A Passage to Africa Flashcards
hungry, lean, scared and betrayed
List of adjectives –> Evokes image of suffering
take the banale road for a few km….
Hyperbolic Listing –> Emphasizes the isolation of the town
Language choice –> Connotes that the search was predatory
The search for the shocking is like the craving for a drug
Simile –> They’re always wanting something more repulsive though he emphasizes the profession’s bad for him as if it were a drug
same old stuff
Sibilance + dismissive tone –> Dehumanizes subjects of those images
Habiba had died
Short and simple sentence –> Emphasises the normality of death there alongside a clinical tone which creats more of an impact
Gentle v-shape of a boomerang
Language choice –> Contrasts with the stressful atmosphere
It was rotting; she was rotting.
Parallel sentence structure –> Both the leg and the woman was rotting
And then there was the face I will never forget.
1 sentence paragraph –> Draws importance to
Writer’s ethos + Repetition –> honesty emphasizes credibility for the writer
how could it be?
Rhetorical question –> Writer poses the questions to the readers
What was it about that smile?
Rhetorical question –> Writer poses the questions to the readers
how should I feel to be standing there so strong and confident?
Rhetorical question –> Writer encourages the reader to reflect
my nameless friend, if you are still alive, I owe you one.
Direct address ends with colloquialism –> Puts us in the position of the suffering man
if you are still alive, I owe you one
Dependant clause –> Connotes how common death was and reminds the readers how short life is in these places
What does the description of the place tell us?
Creates a sense of disgust and repulsion
What does the end tell us?
The author finishes this piece with haunting imagery of a man that was “smiling” —> connotes the contradiction to the emotion Alagiah was feeling
Themes of?
- Uses personal and possessive pronouns throughout extract to describe his experiences and personal feelings in detail
- Readers get the impression that the trip had a profound effect on the writer and he shares his true feelings in order to establish credibility and connect with the readers