A Visual Guide to Uterine Fibroids Flashcards
What is fibroid uterus ( uterine fibroids, uterine leiomyoma)?
Uterine fibroids (leiomyomata) are noncancerous (abnormal) growths that develop in or just outside a woman’s uterus (womb). Uterine fibroids develop from normal uterus muscle cells that start growing abnormally. As the cells grow, they form a benign tumor.
It is unclear why fibroids develop, but several factors may influence their formation, such as hormones and family history. About 70 to 80 percent of women experience fibroids by the age of 50. Sometimes, these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (noncancerous). The cause of fibroids is unknown.
Symptoms of Fibroids: Pressure
Fibroids may cause very mild symptoms or none at all. In women who do feel symptoms, these uterine growths can cause:
- Pressure on the bladder or rectum
- Frequent urination
- Constipation and/or rectal pain
- Lower back and/or abdominal pain
If fibroids become very large, they can distend the stomach, making a woman look pregnant.
Symptoms of Fibroids: Period Changes
Fibroids may also cause changes to a woman’s period, including:
- Mild to severe cramping and pain
- Heavier bleeding, sometimes with blood clots
- Longer or more frequent menstruation
- Spotting or bleeding between periods
Fibroids or Endometriosis?
Fibroids are one cause of severe menstrual pain, but the pain also can be caused by endometriosis. Endometriosis occurs when tissue from the inner lining of the uterus grows in other parts of the body – illustrated here by growths on the outside of the uterus and bladder. This tissue breaks down and bleeds during your period, causing painful scar tissue. The pain of fibroids or endometriosis also can occur between periods.
What Causes Fibroids?
The exact cause of fibroids is unknown. Their growth has been linked to the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone are the hormones produced by the ovaries. They cause the uterine lining to regenerate during each menstrual cycle and may stimulate the growth of fibroids. Studies have found that women who start their periods at a younger age are more likely to develop fibroids. Although taking female hormones is linked to fibroids, the use of birth control pills is not.
Types of Fibroids:
- Intramural fibroids, the most common, grow in the wall of the uterus and can make it feel bigger. In other words, Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These types appear within the lining of the uterus (endometrium). Intramural fibroids may grow larger and actually stretch your womb.
- Subserosal fibroids grow (form) on the outside of the uterus, which is called the serosa. As they grow larger, they can cause pain due to their size or pressure put on nearby organs. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side.
- Submucosal fibroids grow just underneath the uterine lining and can crowd into the uterus cavity and lead to heavy bleeding and other more serious complications. These types of tumors develop in the inner lining (myometrium) of your uterus. Submucosal tumors are not as common as other types, but when they do develop, they may cause heavy menstrual bleeding and trouble conceiving.
- Pedunculated fibroids grow on small stalks inside or outside the uterus. In other words, when subserosal tumors develop a stem (a slender base that supports the tumor), they become pedunculated fibroids.
It’s possible to have more than one type of fibroid.
Who Gets Fibroids?
Who Is at Risk for Fibroids?
While it’s unclear why women develop fibroids, some patterns have been observed.
- They usually occur between the ages of 30 and 40.
- They are more common in black women. (being of African-American descent)
- They grow more quickly and appear at a younger age in black women.
- Having a family member with fibroids increases a woman’s risk. (Fibroids may run in the family. If your mother, sister, or grandmother has a history of this condition, you may develop it as well.)
- Being overweight or obese (having a high body weight) and having high blood pressure also may increase your risk.
- Pregnancy. Pregnancy increases the production of estrogen and progesterone in your body. Fibroids may develop and grow rapidly while you are pregnant.
Complications: Fibroids and Anemia
Some women with fibroids who experience unusually heavy bleeding during their periods may become anemic. Many cases of anemia due to iron deficiency from periods are mild and can be treated with a change in diet and iron supplement pills. Untreated anemia can lead to fatigue and lethargy – and, in severe cases, heart problems.
Complications: Getting Pregnant
Fibroids usually do not interfere with fertility and pregnancy. However, some women with fibroids experience more pregnancy complications and delivery risks. Fibroids may cause pelvic pain and heavy bleeding after delivery, which may require surgery. In some instances, fibroids may block your fallopian tubes. Fibroids growing along the inner uterine wall may make it difficult for a fertilized egg to attach.
When to See a Doctor?
See your health care provider if you have the following fibroid symptoms:
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Periods that became more painful
- Frequent urination or inability to control the flow of urine
- A change in the length of your period over three to six cyclesNew persistent pain or heaviness in lower abdomen or pelvis
Diagnosis: Exam and Imaging
Your doctor may feel moderate and large uterine fibroids during a routine pelvic exam. Tests, such as an ultrasound, can show information about size and location of other fibroids. For women with fibroids who are trying to get pregnant, a test called a hysterosalpingogram will show an outline of the uterus and fallopian tubes and may detect abnormalities. Other procedures to visualize the inside of the uterus or abdomen also may be needed.
You will need to see a gynecologist to get a pelvic exam. This exam is used to check the condition, size, and shape of your uterus. You may also need other tests, which include:
An ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of your uterus on a screen. This will allow your doctor to see its internal structures and any fibroids present. A transvaginal ultrasound, in which the ultrasound wand (transducer) is inserted into the vagina, may provide clearer pictures since it is closer to the uterus during this procedure.
Pelvic MRI
This in-depth imaging testing produces pictures of your uterus, ovaries, and other pelvic organs.
Treatment: Pain Medication
Pain medications, such as acetaminophen, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like as ibuprofen or naproxen, can help relieve menstrual cramping.
Treatment: Birth Control
Oral contraceptives manage levels of estrogen and progestin. This usually leads to lighter periods and can alleviate some of the pain associated with fibroids, such as heavy bleeding and cramping. Other hormonal birth control methods that may lessen fibroid symptoms include progestin injections or progestin-releasing IUDs.
Other Hormone Therapies
Drugs called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists may offer temporary symptom relief from fibroids by stopping periods and shrinking fibroids. GnRH agonists block the production of estrogen, so they can also cause bone loss, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness. Fibroids will return to their previous size once treatment ends. These may be used to shrink fibroids before fibroid removal surgery.
Medications to regulate your hormone levels may be prescribed to shrink fibroids. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, such as leuprolide (Lupron), will cause your estrogen and progesterone levels to drop. This will eventually stop menstruation and shrink fibroids.
Other options that can help control bleeding and pain, but will not shrink or eliminate fibroids, include:
- an intrauterine device (IUD) that releases the hormone progestin
- over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relievers, such as ibuprofen
- birth control pills
Treatment: Embolization
For mild to moderate symptoms, uterine fibroid embolization may be a good option. A catheter is guided to the uterine artery. Tiny particles of plastic or gelatin are then released into the blood vessels that feed the fibroid, causing it to shrink over time. Embolization should not be an option for women wanting to get pregnant at some point after treatment.
Treatment: Surgery
A myomectomy typically removes the largest fibroid. It’s is an option for women who want to still have children. A hysterectomy is when the uterus is removed. There is a small chance that what was thought to be a fibroid could instead be a cancer called uterine sarcoma. For this reason, the FDA recommends not cutting the fibroid into small sections before removing it, a process called laparoscopic morcellation. Endometrial ablation, which is good for treating smaller fibroids, destroys the lining of the uterus, so pregnancy is not possible.
Treatment: Ultrasound
Ultrasound is one way to destroy fibroids without risk of damaging the uterus. The treatment uses high-intensity ultrasound waves that kill the fibroid tissue. Most women recover quickly from this procedure and can return to regular activities within 24 hours. The long-term effects are still being studied, and it is not recommended for women who want to become pregnant.
An ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of your uterus on a screen. This will allow your doctor to see its internal structures and any fibroids present. A transvaginal ultrasound, in which the ultrasound wand (transducer) is inserted into the vagina, may provide clearer pictures since it is closer to the uterus during this procedure.
Multiple treatments exist for fibroids, and women who have no negative symptoms associated with their fibroids may not even need treatment.
The most drastic treatment for fibroids is hysterectomy (removal of the entire uterus)—a treatment that would obviously not work for anyone who has a goal of getting pregnant again.
Medications that can shrink fibroids also exist, as do other surgical procedures that are less drastic than hysterectomy. One procedure called uterine artery embolizationhalts the blood supply to the fibroid and has shown increasing success, but the safety of pregnancy after the procedure is unknown.
A surgery called myomectomy is usually a top choice for a woman who is hoping to get pregnant again. In a myomectomy, the doctor surgically removes the fibroid, sometimes via a hysteroscope or a laparoscope.
The downside of myomectomy as a fibroid treatment is a significant chance of the fibroid recurring; 10% to 25% of women who choose myomectomy as a fibroid treatment will need a repeat myomectomy in the future because of new fibroids. In addition, women who have had a myomectomy may have an increased risk of uterine rupture during pregnancy and will need to be followed extra closely during prenatal care.
Fibroid Remedy: Exercise
Regular exercise may prevent fibroids. In one study, women who exercised seven or more hours a week had significantly fewer fibroids than women who exercised less than two hours a week. Obesity also is a risk factor for fibroids. So exercising regularly can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your fibroid risk.
Care for Anemia
Women with fibroids who are not getting enough iron through diet alone may develop anemia, where the body has fewer red blood cells than normal. Symptoms include fatigue, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Treatment may include eating more iron-rich foods, such as meats, poultry, fish, leafy greens, legumes, and iron-fortified breads and cereals. Your health care provider also may suggest iron supplements.
•Laproscopic Surgery
It (also called minimally invasivesurgery (MIS), bandaid surgery, or keyhole surgery,) is a modern surgical technique in which operations are performed far from their location through small incisions(usually 0.5–1.5 cm) elsewhere in the body.
What are the differences and similarities between a uterine fibroid and uterine leiomyosarcoma?
Uterine fibroids, also known as uterine leiomyoma, are common among women. They are almost always benign, and they have a good prognosis. But they are not to be confused with uterine leiomyoscarcomas, which are a rare type of uterine sarcoma; they are cancerous tumors, and they come with a poor prognosis.
It is not believed that these leiomyosarcomas begin as fibroids, nor that having fibroids increases your risk of developing a leiomyosarcoma or other uterine cancers. Both can be painless masses and both can grow, but a leiomyosarcoma may grow more quickly than a fibroid.
Key characteristics of uterine leiomyosarcoma include: Invasive, necrotic, and hemorrhagic
- May cause non-menstrual vaginal bleeding
- Usually diagnosed at age 50 and older
- Cancerous
Why Fibroids Are Related to Miscarriages?
According to a 2000 study, fibroids are the exclusive culprits in 5% of women who are infertile or miscarry. Doctors believe that the reason why fibroids cause problems for some women and not others has to do with the type and size of the fibroid and its location in the uterus.
For instance, if the fibroid is closer to the middle of the uterus, where a fertilized egg is more likely to implant, then the fibroid is more likely to cause a miscarriage. Fibroids that stick out into the uterine cavity and change its shape (submucous fibroids) and ones that are within the uterine cavity (intracavity fibroids) are more likely to cause miscarriages than ones that are within the uterine wall (intramural fibroids) or bulge outside the uterine wall (subserosal fibroids). A large fibroid tends to be more problematic than a small one.
The bigger a fibroid is, the more blood vessels it contains, and the more it can take blood flow away from the uterus and a developing fetus.