A Secret Sorrow Flashcards
Refers to recurrence of stressed and unstressed sounds in poetry
Connotations define
associations and implications that go beyond a word’s literal meanings
Sarcasm define
verbal irony that is calculated to hurt someone by false praise
Setting define
context in which the action of a story occurs
Extended Metaphor
Sustained comparison in which part or all of a poem consists of a series of related metaphors
2 parts of tone:
writers attitude
mood by all elements of poem
Style define
distinctive manner in which a writer arranges words to achieve particular effects
subdivision of an act in drama.
consist of units of action in which there are no changes in the setting or break in the continuity of time in modern plays
Understatement define
says less than is intended
Near rhyme define
sounds are almost but not exactly alike
Personification define
attribution of human characteristics to nonhuman things
Oxymoron define
condesned form of a paradox in which two contradictory words are used together
Middle diction define
spoken by most education people, less formal level of diction
Prose Form
Kind of open form poetry that is printed as prose and represents the most clear opposite of fixed form poetry
Onomatopoeia define
use of a word that resembles the sound it denotes
Informal diction define
slang, informal. ex: Hazels tells laverne poem
Voice used by an author to tell a story or speak a poem
Anagrams examples:
Alliteration define
repetition of the same consonant sounds at the beginnings of nearby words
Written text of a play that includes dialogue between characters, stage directions, and often other expository info.
Paraphrase define
prose restatement of the central ideas of a poem in your own language
foil define
helps to reveal BY CONTRAST the distinctive qualities of another character
Italian Sonnet
Sonnet divided into an octave
Lyric define
brief, poem that expresses personal emotions and thoughts of a single speaker
characteristic of a literary genre that is understood and accepted by the audiences because it has come, through usage and time, to be recognized as a family technique
Emphasis or accent given a syllable in a pronunciation
Assonance define
repetition of same vowel sound in nearby words
Apostrophe define
adress to either someone who is absent and therefore cannot hear the speaker or to someone nonhuman that cannot comprehend
Theme define
central idea or meaning
general term for a work of dramatic literature
Narrative poem define
poem that tells a story
English Sonnet
Organized into three quatrains and a couplet, which typically rhyme
Figures of speech define
a way of saying one thing in terms of something else
Pause within a line of poetry that contributes to the rhythm of the line
struggle within the plot between opposing forces
Anagrams define
words made from letters of other words
Process of measuring stresses in a line of a verse in order to determine the metrical pattern of a line
Iambic Pentameter
Metrical pattern in poetry that consists of five iambic feet per line
central meaning or dominant idea in a literary work
Persona define
speaker created by the poet
conventional symbol example:
christian cross, star of david
Type of fixed-form poetry consisting of nineteen lines of any length divided into stanzas; five tercets and a concluding quatrain
End-stopped line
Poetic line that has a pause at the end
Paradox define
statement that initially appears to be self-contradictory but that, on closer inspection, turns out to make sense
Verbal irony define
consists of a person saying one things but meaning the opposite
recurrence of stressed and unstressed sounds
Satire define
example of literary art of ridiculing a folly or vice in an effort to expose or correct it
Exact rhymes define
have same stressed vowel sounds as well as any sounds that follow the vowel
Ambiguity define
allows for two or more simultaneous interpretations of a word, a phrase, an action, or a situation, all of which can be supported by the context of a work
major division in the action of the play
Connotative meanings are usually what?
Public meanings
places more emphasis on one syllable than another
Tone define
writers attitude towards the subject, the mood created by all the elements in the poem
Epic define
long narrative poem on a serious subject chronicling heroic deeds and important events
a writer who makes plays
Open form
Does not form to establish patterns of meter, rhyme, and stanza
Syntax define
ordering of words into meaningful verbal patterns
Denotations define
literal, dictionary meanings of a word
Diction define
writers choice of words
Metaphor compares two things without using what?
Like or as
Two consecutive lines of poetry that usually rhyme and have the same meter
Meyer draws comparison to ____ and ____
One-act play
play that takes place in a single location and unfolds as one continuous action (Action is sharply focused)
Hyberbole/Overstatment define
add emphasis without intending to be literally true
Falling Action
diminishing tensions and the resolution of the plot’s conflict and complications
Metrical unit by which a line of poetry is measured (usually consists of 1 stressed and 1 or 2 unstressed syllables
In poetry, refers to a group of lines, set off by a space, that usually has a set pattern of meter and rhyme
Rhyme Scheme
Describes the pattern of end rhymes (designate each line with a letter)
Sequence of words printed as a separate entity on the page
Consonance define
identical consonant sound preceded by a different vowel sound
Image define
language that addresses the senses
Major elements of setting are what?
Time, place, and social environment that frame the character
Dialect define
spoken by definable groups of people from a particular geographic region, economic group, or social class. Type of informal diction
Verse define
lines composed in a measured rhythmical pattern, which are often, but not always rhymed
most common images in poetry are ____
When a rhythmic pattern of stresses recurs in a poem
End rhyme define
rhyme comes at the ends of lines
Explication define
detailed explanation of a passage of poetry or prose
Simile compares two things using what?
Like or as
Conventional symbols define
widely recognized by a society or culture, well-defined within society
Run-on line
When one line ends without a pause and continues into the next line for its meaning
Formal diction define
dignified, impersonal, and elevated use of language
Poets rely on widely shared _____ rather than on distinctive response that an individual might have to a word
Literary Symbol define
traditional, conventional, or public meanings, but may also be established internally by total context of the work in which it appears- not well-defined
Pyramidal Pattern
divide plot into three essential parts (rising action, climax, falling action)
Fixed form of lyric poetry that consists of fourteen lines, usually written in iambic pentameter
Irony define
device that reveals a reality different from what appears to be true
Stage Directions
playwright’s written instructions about how actors in a play are to move and behave
Fixed form
Poem that may be categorized by the patterns of its lines, meter, rhymes, and stanzas
types of papers most frequently assigned in literature classes are:
explication, analysts, and comparison/contrast
Rhyme define
way of creating sound patterns
verbal exchanges between characters
Synecdoche define
figure of speech in which part of something is used to signify the whole
refers to a single play, a group of plays, or to all plays
Three-line stanza ex: AAA
Four-line stanza. Most common stanzaic form in English language
Point of view define
refers to who tells us the story and how it is told
turning point in action of a story that has a powerful effect on the protagonist
Situational irony define
incongruity between what is expected to happen and what actually happens
Internal rhyme define
MIDDLE OF LINE, places at least one of the rhymed words within the line
narrator define
teller of the story