A03 Flashcards
elections of uk and america
Atwood’s novel offers a strongly feminist vision of dystopia. She wrote it shortly after
the elections of Ronald Reagan in the United States and Margaret Thatcher in Great
Britain, during a period of conservative revival in the West partly fueled by a strong,
well-organized movement of religious conservatives who criticized what they
perceived as the excesses of the “sexual revolution” of the 1960s and 1970s. The
growing power of this “religious right” heightened feminist fears that the gains
women had made in previous decades would be reversed.
In The Handmaid’s Tale, Atwood explores the consequences of a reversal of
women’s rights. In the novel’s nightmare world of Gilead, a group of conservative
religious extremists has taken power and turned the sexual revolution on its head.
Feminists argued for liberation from traditional gender roles, but Gilead is a society
founded on a “return to traditional values” and gender roles, and on the subjugation
of women by men. What feminists considered the great triumphs of the
1970s—namely, widespread access to contraception, the legalization of abortion,
and the increasing political influence of female voters—have all been undone.
Women in Gilead are not only forbidden to vote, they are forbidden to read or write.
Atwood’s novel also paints a picture of a world undone by pollution and infertility,
reflecting 1980s fears about declining birthrates, the dangers of nuclear power, and
-environmental degradation.
1970 stanford experiment
demonstrated how easily it was for everyone to participate in oppression if the chance was given
1960 usa race riots
cattle prods were used
17th century america puritan
theorcracy with strict rules ,
iran and afghanistan - actual theocratic regimes
serena joy is based on philis schafly
believed that desiring gender equality is going against human nature
corporal punishment and the old testamnent
it was allowed to hit ur slaves
rageanomics and thatcherism
1980s usa womens rights and sexual revolution were in threat and margret had cvery conservative ideals