a raisin in the sun essential vocab Flashcards
Segregation is when in the old days people made separate places and areas for colored and non-colored people.They could not be together.(Teacher version) The enforced separation of different racial groups in a county,community, or establishment.
Left Wing
(Teacher Version)The liberal ,socialist or radical section of a political party or system.Left-wing politics can typically involve a concern for the under-dogsa in society,people perceive as disadvantage relative to others.
To label somebody as socially unacceptable.
People being denied degrees of power
Internalized Oppression
Internalized oppression is the acceptance by members of stigmatized races of negative messages about their own abilities and worth , characterized by their not believing in themselves or others who look like them and come from the same places
A stereo type is a widely held but oversimplified or degrading image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
Redlining is when people deny things based on people’s color or race.For example people would deny colored or hispanic people to buy things like houses.(teacher version)in the united states,redlining is a racist practice in which services(financial and otherwise) are withheld from people who live in poor neighborhoods; these people largely belong to racial and ethenic minorities
The Great Migration’
The great migration was one of the largest movements of people in United states history.approximately six million black people moved from American south to northern ,midwestern ad western states roughly from the 1910s until the 1970s.
Degradation is defined as the stated of being lowered down in respect,status or condition.self degradation is when you look down upon ones self
Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control
Systematic Oppression
Systematic oppression is defined as the lack of access to good services and opportunities of societies.
Minstrel Shows
Type of entertainment featuring songs,dances and formulaic comic routines based on stereotypes