A1 - Cyber Security Threats (Internal) Flashcards
A - Cyber Security Threats, System Vulnerabilities and Security Protection Methods
What is an Internal threat
➡ An internal threat refers to the risk of somebody from the inside of a company who could exploit a system in a way to cause damage or steal data
➡These kinds of threats are particularly troubling, as employees are expected to be trusted individuals that are granted extended privileges, which can easily be abused.
Employee Sabotage and Theft of Data and/or Physical Equipment
➡ Employees have the privilege of accessing a wide range of physical equipment inside of a company, with only trust to prevent them from damaging or stealing it. This means that hardware like hard drives, containing lots of important data, can be physically stolen from the company; otherwise, the data on it can be transferred to a USB flash drive and then revealed and duplicated online.
Unauthorized Access by Employees
➡ As employees already have access to a system within a company, they may be able to obtain access to areas of these computers they shouldn’t and steal data
➡ They may also sometimes have, or maliciously obtain, administrative privileges that allow them to perform further administrative functions:
- changing access rights of other users
- deactivating network security tools
Accidental Loss or Disclosure of Data
➡ the same security vulnerabilities that allow malicious behaviour may also permit simple accidents to occur and cause a lot of damage, such as:
- An employee may carry their laptop to and from work. When doing so, they may forget it on the train back home one day – this means that anybody that gets a hold of the laptop may have access to all the information stored on there, potentially exposing important data.
- An employee could spill a drink on a hardware device.
Accidental Loss or Disclosure of Data (2)
➡ Some of these accidents can be a result of:
- The limited time invested into properly training and monitoring staff
- Educating staff on how to keep their devices secure
- Acceptable use of the businesses IT systems, which will prevent a wide range of threats.
➡ Furthermore, we can ensure poor practices are not being followed and can identify where the damage occurred through monitoring:
- Such as with keyloggers
- Access logs
- Remote monitoring software,