A2 - Engagement quality & acceptance, planning, and internal control Flashcards
Acceptance and Continuance
Firm’s ability to meet reporting deadlines.
Firm’s ability to staff engagement.
Integrity of client management.
Group audits.
Elements of Quality Control
Human Resources
Engagement/client acceptance and continuance.
Leadership responsibilities
Performance of engagement
Ethical requirements
Quality Control Nature & Extent
Firm size
Organizational structure
Nature & complexity of practice
Degree of operating autonomy
Cost-benefit considerations
Engagement quality standards for Nonissuer engagements
Engagement partner responsibilities for quality.
-Overall quality of engagement
Engagement quality control review.
-Evaluation of significant judgments and conclusions.
Engagement quality standards for Issuer engagements
Engagement quality reviewer.
-Partner not associated with engagement.
Engagement quality review process.
-Evaluate significant judgments, assessments, and responses to risk.
Concurring approval of issuance.
-Only if no significant engagement deficiencies.
Retention & Completion
SAS rules (Nonissuers)
-Five years from report release date.
-Final audit documentation file assembled within 60 days following report release date.
PCAOB rules (Issuers)
-Seven years from report release date.
-Documentation completion date is 45 days following the report release date.
COSO Framework
Control environment
-Commitment to ethics & integrity
-Board independence & oversight
-Organizational structure
-Commitment to competence
Risk assessment
-Specify objectives
-Identify & analyze risks
-Consider potential for fraud
-Identify & assess changes
Information & communication
-Obtain & use information
-Internally communicate information
-Communicate with external parties
Monitoring activities
-Ongoing and/or separate evaluations
-Communication of deficiencies
(Existing) Control activities
-Select & develop control activities
-Select & develop technology controls
-Deployment of policies & procedures
*Not strategic objectives
Control Activities
-Prenumbering of documents
-Authorization & approval of transactions
-Independent checks to maintain asset accountability
-Timely & appropriate financial performance reviews
-Information processing controls
-Physical or logical controls for safeguarding assets & information
-Segregation of duties (Authorization, Record keeping, Custody of related assets)
-Auditor’s understanding of control activities
Financial Statement Assertions
Valuation, Allocation, & Accuracy
Existence & Occurrence
Rights & Obligations
Understandability of presentation & classification
Audit Risk
Auditor unknowingly fail to appropriately modify opinion of material misstatement.
Occurs because of reasonable assumption rather than absolute.
Risk should be reduced to an appropriately low level before opinion is expressed. Typically assessed at low level.
Inherent Risk
Susceptibility of an assertion about a class of transactions, account balance, or disclosure to a material misstatement without regard to controls.
Control Risk
Material misstatement that could occur in an assertion about a class of transactions, account balance, or disclosure will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis by internal control.
Detection Risk
That the auditor will not detect material misstatement that exists in relevant assertion.
Inverse relationship to RMM (IR & CR)
Internal Auditor Assessment
Competence: Education, experience, performance evaluation, and quality of audit plan.
Objectivity: Organizational level auditor reports and policies prohibiting audit of areas.