A. words and phrases Flashcards
the morning (f) - defines a precise time period
la matinee
i always drink coffee in the morning (m)
the morning, i drink always of coffee
le matin, je bois toujours du cafe
i work the whole morning (f)
i work whole the morning
je travaille toute la matinee
to do the fat morning (sleep in/lazy morning)
faire la grasse matinee
or what ? ( at the end of a sentence)
ou quoi ?
are you coming or what ?
you coming or what ? FAMILIAR
tu viens, ou quoi ?
the surroundings
to surround (to go on tour in the surrounds)
les alentours
the surroundings of bordeaux are very pretty
les alentours de bordeaux sont tres jolis
around (relating to time)
to the surrounding of
aux alentours de
my wife is arriving around 8 pm this evening
ma femme arrive aux alentours de vingt heures ce soir
a crust (to grab a small bite)
une croute
to grab a bite
break a crust
casser une croute
a snack
a broken crust
un casse-croute
the end (the end of the boot), the tip
le bout
at the end of
and by extension can be at the end of the period or simply after
au bout de
at the end of the street
au bout de la rue
after half an hour
at the end of an half hour
au bout d’une demi-heure