Fuel Pred page with diversion fuel • Talk to IOC to get their decision • Hold/Divert depending on conditions
Flaps/Slats jammed at Take off
• Speed pull, keep current speed: Wrong VFE displayed
• Continue on SID until above MSA
• ECAM actions / After TO Check list / Status
• CLEAR, Assess exact Flap position
• QRH PER, Check Flap lever position for landing and VAPP speed
• CTWO +:
- 500 ft or higher disconnect the Autopilot
- High pitch attitude increasing risk of Tailstrike
- Go-around procedure and calls
• Acceleration altitude, Select Speed, Max speed(QRH) -10
• Diversion:
- Consider fuel available and increased consumption
- Cruise limited at 20 000 ft
• Speeds:
- VLS and Overspeed warning are computed according to actual Slats/Flaps position
- VFE and VFE next give a False information as they are computed on Lever position
Restrictions for AP use in case of system failure
- No restriction for engine failure, autoland can be performed on a Cat 2/3A ILS
- AP has not been certified in all configurations and its performance cannot be guaranteed, remain vigilant and be prepared to disconnect
In Flight Engine failure above Engine Out Long Range Cruise
• Thrust Lever MCT • AUTO-THRUST OFF • FCU from Left to Right: - Speed M 0.82/300KTS or GD Pull - ALT from PROG / PERF Page Pull - HDG 30° Right Pull • Talk to ATC / Contingency Procedure • ECAM actions • Assessment of the failed engine: If no damage, contact Engineering prior to start,unless the risk is greater by delaying the attempted start
Dual FMGC failure
• AP, A/THR managed modes inop: Fly the aircraft
• Automatic RESET/RESYNCH occurs first:
‐ ND shows “MAP NOT AVAIL”
‐ MCDU scratchpad “PLEASE WAIT”, FM FAULT light ON
‐ Autotuning of NAVAIDs is lost
• FMGS recovers:
‐ Database cycle may have switched
‐ FM position Bias is lost, position returns to MIX IRS
‐ Autotuning of VOR/DME is restored
‐ FMGS tuning of the ILS and ADF is not possible
‐ Lateral and vertical managed modes cannot re-engage‐ “CAB PR LDG ELEV FAULT” ECAM message displayed. ‐ “REENTER WEIGHT/CG” MCDU message is displayed
- QRH Check list: Loss of FMS data on Descent/Approach
• Autoreset unsuccessful (DUAL LATCH):
‐ Both FMGCs inoperative: FM and FG capability are lost
‐ Both NDs display “MAP NOT AVAILABLE”
- MCDU NAVAID tuning is not available
‐ AP/FD and A/THR are lost
• Procedure:
‐ FLY raw data (FDs OFF and TRK/FPA)
‐ RESET FMGCs in turn using QRH Computer reset table
‐ SELECT NAV B/UP prompt on both MCDU DATA pages
‐ SET destination Landing elevation on Cab/Press panel
‐ SELECT MCDU PERF page and enter CI
‐ Engage relevant speed/Mach target and vertical modes
‐ NAV accuracy check: Consider a position update if MIX IRS and actual positions differ by more than 20 NM.
Flaps/Slats jammed on approach
• Speed pull, keep current speed or back GD if S/F at 0
• ECAM actions
• CLEAR, Assess actual Flap/Slat position
• QRH PERF, Confirm Flap lever position for landing and VAPP
• CTWO +:
- 500 ft or higher disconnect the Autopilot
- High pitch attitude increasing risk of Tailstrike
- Go-around procedure and calls
• Acceleration altitude, Select speed, MAX Speed (QRH)-10
• Diversion:
- Consider fuel available and increased consumption
- Cruise limited at 20 000 ft
• Speeds:
- VLS and Overspeed warning are computed according to actual Slats/Flaps position
- VFE and VFE next give a False information as they are computed on Lever position
Failure impacts fuel consumption, method to compute the new Trip fuel
- The FMS will not take into account the failure in its predictions, you must refer to the fuel penalty factor table located in QRH In Flight Performance section
- If 2 or more failures impact consumption, add the fuel penalty factors
Take-Off Run above 100 kt and below V1, Reject when
- Loss of thrust.
- Red ECAM warning
- Amber ECAM caution ENG or F/CTL
Double hydraulic failure
• Following systems are lost or degraded:
- Autopilot
- Flight Controls in Degraded law (ALTN/Direct law)
- Partial loss of SPLR affecting Roll
- Landing gear normal extension
- B+Y : Right Elevator / NWS
- G+B : Left Elevator / Ailerons / Slats / Norm braking
- G+Y : THS / Flaps / Norm and Altn braking / NWS
• Procedure:
- Use FD and A/THR
- ECAM action then QRH Summary
- Manœuvre with care to avoid high hydraulic demand
- Declare EMERGENCY situation to ATC
- QRH for VAPP / LDG DIST / SLATS or FLAPS Abnormal
- CTWO+: Use summary
Slats/Flaps abnormal configurations
• Slats/Flaps abnormal configuration can have 3 causes:
- Double hydraulic failure, G+B or G+Y
- Double SFCC failure
- Jamming, operation of the WTB
• Flaps/Slats failure have the following consequences:
- Aircraft handling is affected (Speed selected, ALTN law) - Fuel consumption is increased
- Approach speeds and landing distance are increased
- High pitch attitude increasing the risk of Tailstrike
- Go Around procedure with S/F stuck
• Double hydraulic failure:
- ALTN law
- VLS on PFD is correct, computed on actual S/F position - VFE, VFE next are computed on Lever position
- Maneuvering speeds are computed on Lever position
• SFCC fault:
- SFCC double Slat channel fault:
. AP, ATHR and FDs are lost
. ALTN law without protections / Direct law
. SPD LIM Red on PFD: VLS VFE F S speed not displayed
. Aural stall / Overspeed Aural and ECAM msg provided
- SFCC double Flap channel fault:
. AP, ATHR and FDs are lost
. Normal law with characteristic speed displayed
- Total SFCC failure (SFCC double Flap and Slat channel):
. AP, ATHR and FDs are lost
. ALTN law without protections
. SPD LIM Red on PFD: VLS VFE F S speed not displayed
• S/F jammed:
- Normal law available with AP, FD and ATHR
- VLS on PFD is correct, computed on S/F position
- VFE and VFE next are computed on Lever position
- Maneuvering speeds are computed on Lever position
- αPROT and αMAX protections are available
Double RA Fault
• Fly by wire uses LGCIU outputs instead of RA:
- Take off: Normal law engages when L/G is no longer compressed and pitch greater than 8°; auto trim available
- Approach: Flare law (usually fed in at 100 ft) engages when L/G is extended (direct law with pitch rate feedback), “USE MAN PITCH TRIM”
- Landing: Ground Law engages when MLG is compressed and pitch is less than 2.5°; Ground Spoilers extend using Wheel Speed information
• Lost systems with Gear extended:
- “SPEED, SPEED, SPEED” low energy warning
- G/S mode with APPR P/B
- RA, DH, RETARD and MDA auto call out
• Procedure:
- Use LOC P/B for a CAT 1 Raw data approach
- Use A/THR on SPEED mode on approach (no retard)
Unreliable Altitude/Speed
• Unreliable Altitude: - Disregard ALT, IAS/TAS, WIND, V/S and FPA - Use: . GPS altitude . GS on ND . RA . CAB ALT • Unreliable speed: - Disregard IAS/TAS and WIND - Use: . GPS ground speed . BIRD
Use of QRH summaries
Summaries are divided into four sections:
• ECAM actions and STATUS must be done first
• Refer to Summary CRUISE section to assess the situation and select an appropriate runway for landing
• Increased fuel consumption
• Landing performance computation
• Review STATUS page for approach preparation
• Refer to APPROACH, LANDING and GO-AROUND sections to support the preparation
• Prepare the FMGES
• Use QRH Summary for the approach briefing
• Crosscheck STATUS page and FMGES
• Refer to APPROACH section to perform the approach
• Review LANDING and GO-AROUND sections once the aircraft is in final configuration
• PM check STATUS that all APPR PROC actions are completed
Double ILS receiver failure / Ground transmitter failure
• Double receiver failure:
- Red LOC/GS flags are displayed
- ILS scales are removed
- AP trips off and FDs revert to HDG/VS mode
• ILS ground transmitter failure:
- AP/FD remains ON (failure commonly transient)
- ILS scales and FD bars are flashing
- If R/A height is below 200 ft, red AUTOLAND warning is triggered
Single FMGC failure
- AP, if engaged on affected side, will disconnect
- Restore the AP using the other FMGC
- Use same range as opposite ND to recover Flight plan
- QRH for a FMGC reset
Emergency Electrical configuration
- Below 25 000 ft start the APU
• Systems lost:
- AP/FD and A/THR, they can’t be recovered
- EPR CTRL, N1 unrated only, Check Go Around N1 in FCOM PERF
- RA 1+2, Autocallouts and APPR PB not available
- BSCU, Alternate braking to 1000 PSI only, no NWS
• Procedure:
- COMMUNICATE: RMP1 - VHF1 - HF1 - ACP1+2 - CIDS - Interphone
Double ADR/IRS Fault
- AP and A/THR are lost
- Flight controls revert to ALTN LAW
- Use ADR/IRS pushbutton to switch off the faulty Equipment
- If OEB applies, turn OFF the rotary selector
What happen when you switch off the 3 ADRs to fly the Back-up Speed Scale?
• On both PFD:
‐ BUSS replaces the normal speed scale
‐ GPS altitude replaces the barometric altitude
• Flying:
‐ AP/FD and A/THR are inoperative
‐ High angle-of-attack and overspeed protections are lost
‐ STALL warning remains operative
• Systems:
‐ Cabin pressure must be controlled manually
• When the ADRs are turned off, ECAM alert NAV ADR 1+2+3 FAULT is displayed:
- ECAM actions
- QRH procedure “ADR Check Procedure”
Volcanic Ash
• Avoid by routing upwind side of the volcano
• Entering the ash cloud:
- Smoke or dust in the cockpit
- Acrid odour similar to electrical smoke
- Engine malfunction, rising EGT
- St Elmo fire, bright white or orange glow in engine inlets, sharp beams from landing lights at night
• Procedure in the QRH:
- 180 ° turn
- Protect the engines:
. Decrease engines thrust
. Maximize engine bleed (packs high, Wing&Engine AI)
- Protect Crew and passengers:
. Oxygen masks ON/100%
. Oxygen for passengers, consider
• Flight parameters:
- Monitor EGT and fuel flow
- Monitor and crosscheck IAS
• Consider a diversion to the nearest appropriate airport
Loss of Com in Chinese Airspace
• VMC: Land at the nearest suitable airport • IMC: - Try blind transmissions - Continue to destination - Fly over airport NDB - Commence descent at Flight Plan ETA - Do the Instrument Approach Procedure - Land within 30 minutes
Bomb on board
• Threats are classified into three categories:
- Green, no extra precautions required
- Amber, related to one or more targets with a doubt about its credibility or effectiveness of countermeasures
- Red, danger to aircraft, people or airport activities and therefore merits specific countermeasures
- Warnings made against aircraft on the ground, assessed as Red or Amber may justify a variety of countermeasures including disembarkation of crew and passengers, offloading of cargo/baggage/mail,screening of passengers and cargo, securitysearches, etc
- Clear model
- Fly to the closest alternate airport:
- Select MMO
- Descend to decrease pressure differential
- Call for QRH paper Check list
• Explosion:
- Emergency descent
- Reduce speed
- Damage assessment to the aircraft AP OFF in Landing Configuration at different speeds
Engine failure cases in climb, Cruise, Descent, Approach
- Cancel the Approach or Go Around Flaps (FCU altitude)
- Aircraft able to maintain level (below LRC ceiling): No need to disconnect the A/THR
- Above LRC ceiling do the memory items
Damage / No Damage
• Damage if:
- High vibration prior to engine stopped
- Loud noise
- Stall- N1 at 0
- EGT, N1 exceedence
- ENG SD Page, N2 at 0
• If no damage talk to engineering before restarting the engine
Unrully Passenger
• Assess the Threat Level:
- Level 1 Disruptive Behaviour
- Level 2 Physically Abusive Behaviour
- Level 3 Life Threatening Behaviour
- Level 4 Attempted or Actual Breach of the Flight Deck
• Captain and CC should consider following responses:
- Verbal Warning
- Written Warning
- Request police
- Restraint
- Diversion to nearest airport
- Witnesses
• Thoughts:
- Aircraft door: If still open, coordinate with Ground Staff
- Purser: “what do you want to do? what is the safest? I fully support you!”
- Public Address: “ladies and gents, we have a pax that won’t sit down, if he doesn’t follow the CC instructions, we will have to go back to the gate”
Procedure for passengers refusing to disembark
- Alert KA Security and or the Airport Services Manager / Manager on Duty
- Part A Chapter 10:
- After 5 minutes, Captain must make a PA to inform the passengers that they are required to disembark.
- 15 minutes later, liaise with KA Security and the ASM/MOD for police to meet the aircraft, Captain makes another PA to inform the passengers that they are required to disembark
- When police arrives, Liaise with KA Security and/or MOD/ASM for police assistance in off-loading the passengers
Hijack attempt
- “I MUST COME TO THE COCKPIT IMMEDIATELY” Serves to inform the cockpit that Cabin in under duress
- Flight Crew actions:
- Lock the cockpit door using the dead bolt
- Declare an emergency
- Squawk 7500
- Send ACARS ’75 MSG’ to IOC
- Divert to the nearest suitable airfield
- Update IOC with details of the event in progress
- Prepare for possible rapid descent
- Monitor 121.5 and prepare for interception by military jet
- After landing, push fire switches and disconnect IDGs
• ATC Communication :
- ONGOING ATTEMPTED HIJACKING,Crew in control of the aircraft
- HIJACKING,Hijackers are in control of the aircraft (inside the cockpit)
APU Fire During Pushback
- Ground Staff: “Stop Pushback hold position”
- Set Parking Brake
- Cabin Crew at stations
- Emergency evacuation Check list
- Talk to ATC and request fire services
Warning or Caution during Take off, when do you carry out the ECAM actions
- Only Red Warning ECAM actions are carried out prior to flap retraction, 400 ft mini
- ENG FAILURE WITH DAMAGE or ENG FIRE: Continue to the boxed ENG 1(2) SHUT DOWN message, engine secured
- ECAM actions can be interrupted for less critical failures to allow both pilots to monitor normal operational requirements
Intended Landing Runway is not long enough, can you disregard the In-Flight Landing Distance 15% Safety margin
Yes, Under exceptional
circumstances, the flight crew may disregard the 15 % margin on the in-flight landing distance
Loss of both bleeds or both packs, aircraft cabin altitude Leak rate
Around 400 ft/min
IR Fault, in what case can you recover the ATT
- IR Fault light flashing, ATT can be recovered
* IR Fault light steady, the IR is totally lost
- Amber, consider seriousness of the situation and selection of a suitable airport
- Red, land at nearest suitable airport where a safe approach and landing can be made
Considerations in case of engine fire on the ground
- Wind direction to position the aircraft in order to keep the fire away from the fuselage
‐ Evacuating on the runway
‐ Vacating the runway as soon as possible
‐ Communicating intentions or requests to ATC
Beta Target
• Blue Beta target replaces the yellow sideslip indication when:
- 1 Engine failed
- EPR on remaining engine is above 1.25 EPR
- Flap lever not at 0
• Compromise between:
- Drag produced by deflection of control surfaces and
- Airframe drag produced by a slight sideslip
• Centering the beta target
produces less total drag than centering a conventional ball as rudder deflection, aileron
deflection, spoiler deployment and aircraft body angle are all taken into account
Speed strategies to deal with an engine failure in cruise
• Standard strategy, - M .78/300kt for descent - When V/S < 500 ft/min, select V/S -500 ft/min and A/THR on • Obstacle strategy, - GD on descent - LRC speed when clear of obstacle
Circling with 1 Engine Inoperative
• Below that weight fly
Approach CONF 3 Landing Gear extended
• Above that weight fly
Approach CONF 3 Landing Gear retracted
Landing CONF 3
L/G not extended on approach, warnings
750 ft RA, warning “L/G NOT DOWN”
500 ft RA, warning “TOO LOW GEAR”
Thrust Lever management in case of inoperative Reversers
• Briefing should include a review of thrust reverser status and handling technique
• If 1 reverser is operative, select reverse thrust on both
• If no reversers are operative, do not select reverse thrust
Assessment of aircraft handling qualities in case of severe damage
• Apply smooth sidestick input and limit bank angle to 15°
• Avoid using the speedbrakes
• If damage is severe, it may be necessary to use abnormal flying techniques to maintain control of the aircraft:
- Roll can be compensated by
. Rudder input
. Asymmetrical thrust
Cargo Smoke
• On Ground, cargo door open:
- Order ground crew to investigate
• In Flight
- After landing, don’t open affected cargo door before passengers have disembarked and fire services are present
• Smoke detectors are sensitive to extinguishing agent, SMOKE FWD (AFT) CARGO SMOKE warning will probably remain even if fire is out
Fuel Leak
• Fuel checks must be done when sequencing a waypoint and at least every 60 min. A discrepancy should alert the crew and be investigated
• QRH checklist FUEL LEAK
- If leak is identified as coming from an engine, fuel leak is isolated shutting down
affected engine, cross-feed valve may be used
- If leak is not from an engine or cannot be located, it is imperative that the cross-feed valve is not opened
Alternate Law
• QRH FPE-IFL Flight Controls:
- Flaps 3
- VAPP= VLS + 10 + max (5 and 1/3 Headwind)
• Procedure, established on Approach vertical profile:
- Flaps 3 must be extended first
- Gear Down, Direct Law, use manual Pitch Trim
Disconnection of IDG
- Disconnect only when engine is running at or above idle
* Maintain p/b not more than 3s until GEN Fault light ON