A&P 2 /// Exam 2 Flashcards
What direction do arteries carry blood relative to the heart? Veins?
Arteries: carry blood away from the heart; oxygenated except for pulmonary circulation and umbilical vessels of fetus
Veins: carry blood toward heart; deoxygenated except for pulmonary circulation and umbilical vessels of fetus
What are the layers of the blood vessel wall?
- Tunica intima
- Tunica media
- Tunica externa
Which vessels are considered exchange vessels?
True capillaries: actual vessels involved in exchange
direct contact with tissue cells; directly serve cellular needs
Capillary bed
interwoven network of capillaries between arterioles and venules
Vascular shunt
channel that connects arteriole directly with venule (metarteriole- thoroughfare channel)
what makes veins good storage vessels
Large lumen and thin walls
Where is the greatest volume of blood found in the body at any given time?
capacitance vessels (blood reservoirs) because they contain up to 65% of blood supply
What has greatest influence on resistance and Frequent changes alter peripheral resistance?
Blood vessel diameter
Resistance = what?
Resistance ≈ 1 / radius^4
Where along the circulatory system does the most significant point of control over peripheral resistance and flow occur?
- Small-diameter arterioles are major determinants of peripheral resistance
In the equation F = (change in) P/R which one is more important in influencing local blood flow?
R is more important in influencing local blood flow because it is easily changed by altering blood vessel diameter
Systemic pressure
Systemic pressure is highest in aorta and declines throughout pathway
What is the definition of blood pressure?
What determines blood pressure?
- Blood pressure (BP): force per unit area exerted on wall of blood vessel by blood
- Pressure gradient provides driving force that keeps blood moving from higher- to lower-pressure areas
What is systolic vs diastolic blood pressure?
- Systolic pressure: pressure exerted in the aorta during ventricular contraction
- Averages 120 mm Hg in normal adult
- Diastolic pressure: lowest level of aortic pressure when heart is at rest
What is the pulse pressure?
Pulse pressure: difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
How do you calculate mean arterial pressure (MAP)?
- Mean arterial pressure (MAP): pressure that propels blood to tissues
- MAP is calculated by adding diastolic pressure + 1/3 pulse pressure
What blood vessels have higher blood pressure? Lower?
Aorta, arteries, Arterioles (high)
capillaries, venules, veins, venae cavae (low)
What factors aid in venous return?
- Muscular pump
- Respiratory pump
- Sympathetic venoconstriction
Muscular pump
contraction of skeletal muscles “milks” blood back toward heart; valves prevent backflow
Respiratory pump
pressure changes during breathing move blood toward heart by squeezing abdominal veins as thoracic veins expand
Sympathetic venoconstriction
smooth muscles constrict, pushing blood back toward heart
What are the baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch are sensitive to?
blood pressure
what three main factors regulating blood pressure
- Cardiac output (CO)
- Peripheral resistance (PR)
- Blood volume