A3 Flashcards
2 Shortcomings of Markowitz model
As number of securities increases, number of variables to be calculated increases dramatically
Due to large number of required estimates, some variables may be incorrectly estimated and model has nonsensical results
Single Index Model Advantages
Less # of estimates
Allows for specialization of effort in security analysis
A lot of data in broad index to estimate parameters
Components of risk premium
Systemic risk prem (Beta*E(R))
Nonmarket prem: alpha
How to estimate Betas and why necessary
Betas chnage over time
Simple model: a+bPastBeta
Additional Vars: a+b1PastBeta+b2FirmSize+b3DebtRatio
Single index model purpose
can estimate alphas, betas > expected return, variance of the portfolio, and then optimal risky portfolio