A Phi A Flashcards
Under what strict circumstances should people below the legal drinking age be allowed to consume
alcohol at our events?
People below the legal drinking age should never be allowed to consume alcohol at our events.
The following is true regarding alcohol, illegal drugs, and controlled substances:
A. No person may possess, use, provide, distribute, sell and or manufacture illegal drugs or other controlled substances while on chapter premises or at any activity or event sponsored or endorsed by the organization.
B. If the effects are not obvious, it is not the fraternity’s business if a member or guest is under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances on chapter premises or at an activity or event sponsored or endorsed by the organization.
C. The fraternity is only concerned with alcohol, illegal drug, or controlled substance consumption of people below the age of 21.
D. The chapter, members, and guests must comply with all federal, state, provincial and local laws.
E. All the above
F. Both A and D
F. Both A and D
F. Both A and D
If alcohol is served at an event, how must it be provided?
Alcoholic beverages must be provided and or sold on a per-drink basis by a licensed and insured third-party vendor (e.g., restaurant, bar, caterer, etc.
Alcoholic beverages may be purchased in the following ways:
A. With chapter/organizational funds
B. By pooling funds from brothers
C. By collecting funds from guests (e.g. admission fees, cover fees, collecting funds through digital apps, etc.).
D. Both B and C
E. Neither of the above
E. Neither of the above
Which of the following is true about hosting events that serve alcohol:
Chapters should neither host, sponsor, co-host, co-sponsor, nor participate in an activity or event with another group or entity that purchases or provides alcohol in ways that are against the fraternity’s policies.
Which of the following IMDP related events can have alcohol served?
A) Smoker.
B) During any officially sanctioned portion of IMDP
C) The ritual celebration.
D) After the business of the Sphinx Club and Probate Club meetings is handled.
E) None of the above.
E) None of the above
What is the fraternity’s alcohol education and awareness program that is required for all chapters to implement and is a condition of IMDP approval?.
Cannon-Dozier Project (CDP)
Details and resources about how to implement the CDP program are found in which guiding document?
CDP Implementation Guide
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc, will not tolerate or condone illegal drug use or substance abuse by (select all that apply):
Third party vendors
Program participants
All the above
All of the above
The following will be subject to disciplinary action and reporting to law enforcement agencies if found to be engaging in the unlawful sale, use, possession, or transfer of drugs or controlled substances, including the abuse of prescription drugs;
Third party vendors
Program participants
All the above
All of the above
Who must be free of excessive alcohol, drugs, and other illegal substances of abuse and their effects while engaging with fraternity programs and activities.
Program participants
All the above
All the above
What should chapters and members do to assist in with members who may have alcohol, drug, or substance abuse problems?
Assist in the resolution by encouraging members to seek help through local assistance programs.
Full compliance and support of alcohol and drug policies is expected to be followed by the following: (Be aware of how many ways they can twist this question: T/F, Fill in the blank, etc).
Program participants
All the above
All the above
The following drugs are ONLY acceptable if members can properly function under their influences
(Select all that apply):
Crystal Meth
None of these (no illegal drugs are ever acceptable)
None of these (no illegal drugs are ever acceptable)
What events should chapters submit the insurance request for?
A. Social events including members of the fraternity
B. Social events including outside guests and non members of the fraternity
C. Mentoring events
D. None of the above
E. All of the above
E. All of the above
What age range is appropriate for youth to serve as a mentor for other youth who are enrolled
in a chapter’s mentoring program?
At least 18 years of age
If a male successfully complete the mentoring program, will they automatically be guaranteed
membership into the fraternity
Background checks should be performed every (frequency)
1 year
Abuse and neglect that is reported by parents, families, youth, staff, or any person that is
involved in the mentoring program should be reported
Who are mandated reporters?
Social Workers
All of the above
All of the above
Overnight and offsite events must be submitted in writing and approved by?
Chapter President
All of the above
All of the above
Consent to background screening, which includes the following:
state and federal criminal background checks
a. Credit reports
b.search of state and federal sex offender registries
c. Both a and c
c. Both a and c
Sexual exploitation includes taking sexual advantage of another without consent for one’s benefit or the benefit of another party. Some examples are
A.Invasion of sexual privacy
B. Non-consensual photos, videos, or audio of sexual activity
C. None of these above
D. All of these above
D. All of these above
How far in advance should special event checklist forms be submitted?
30 days
What status or classification does the brother submitting the special events checklist have been classified as?
Active in local chapter (Financial and Nationally up to date)
What are the primary reasons the fraternity engages in risk management education?
To reduce the likelihood of lawsuits
To qualify for insurance
To protect the organization
All of the above
all of the above
Are co-sponsored events subject to adhere to risk management guidelines and the special event checklist?
Yes, all events require completion of the checklist
In what capacity can brothers serve as armed security at official chapter functions?
A brother that is licensed and bonded to serve in a security capacity
What is the minimum fine for proceeding with events without an approved special event checklist?
Which type of events should chapters exercise extreme caution around or avoid in general?
A. Events occurring immediately before or after a chapter function
B. Chapter support groups, not affiliated with an active chapter
C. Events advertising BYOB
D. All of the above
All of the above
Who should chapters contact with questions related to liability and risk management?
Regional Risk Management Officer
Which one of these pairs is not an element of the risk management planning process?
Identify & Analyze
Budget & Plan
Resolve & Resign
Secure & Process
Resolve & Resign
Which of these is not a chapter resource for risk management?
Chapter constitution
Which fraternity resource provides guidance on marketing of chapter functions and events?
Brand Guidelines and Electronic Media Usage Policy
Can brothers be held individually liable for their actions at approved events?
Yes, depending on the circumstances and their role in the occurrence
Are there any differences in the fraternity’s risk management guidelines between undergraduate and graduate chapters?
Undergraduate and graduate chapters are equal in the guidelines
Which of these events does not require a special events checklist?
Chapter meeting
Chapter committee meetings
Chapter leadership retreat
All of the above
All of the above
Which of the following is not an approved fraternity facility?
Domiciles with multiple brothers as tenants
The sexual misconduct and harassment policy is applicable to
Brothers and anyone collaborating with or acting in conjunction with the fraternity
What are the forms of sexist or sexually abusive behavior that the fraternity will not tolerate or condone?
Physical, mental, emotional
Misconduct by a brother occurring on which of the following locations fall under the fraternity’s sexual misconduct and harassment policy?
Any fraternity activity or event, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location
If a non-member is required or pressured by a member or prospective member to engage in any sexual activity for the purpose of membership into the fraternity, this prohibited act is referred to as?
Quid Pro Quo
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, its chapters, extensions and members shall comply with which entities related to sexual misconduct?
Federal, State, Provincial and Local laws
Campus policies
Title IX
All of the Above
All of the above
Submission of a sexual act resulting from the use of force, the threat of force, or placing another
person in fear does not constitute.
A person who is incapable of appraising the nature of the conduct or physically incapable of declining participation in, or communicating an unwillingness to engage in the sexual act cannot give what?
The use of a weapon, such physical strength or violence, or physical harm sufficient to coerce or compel submission by a victim is called.
Violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the alleged victim can be a form of.
Domestic Violence
Violence by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the alleged victim is referred to as:
dating violence
Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress is defined as.
Examples of sexual exploitation may include which of the following:
A) Invasion of sexual privacy,
B) non-consensual distribution of photos, video, or audio of sexual activity, even if thesexual activity was consensual,
C) knowingly exposing another person to a sexually transmitted infection or virus without the other’s consent.
D) all of the above
All of the above
Any potential allegation of sexual misconduct arising from any fraternity sponsored event or fraternity house or place of residence where any reasonable observer could connect the fraternity to the event should be reported to who FIRST?
The local institution or law enforcement agency.
Any potential internal investigation into violations of the fraternity’s sexual misconduct policy will yield to the authority of any investigation by the local institution or law enforcement agency.
For Felonies Only
For Multiple Misdemeanors
In situations involving multiple brothers
All of the time
All of the time
Upon finding of guilt or responsibility by court proceedings or local institutional proceedings, a member may be subjected to
Disciplinary actions by the fraternity
All of the above
All of the above
Failure to provide necessary documentation for an internal investigation into violation of the fraternity’s sexual misconduct policy may result in.
Further disciplinary actions by the fraternity, up to and including expulsion.
Unwelcomed verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct, based on sex or on gender stereotypes, that is implicitly or explicitly a term or condition of employment or participation in any fraternity-sponsored program is called.
Sexual Harassment
The fraternity retaliation against any individual, members or non-members, for reporting,inquiring or cooperating with a report around a violation of the Fraternity Policies and Procedures, IMDP or Risk Management policies.
The document that describes how those who aspire to membership in the organization should be treated is called the:
Candidate Bill of Rights
Potential members are required to be provided
A study guide for any examinations.
Hazing is only illegal if
A)Someone is injured in the process
B)It happens before the person is initiated into the fraternity
C)It requires someone to eat or drink something excessively
D)All of the above
E)None of the above
E) None of the above
Hazing happens when
A. Someone volunteers to participate in an alternative process
B. Someone is coerced to participate in an alternative process
C. Someone is deceived into participating in an alternative process
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
If a potential member has a concern about the process they can only speak to
A) Chapter Dean & Chapter President
B) Chief Dean & Area Director
C) District Director and Area Director
D) District Director & Chief Dean
E) All of the Above
D) District Director & Chief Dean