A2 S3 Flashcards
(Seeing Maureen)
M: Oh!
M: Hello
Are you who I think you are? Miss-
M: Yes, yes. You’ll be?
Yes, sorry, am I late?
M: Well, a little bit-
I am sorry. Not a good start. Sorry (Extends hand) Adam
M: Adam?
M: I thought you were Robin
Robin? No, Adam
M: Adam?
M: Yes, right. I’m Mo’reen
Sorry? Marnie?
M: No, Moreen
Oh, Mo,reen. Yes, right
M: Yes
So that’s how you pronounce it, is it? Mo’reen?
M: Yes, usually, yes
M-Y-F-A-N-W-Y. Mo’reen. Unusual
M: Pardon?
That is the correct Welsh way, is it?
M: Welsh way? What Welsh way?
In Welsh. You are Welsh I take it? With a name like Moreen I’d have guessed you were Welsh
M: No
What are you then?
M: My father is Irish. Through at through. And my mother is very slightly French
I see
M: My father’s a racing driver
M: Formula One
How exciting
M: Worrying, sometimes
Yes. Must be. Especially for your mother
M: yes… she’s an ex-ballet dancer
Sorry? A what?
An ex-ballet dancer
Oh. Ex-ballet dancer. I thought you said ex-belly dancer
M: No
Yes. I’m sorry. I had completely the wrong picture of you in my head from the description I was given of you
M: Description. Oh, you mean the print out
The what?
The computer print out. You got one on me, did you?
M: I got one of you
Did you?
M: Nothing personal. Just the broad details. Mind you, half of them were wrong. I don’t think I’d have recognized you, either
M: You weren’t even wearing your flower, were you?
M: I suppose if you’d been smoking your pipe I might have recognized you, I suppose
My pipe?
M: Yes
I don’t smoke a pipe
D: You want to order?
Well, I think we might like a drink first, mightn’t we?
D: Oh’s you?
Yes. Good evening
D: You with her?
A (To Maureen): You find someone then?
What? What’s he saying?
D: You got lucky, eh?
I’m sure you’d like another drink? What’s that you’re having
D: Tonic water. Cheap
Well, I think we should have something a bit more… What about… What could we have? Kir Royale perhaps?
M: Kir?
Yes, come on. Why not?
M: All right
Two Kir Royale
D: Two Kir Royale. You buying Kir Royale for her?
D: Two kir royale
Do you know him? The wiater?
M: I certainly don’t-
Funny, he seems to know you. Odd. Anyway, a bit about myself shall I? While we’re waiting. I mean, you’ve already told me something about you- and anyway- as you’re probably aware- you’ve already got quite a reputation within the business, anyway
M: Pardon
Well, in your own field. I mentioned your name to one or two close colleagues, they were really impressed-