A3-A7: court cases & the precedents they established Flashcards
marbury v. madison
judicial review
dred scott v. sandford
court decides slaves who were descendatns of American slaves were not citiens of the US under article 3
bradwell v. illinois
refused to grant a woman a liscense to practice law in the courts of that state, on the ground that females are not eligible under the laws of that state
buck v bell
set a legal precedence that staets may sterilize inmates of public institutions
kelo v new london
The Court agreed with the city of New London and held that the government could take privately-owned land in order to turn it over to a private developer
obergefell v hodges
all same sex couples are guaranteed the right to marry
district of columbia v heller
citizens bearing arms was legal in DC ONLY
mcdonald v city of chicago
police officer who wanted to bear arms outside of work; ruled that citizens should bear arms everywhere
mapp v ohio
established precedence for 4th amendment
gideon v wainwright
establishes that we have the right to an attorney