A&P Week 5-9 Flashcards
tendon sheaths
tube-like bursae that wrap around tendons. Subject to a great deal of friction
calcium homeostasis
Parathyroid gland that secretes PTH when calcium levels drops.
Osteoclasts are stimulated to increase bone resorption & calcium is released.
PTH also stimulates the production of calcitrol absorption in the intestines.
medullary cavity
hollow space within the diaphysis. contains bone marrow
each end of the bone at the joints
furrow on bone for passage of blood vessel, nerve, or tendon
tube-like opening
rounded projection with a smooth articular surface
fibrous joints
Types- sutures, syndesmoses, interosseous membranes.
Lack a synovial cavity
Articulating bones are held together by dense fibrous connective tissue
Permit little or no movement
functional classification of joints
Synarthroses- Allow no movement. EX- Suture, gomphosis
Amphiarthroses- Allow little movement. EX- pubic symphysis, intervertebral disks.
Diarthroses- freely movable. EX- hip, knee, shoulder, elbow.
repair of bone
Reactive Phase- early inflammatory phase
Reparative Phase- includes formation of fibrocartilaginous callus first & a bony callus second
Bone Remodeling Phase- last step as the bony callus is remodeled.
4 types of bone cells
Osteoprogenitor- bone stem cells able to differentiate into the other types of cells
Osteoblasts- bone building cells that secrete matrix
Osteocytes- mature bone cells
Osteoclasts- remodel bones & cause them to release calcium
smooth, flat, slightly concave articular surface
usually rounded articular process supported on a neck
prominate ridge or elongated process
removes calcium from the blood stream when blood calcium is high & stores it in the bones
endochondral ossification
Replaces cartilage with bone in the developing embryo & fetus.
Also occurs in epiphyseal plates of long bones as they grow in length.
paranasal sinuses
Mucus membrane lines cavities in the frontal, maxillary, sphenoid & ethmoid bones
Used for resonating chambers to enhance voice
Increases surface area of nasal mucosa & help moisten it.
Mesenchyme filled spaces between cranial bones present at birth.
They close up beginning at 6 months-2 years
connective tissue surrounding the diaphysis
spongy bone
lightweight and provides tissue support
sutural bones/sutures
Small extra bone plates located within the sutures of cranial bones/
Jointed areas where flat bones come together