A02 Flashcards
What is the context for users need for brevity (Thurlow’s maxims)
The need for brevity context
Some of these language changes, such as abbreviations and acronyms, have occurred due to technological constraints.
For example, older SMS and apps like Twitter impose character limits on what you can write and post, meaning people have had to adapt their language.
These methods of shortening text allow people to fully express themselves whilst adhering to technological constraints.
What does texting encourages kids to do
Texting in a format where there are fewer concerns about grammar and spelling allows children to practice and engage with language and communicate more freely which can help lead to an increase in writing in the children’s future.
Concerns surrounding texting and language deterioration outlined - from an educational perspective
- they do not always adhere to conventional written language rules and use a register that is called textese.
- In this register, children make use of phonetic replacements, such as ur instead of your and acronyms, such as lol and drop words
- This has led to the assumption that characteristics of textese may leak into children’s general writing, ultimately resulting in language deterioration.
How might technology adversely effect cognitive development
Yet another understudied area is the connection between use of textese and children’s cognitive development.
Previous studies have shown that young people who often switch between different media types and non-media (e.g. watching television while doing homework), have lower executive functions.
As many young children nowadays own a (smart)phone they may also be prone to this effect.
Textese resembling the ability of bilingual kids
Children who are proficient in textese, might have similar advantages as bilingual children have, as they might be considered a special type of bilinguals —having to switch between formal written language and textese.
- This is so because various studies have shown superior performance on executive function tasks by bilingual children over monolingual children.
- This is bidilectalism (John Mcwhorter)
Pros of the these
- It’s fun and encourages children to play with language without having to worry about spelling conventions. This, in turn, might positively affect children’s attitudes towards other activities associated with literacy
- it increases children’s exposure to text which in turn is related to better reading skills
- Textisms are phonologically based (such as ‘2night’ instead of ‘tonight), use of textese is often linked to phonological or phonetic awareness which is associated with reading attainment
Are children aware of the difference between standard forms and textese?
Previous studies have shown that children know that textisms are not appropriate in, for example, school work. Hence, they are aware of the different registers they can employ.
According to Craig, this strengthens children’s metalinguistic awareness.
What are emojis?
Prosodic features
In favour of emoji use
- Their ability to transcend language barriers. Regardless of one’s native language,their universality promotes inclusivity and fosters cross-cultural communication, making conversations more accessible and enjoyable.
- Through incorporating Emojis into our conversations; we can reduce ambiguity and enhance clarity, which in turn provides a way to express emotions, add context, and foster empathy and understanding in computer mediated conversations
- Emojis not only facilitate effective communication but also serve as a creative outlet. They allow individuals to express the idiolectisms found in their speech - adding a touch of individuality to their messages
Against the use of emojis
- Cultural differences: the thumbs-up symbol has historically been seen as an offensive gesture in Greece and the Middle East, even though in Western society this is seen as a sign of approval.
- Some argue that the excessive use of Emojis may contribute to a decline in language proficiency and the erosion of traditional grammar and vocabulary, and that relying too heavily on Emojis can diminish our ability to articulate thoughts and ideas in a nuanced and precise manner.
How is twitter more similar to speech than writing
Turn-taking, causal register, written representation of pauses or noises we make in speech
How many years have abbreviations been around for?
Over 100. This indicates the long-standing use of abbreviations in written communication.
What percentage of words in a text are abbreviated?
(Which theorist)
10%. Not that prevalent.
Why is leaving letters out of a text not a problem? (David Crystal)
Because we know they are there in the first place. We take them out to gain covert prestige. This reflects the understanding and context that readers have when interpreting texts.