A. words and phrases Flashcards
months of the year
janvier fevrier mars avril mai juin julliet aout septembre octobre novembre decembre
a month
un mois
mensuel (le)
provide information
provide teaching
can you give me some information please ?
can you me information please ?
pouvez-vous me renseigner s’il vous plait ?
information desk
fill out this form, please
information this form, please
renseignez cette fiche, s’il vous plait
not occupied
are you free ? (to a taxi driver)
etes-vous libre ?
feel free to browse
entrance free
entree libre
heard - to acknowledge that you have heard and agree with someone
to hear (past participle)
entendre - to hear
we are leaving at 10 am - right
we leave at 10 am - heard
nous partons a dix heures - entendu
to understand, past participle
service included
service compris
all inclusive
tout compris
an eye
the eyes - lazy eyes
un oeil
les yeux
to take a look at, to glance at
throw an eye
jeter un oeil
ladies, misses, gentlemen
mesdames, mesdemoiselles et messieurs
fear of pears
i’m very scared
i have very scared
j’ai tres peur
you’re right, it’s not expensive
tu as raison, ce n’est pas cher
good market
bon marche
this sports shop is really inexpensive
this shop of sport is really inexpensive (2 answers)
ce magasin de sport est vraiment bon marche
ce magasin n’est pas cher
common way of asking is something is suitable = is it okay with you ?
it you okay ?
ca vous va ?
ca te va ?
the hotel costs 150 euros per night. is that okay with you ?
it you okay?
l’hotel coutent cent-cinquante euros la nuit. ca te va ?
it is okay with me
it me okay / it us okay
ca me va / ca nous va