A & P Tissues Study Guide Flashcards
What are the 4 human tissue types? (subcategories too)
Nervous Tissue (Internal Comm)
Brain ,Spinal, and Nerves
Epithelial Tissue -(Forms boundaries between environments)
Lining of digestive tract
Skin Surface
Muscle Tissue - (Contracts to cause movement)
Bone = Skeletal
Organs - Smooth
Heart = Cardiac
Connective Tissue(Support & Bind) -
Bones Tendons and fat.
5 distinguishing characteristics of epithelial tissues
Supported by connective tissues
Specialized Contacts
Avascular but innervated
Understand what constitutes the first + last name of Epithelial Tissue. For example, if
you were told that the cells were columnar in shape and one cell layer thick, how would
you name it?
First name = simple squamous
simple cuboidal
simple columnar
Last name = Shape appearance
Simple Columnar
Simple Cuboidal
Simple Squamous
What are the 2 categories of glandular epithelia? How do they differ in structure and
Endocrine and Exocrine
Endocrine = Internally secreting (hormones)
Exocrine = external secreting (sweat)
Exocrine -
Endocrine -
What are the general / primary functions of Connective Tissue?
Support and Binding
Transporting Blood
Repair Damaged Tissues
Store Fat
What are the classes of connective tissue? What are the sub-classes? (recommend
making a flow chart for this)
Cartilage and Connective Tissue Proper
Cartilage (Blood & Bone)
Hyaline, Elastic, and Fibrocartilage
Proper = (Loose & Dense)
What 3 characteristics make connective tissues different from other primary tissue
1. Common Embryonic Origin
(All come from mesanchyme tissue)
2. Varying degrees of vascularity
3. Cells suspended /embedded in ECM (protein sugar mesh)
-Matrix helps handle weight, abuse, and tension.
Know / Understand the components of the three main elements of connective
tissues. (for example: what makes up the extracellular matrix? What are the
different types of tissue fibers/function? Cell types that can be found? Etc.)
Ground Substances, Cells , and Fibers
- Made of ground substance & fibers
- Blasts ( F C O)
- Fibers ( C E R)
What are the three types of Cartilage? How do they differ in structure and location?
Hyaline - long bones, hips, trachea, larynx, and cartilage of the ribs
Elastic - Ears and Epiglottis
Fibrocartilage (Strong) - Knees and Intervertebral discs
Primary Features of Bone as Connective Tissue?
Bone (Osseous Tissue)
- Vascularized
- More Collagen compared to cartilage
- Contains Osteoblasts produce matrix
- Has Osteocytes (in lacunae) to maintain matrix
- Stores fat & Synthesizes blood
What are the different types of muscle tissue? How do they differ in structure and
function with regard to tissue composition? Are there any important special features
we discussed?
Smooth, Skeletal, and Cardiac
- Highly Vascularized
- Involuntary or Voluntary
- Has myofilaments which are made up of myosin and actin which cause contractions.
What are the three types of covering and lining membranes in the human body?
How do they differ in structure/location?
Cutaneous (Skin surface)
- epidermis (Keratinized Stratified) connects to
- dermis (thick layer of skin)
Mucous (Line body cavities that are open to the exterior)
Digestive, Respiratory, Urogenital tracts
Serous (internal body cavities)
= Pleura, Pericardium, and Peritoneum
Tissue Repair: Difference between Fibrosis and Regeneration.
Regeneration = same kind of tissue replaces destroyed tissue, original function restored.
Fibrosis = connective tissue replaces destroyed tissue and, original function lost.
- Know/Understand the Steps in Tissue Repair.
G = granulation tissue deposit
What tissue types have “virtually no, weak, moderate, vs extremely good”
regenerative capacity? Think about how this can affect healing in certain
structures/areas of the body.
None = Cardiac Muscle and Nervous
Weak = Skeletal Muscle & Cartilage
Moderate = Smooth Muscle & Dense Regular
Well = Epithelial
3 connective Tissue Fibers?
Collagen (most abundant)
Elastic Fibers
Reticular (Short, Fine, and Branched)
Connective Blast (Immature) Cells (3 types)?
Fibroblasts - in proper CT
Chondroblasts- found in cartilage
Osteoblasts - found in bone
What are Blast Cells?
Immature cells that actively secrete ground substance and ECM fibers.
What are “Cyte” cells?
Mature/Less Active Cells that help maintain health of matrix.
Ex. Fibroblasts –> Fibrocyte (mature form)
Primary Features of Blood as Connective Tissue?
- Red blood cells are most common
- carries nutrients, wastes, gases and etc.
- Atypical because it is fluid
- Has cells surrounded by matrix
- Fibers are soluble proteins that precipitate during blood clotting