"A" Phobias Flashcards
What is Acarophobia?
Acarophobia is the fear of itching or of insects that cause itching.
What is Ablutophobia?
Ablutophobia is the fear of washing or bathing.
What is Acerophobia?
Acerophobia is the fear of sourness.
What is Achluophobia?
Achluophobia is the fear of darkness.
What is Acousticophobia?
Acousticophobia is the fear of noise.
What is Acrophobia?
Acrophobia is the fear of heights.
What is Aerophobia?
Aerophobia is the fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances.
What is Aeroacrophobia?
Aeroacrophobia is the fear of open, high places.
What is Aeronausiphobia?
Aeronausiphobia is the fear of vomiting secondary to airsickness.
What is Agateophobia?
Agateophobia is the fear of insanity.
What is Agoraphobia?
Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces or being in crowded places; the fear of leaving a safe place.
What is Agraphobia?
Agraphobia is the fear of sexual abuse.
What is Agrizoophobia?
Agrizoophobia is the fear of wild animals.
What is Agyrophobia?
Agyrophobia is the fear of streets or crossing the street.
What is Aichmophobia?
Aichmophobia is the fear of needles or pointed objects.
What is Ailurophobia?
Ailurophobia is the fear of cats.
What is Albuminurophobia?
Albuminurophobia is the fear of kidney disease.
What is Alektorophobia?
Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens.
What is Algophobia?
Algophobia is the fear of pain.
What is Alliumphobia?
Alliumphobia is the fear of garlic.
What is Allodoxaphobia?
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
What is Altophobia?
Altophobia is the fear of heights.
What is Amathophobia?
Amathophobia is the fear of dust.
What is Amaxophobia?
Amaxophobia is the fear of riding in a car.
What is Ambulophobia?
Ambulophobia is the fear of walking.
What is Amnesiphobia?
Amnesiphobia is the fear of amnesia.
What is Amychophobia?
Amychophobia is the fear of scratches or of being scratched.
What is Anablephobia?
Anablephobia is the fear of looking up.
What is Ancraophobia (Anemophobia)?
Ancraophobia or Anemophobia is the fear of wind.
What is Androphobia?
Androphobia is the fear of men.
What is Anginophobia?
Anginophobia is the fear of angina, choking, or narrowness.
What is Anglophobia?
Anglophobia is the fear of England or of the English culture.
What is Angrophobia?
Angrophobia is the fear of anger or of becoming angry.
What is Ankylophobia?
Ankylophobia is the fear of immobility of a joint.
What is Anthrophobia?
Anthrophobia is the fear of flowers.
What is Anthropophobia?
Anthropophobia is the fear of people or of society.