A1 - Physical development across the life stages. Flashcards
What are the key features of growth and physical development : Birth and Infancy
Age - 0-2 years
- Infants grow rapidly.
- 2 years - half their adult height.
- 1 year - able to walk.
- 2 years - able to run.
What are the key features of growth and physical development : Early Childhood
Age - 3-8 years
- Continue to grow at steady pace.
- Continue to develop strength and coordination.
What are the key features of growth and physical development : Adolescence
Age - 9-18 years
- Experience growth spurts.
- Develop sexual characteristics during puberty.
What are the key features of growth and physical development : Early Adulthood
Age - 19-45 years
- Reach peak of physical fitness.
What are the key features of growth and physical development : Middle Adulthood
Age - 46-65 years
- Ageing process begins with some loss of strength and stamina.
- Women go through menopause.
What are the key features of growth and physical development : Later Adulthood
Age - 65 + years
- Ageing process continues.
- Gradual loss of mobility.
- Older adults would experience : loss of height (few cm).
What is ‘Growth’?
Growth is : An increase in some measured quantity, such as height or weight.
What is ‘Development’?
Development is : Complex changes including an increase in skills, abilities and capabilities.
What are the principles of Growth?
- An increase in quantity.
- Growth is continuous, rate isn’t smooth - can be periods of more rapid growth.
- There can be a difference in growth rates of two people (due to puberty and growth in infancy.)
- Growth rates differ between girls and boys.
- Growth rates vary at different parts of the body e.g. circum of head grows more rapidly than any other body part.
What are the principles of Development?
- From head - toe : infants will be able to control their head, then their body and finally over their legs / feet (in that order)
- From inside - outside : infants learn to control movements in their arms and legs then control small muscles in fingers etc.
- Same sequence but different rates.
- Holistically - areas of development are dependent on an influence each other.
What are Gross motor skills?
Gross motor skills are : Large movements that involve using the large muscles of the body which are required for mobility e.g. rolling
What are Fine motor skills?
Fine motor skills : Smaller movements that require more precise direction (dexterity) and use smaller muscles e.g. picking up a pencil.
Infancy (0-2 years) - Development milestones :
- Newborns : Helpless when it comes to coordination and control.
- 2 Years old : Infants develop and use both gross and fine motor skills as they become independent.
Infancy (0-2 years) -
Gross motor skills :
Gross motor skills :
Newborn - Primitive reflexes such as grasp.
1 Month - Lifts chin, some control of head.
3 Months - Can lift their head and chest when lying on front.
6 Months - Rolls over, can sit up for a short time without support, kicks legs when held up.
9-10 Months - Crawls, begins to cruise.
12-13 Months - Stands alone, can walk without help.
18 Months - Climbs onto furniture.
2 Years - Propels a sit-on toy with their feet, throws a large ball.
2.5 Years - Jumps from a low step, kicks a ball.
Infancy (0-2 years) -
Fine motor skills :
Fine motor skills :
Newborn - Holds their thumbs tucked into their hands.
1 Month - Opens hands to grasp a finger.
3 Months - Can briefly grasp a rattle.
6 Months - Moves objects from hand to hand, can pick up dropped toys if they are in sight.
9-10 Months - Uses finger and thumb to hold a small object.
12-13 Months - Manipulates and places toys.
18 Months - Builds a short tower with blocks.
2 Years - Draws lines and circles, turns a page.
2.5 Years - Uses a spoon and fork, builds a tower of 7-8 blocks.
Early Childhood (3-8 years) - Development of gross motor skills :
Gross motor skills :
- 3 years old : most children will be able to use pedals to ride a tricycle, run and balance on one foot for one second.
- 4 years old : children may be able to kick and throw a large ball.
- 5 years old : they can hop using each foot separately.
- 6/7 years old : may be able to skip or ride a bicycle.
- 8 years old : they will have good strength and body coordination so that they can take part in sports etc.
Early Childhood (3-8 years) - Development of fine motor skills :
Fine motor skills :
- 3 years old : children should be able to control their movements enough to use a pencil to copy letters or build a tower with cubes.
- 5 years old : most children should be able to dress and undress themselves and tie their shoelaces.
- 8 years old : they will have good control of their small muscles and be able to draw detailed pictures.
Adolescence (9-18 years) - Development of primary sexual characteristics :
Female :
- Uterus enlarges and vagina lengthens.
- The ovaries begin to release eggs.
- The menstrual cycle commences.
Male :
- Enlargement of penis and testes.
- Spontaneous erections caused by blood flowing into chambers in the penis may happen.
- The testicles begin to produce spermatozoa (sperm), beginning of ejacualtion.
Adolescence (9-18 years) - Development of secondary sexual characteristics :
Female :
- Breasts develop and the areola (the area around the nipple) swells and darkens.
- Hair grows in armpits and pubic area.
- Redistribution of body fat causing hips to widen.
Male :
- Changes in larynx (Adam’s apple) causing voice to deepen.
- Hair grows in armpits and pubic area, facial hair.
- Redistribution of muscle tissue and fat.
Adolescence (9-18 years) - Role of hormones in sexual maturity :
Female - Oestrogen and Progesterone
- Ovaries produce Oestrogen and Progesterone which are responsible for ovulation and menstruation.
- First period is significant, indicated onset of fertility.
Male - Testosterone
- Testes start to produce testosterone stimulating sperm production.
- Indicates onset of fertility.
Early Adulthood (19-45 years) - Physical strength peaks :
Physical strength peaks -
- Reach peak of physical performance by 19-28 years of age.
- Reached their full height and strength, reaction time and manual dexterity are also at their peak.
- Exercise and a healthy diet can help to develop physical fitness and athletic skills into middle adulthood.
Early Adulthood (19-45 years) - Pregnancy and lactation :
Pregnancy and lactation -
- Women may experience physical and emotional changes in preparation for parenthood - mood swings.
- Increase in progesterone which maintains pregnancy.
- Increase in oestrogen is responsible for sickness some suffer when pregnant.
- Effect shape and appearance of a woman’s breasts.
Early Adulthood (19-45 years) - Perimenopause :
Perimenopause -
- Lasts until menopause (when ovaries stop releasing eggs) - lasts around 4 years.
- Reduction in oestrogen causes physical and emotional symptoms.
Early Adulthood (19-45 years) - Perimenopause symptoms :
Symptoms :
- Hot flushes / night sweats
- Breast tenderness
- Loss of libido (low sex drive)
- Fatigue
- Irregular / heavy periods
- Vaginal dryness / discomfort during sex
- Mood swings
- Trouble sleeping
- Urine leakage when coughing / sneezing
- Urinary urgency
Middle Adulthood (46-65 years) - Menopause :
Menopause :
- Risk of miscarriage / pregnancy complications rises with age.
- Involves :
- Gradual ending of menstruation / large reduction of fertile eggs in the ovaries.
- Increase in the production of hormones called gonadotropins that stimulate egg production, causing irritability, hot flushes and night sweats.
- Reduction in the sex hormones produced by the ovaries, resulting in shrinkage and sexual organs and sometimes a reduction in sexual interest.
- Associated problems such as osteoporosis, which can be caused by a reduction in the production of sex hormones.
Middle Adulthood (46-65 years) - Effects of ageing process :
Effects of ageing process :
- Put on weight as they age, ‘middle aged spread’.
- Change in body shape : increased weight and waistline, loss of skin elasticity and loss of muscle tone and strength.
Later Adulthood (65+ years) - Deterioration of health :
Deterioration of health :
- Changes in body system and organs which could be a result of disease and can impact on an individuals lifestyle.
- By 80 may have lost as much as 5 cm in height.
- Caused by changes in posture and compression of the spinal discs and joints.
- Loss of strength and muscle loss and reduction in stamina.
- Mobility and dexterity become more difficult - accident may occur.
- Visual and hearing problems may interfere in daily life.
Later Adulthood (65+ years) - Deterioration of intellectual abilities :
Deterioration of intellectual abilities :
- Major depressive disorders tend to go undiagnosed.
- Alzheimer’s / Parkinson’s disease are common in older people.
What is ‘Cognitive impairment’?
Cognitive impairment :
When a person has trouble remembering, learning new skills, concentrating or making decisions that affect their everyday life.