Describe how gender beh.s are encouraged/discouraged
Direct: gender appropriate beh are reinforced
=> differential reinforcement: different behs reinforced depending on gender
Indirect (vicarious) reinforcement: seeing gender appropriate behs reinforced in others (role models)
Gender inappropriate beh.s can be weakened via direct and indirect (vicarious) punishment
Describe the mediational processes
Attention: noticing the beh of a role model
Retention: remembering the observed beh
Motor reproduction: consideration of the ability to replicate the beh
Motivation: the desire to replicate the beh
Describe the processes of identification and modelling
Identification: we’ll only imitate beh from a role model; ppl we identify with. They’re either similar to us or have desirable characteristics; in gender, we must identify with same sex role models. Child attaches themselves to these role models
Modelling: from role model’s point of view, it’s displaying the beh that will be imitated, from observer’s point of view, it’s the act of imitating the beh that the role model displays
Evaluate social learning theory of gender
(+) Smith and Lloyd (1978) dressed male and female babies in either gender appropriate or gender inappropriate clothing, then observed as adults played with them. Found that adults favoured giving gender stereotyped toys to babies based on their clothing; shows gender appropriate behs are reinforced right from a young age
(+) Block (1979) gave boys and girls the same toys and asked adults to play w/ the kids; boys were encouraged to be aggressive whilst girls were encouraged to be gentle; same toys so differential reinforcement
(-) Ignores any biological influence; see David Reimer case study
(-) Fails to explain how child’s gender identity dev.s w/ age; implies that even babies are fully aware of their gender