A3.1 Diversity Of Organisms Flashcards
What is variation between organisms?
- No two individuals are identical in all their traits
- Patterns of variation are complex
- They are the basis for naming and classifying organisms
Why is a classification system important?
To group and organise variation between organisms
Define the term species
A group of similar organisms capable of breeding and producing offspring
What is the original morphological concept?
Individuals of the same species tend to look more similar to each other than to members of other species.
[the classification of organisms into species is based upon this concept]
What is an example of the original morphological concept?
Lions and Tigers:
Two species of large cats closely related but separate species, each with recognisable, distinct characteristics.
What did Linnaeus develop?
The binomial nomenclature— a naming convention for species.
How is the binomial nomenclature used?
Species are named using both their genus and species name:
Genus comes first, first letter is capitalised and identifies the genus
Species name is second, in lowercase and distinguishes the species
What do species in the same genome share?
Common characteristics and similar traits
What do species in the same genome share?
Common characteristics and similar traits
What is sexual dimorphism?
When males and females within the same species have completely different features and appearance
What is the biological species concept and why is it used?
An alternative method for defining species with a basis on ability to interbreed and produce fertile offspring rather than morphology.
Species look too similar too each other or/and sexual dimporphism.
What is an example of the biological species concept?
In species interbreeding, offspring produced will be infertile:
Horse+Donkey=Infertile mule (hybrid)—Mule cannot produce offspring with other mule
HOWEVER some cases mules are fertile so rule is not strict
Why are there competing definitions of what a species is?
Both concepts, binomial (morphological) and biological have limitations ad biological systems are complex so there are competing definitions.
What is an example of diversity in chromosome numbers of plant and animal species (eukaryotes)?
Humans have 46 chromosomes in each diploid cell: 22 pairs of autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes
Chimpanzees have 48 chromosomes in each diploid cell: 23 pairs of autosomes and 2 sex chromososmes
[chimpanzees are our closest living relative, we share 98% of our DNA)
What is speciation?
The formation of new species from the splitting of one pre-existing species into two or more new species.