A3 - Audit Risks Flashcards
what is audit risk?
the risk that auditor may unknowingly fail to appropriately modify the opinion on the FS that are materially misstated
what are the types of misstatements?
- Factual misstatements: misstatements where there is no doubt. based on facts
- Judgmental misstatements: arising from the judgments of management, including recognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure in the FS; or selection/application of accounting policies; or misstatements related to accounting estimates
- Projected misstatements: auditor’s best estimate of misstatements or use of sampling and application to the client’s entire populations
what is audit risk model?
Audit Risk = RMM x Detection Risk
Audit Risk = Inherent Risk x Control Risk x Detection Risk
RMM = IR x CR = exists independently of the financial statement audit = both are client system that CPA assesses = auditor cannot change these two risks but auditor can change his/her assessment
what is inherent risk?
the susceptibility of a relevant assertion to a material misstatement, assuming that there are no related controls. Client’s environment/accounting system has errors (prevent)
Factors generally have a HIGH inherent risk:
- High volume transactions
- Complex calculations
- Amounts derived from estimates
- Cash
- Technology that renders a product obsolete
- Lack of working capital
- Decline in the overall industry or economy
what is control risk?
Risk that a MM that could occur in a relevant assertion will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis by the entity’s internal control
High if:
- No effective controls relative to the specific assertion
- Implemented controls are not operating effectively
- Not efficient to test the operating effectiveness of controls
what is detection risk?
- CPA control and change the (NET) in response to assessed level of RMM
- Risk that auditor misses or makes mistakes or accept MM
- A risk that the auditor will not detect a MM that exists in a relevant assertion
what is the relationship of RMM (IR x CR) and DR?
- They have INVERSE relationship
- RMM is high => DR is low (more work = accept less risk)
- RMM is low => the auditor can justify a higher detection risk (less work = accept more risk)
what is the relation of RMM and substantive tests?
- They have DIRECT relationship
- greater risk => requires more persuasive evidence, a larger sample size, and/or shift from interim to year-end testing