A1 - Audit Reports Flashcards
The audit standard guideline “Statements on Auditing Standards” or SAS (AU-C) provides generally accepted auditing standards for whom? What is the standard-setting body of SAS?
SAS provides services to non-issuers (private companies) and the standard setting body is the AICPA ASB
The audit standard guideline “Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Auditing Standards” or PCAOB AS provides generally accepted auditing standards for whom? What is the standard-setting body of PCAOB AS?
PCAOB AS provides services to issuers (public companies) and the standard setting body is the PCAOB
The audit standard guideline “Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards” or GAGAS provides guidance for audits of what? What is the standard-setting body of GAGAS?
GAGAS provides guidance to audits of governmental organizations, programs, activities, and of entities that receive government funds and the standard setting body is the Governmental Accountability Office
Other engagements standard guideline “Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagement” or SSAE (AT-C) provides guidance for what engagements? What is the standard-setting body of SSAE?
SSAE provides guidance for attestation engagements and the standard setting body is the AICPA
Other engagements standard guideline “Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services” or SSARS (AR-C) provides guidance for whom? What is the standard-setting body of SSARS?
SSARS provides guidance to non-issuers (private companies) and the standard setting body is the AICPA
Standard guideline “Code of Professional Conduct” (ET) provides guidance for whom? What is the standard-setting body of Code of Professional Conduct?
Code of Professional Conduct provides guidance to AICPA members and the standard setting body is the AICPA
Standard guideline “Statement on Quality Control Standards” (QC) provides guidance for whom? What is the standard-setting body of Statement on Quality Control Standards?
Code of Professional Conduct provides guidance to CPA firms about quality control systems and the standard setting body is the AICPA
public companies (must perform an integrated audit of FS and internal controls with PCAOB standards)
private companies (must perform either a FS audit only or an integrated audit of FS and internal controls with AICPA ASB standards)
Summary of the audit process
- Engagement Acceptance
- Assess Risk and Plan Response
- Perform Procedures and Obtain Evidence
- Form Conclusions
- Reporting
Acceptable financial reporting frameworks
- Special purpose frameworks
Management’s responsibilities:
- preparation and fair presentation of FS in accordance with the appropriate framework
- design, implementation, and maintenance of internal controls
- providing the auditors with access to information and the appropriate personnel to complete the audit
Management’s preparation and fair presentation of FS requires:
- identification and application of the framework
- preparation and fair presentation of FS in accordance with the appropriate framework
- inclusion of an adequate description of the framework in the FS
Auditor’s responsibilities:
expressing an opinion of the FS
- maintaining professional skepticism
- complying with ethical requirements
- exercising professional judgment
- obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence
- complying with GAAS
(T/F) An auditor should neither assume that management is dishonest nor assume unquestioned honesty. A belief that management is honest and has integrity does not relieve the auditor of the need to maintain professional skepticism or allow the auditor to be satisfied with less than persuasive evidence.
(T/F) The auditor must be independent of an entity when performing an engagement in accordance with GAAS unless: a) GAAS provides other guidance; or b) the auditor is required by law or regulation to accept the engagement and report on the FS
(T/F) Weak internal controls = adverse opinion
In certain engagements, auditors may be required to comply with other audit requirements in addition with GAAS. The auditor may conduct the audit in accordance with both GAAS and:
- auditing standards issued by the PCAOB
- International Standards on auditing (ISAs)
- government auditing standards (GAGAS)
- auditing standards of a specific jurisdiction or country
Reasonable assurance
high, but not absolute, level of assurance
The auditor must obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to afford a reasonable basis for the opinion
In order to obtain reasonable assurance, an auditor must:
- plan the work and properly supervise any assistants
- determine and apply appropriate materiality levels
- identify and assess risks of material misstatement
- obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Objectives of FS audit:
- to obtain reasonable assurance
2. to report on the FS
Objectives of audit of internal controls over FS:
- express an opinion on the effectiveness of internal controls
- plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
(T/F) The auditor refers to GAAS for guidelines on how to perform the audit
(T/F) The auditor refers to the financial reporting framework to evaluate whether the transactions are recorded and reported fairly in the FS
(T/F) When an auditor expresses an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion on the complete FS, the auditor’s report should not also include an unmodified (unqualified) opinion on a single financial item
Unmodified or Unqualified Opinion (clean)?
states that the financial statements present fairly in all material respects the information of the entity in conformity with the applicable financial reporting framework
“Unmodified” is used for nonissuers
“Unqualified is used for issuers
Three types of modified opinions:
- Qualified opinion
- Adverse opinion
- Disclaimer of opinion
Qualified opinion? (GAAP FS issues)
misstatements (individually or in the aggregate) are material, but not pervasive to the financial statements
Adverse opinion? (GAAP FS issues)
misstatements (individually or in the aggregate) are material and pervasive to the financial statements
(T/F) The auditor’s report date shows the final date of auditor responsibility (unqualified). For comparative FS, the audit report date for the most recent audit should be used.
Presentation of an unmodified opinion (nonissuer = private company):
Title: “Independent Auditor’s Report”
- Report on the FS (introductory paragraph): identify entity being audited, state that the FS have been audited, identify the titles of the FS, and specify dates covered
- Management Responsibilities: FS, internal controls, and providing auditors with evidence
- Auditor’s Responsibilities: express an opinion, statement that states the audit was conducted in accordance to standards, statement that describes “to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the FS are free from material misstatement, a description of the audit, etc.
- Opinion: identification of the auditing reporting framework and its origin
- Report on other legal and regulatory requirements: not required unless there are additional responsibilities
- Signature of the auditor
- Audit firm address
- Date of auditor’s report: should not be dated earlier than the date on which the auditor obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Within the unmodified audit opinion (nonissuer), which paragraph gives reference to GAAS?
Auditor’s responsibility paragraph
Within the unmodified audit opinion (nonissuer), which paragraph gives reference to GAAP?
Management’s responsibility paragraph & the opinion paragraph
Presentation of an unqualified opinion (issuer = public company):
Title: “Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm”
Addressed to shareholders and board of directors
- Opinion Section (introductory paragraph): mix of the unmodified report’s introductory & opinion paragraphs
- Basis for Opinion Section: mix of the unmodified reports’ auditor and management responsibility paragraphs
- Critical Accounting Matters: any CAMs identified should be described in this section
- Signature, Tenure, and Location
- Report date: shows final date of audit responsibilities
If a CAM (Critical Audit Matter) is identified, the auditor must: (IPAD)
- identify the CAM
- principle considerations that led to the CAM must be described
- address how the CAM was part of the audit
- disclosures must be referenced
Within the unqualified audit opinion (issuer), which paragraph gives reference to PCAOB?
Basis for Opinion Section
Within the unqualified audit opinion (issuer), which paragraph gives reference to GAAP?
Opinion on the FS section
Common GAAP problems identified in the process of creating an audit opinion:
- GAAP consistency change (not justified)
- Inadequate disclosures
- Departure from GAAP (not justified)
- Unreasonable accounting estimates
(T/F) By omitting the statement of CF, the auditor may create a qualified or an adverse opinion depending on the materiality level.
Presentation of a qualified opinion due to FS issues or audit issues (NONissuer = private company):
Title: “Independent Auditor’s Report”
- Report on the FS (introductory paragraph): identify entity being audited, state that the FS have been audited, identify the titles of the FS, and specify dates covered
- Management Responsibilities: FS, internal controls, and providing auditors with evidence
- Auditor’s Responsibilities: “auditor believes that the audit evidence obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for the qualified audit opinion”
- Basis for Qualified Opinion: description and quantification of the effects of any misstatement, explanation of how any disclosures may be misstated, description of the nature of omitted information and inclusion of the omitted information, when practicable.
- Qualified Opinion: “except for the effects of the matter described in the basis for qualified opinion paragraph, the FS are presented fairly