What form is the poem written in?
A rhymed elegiac structure
Pairs of lines with end rhymes
Summarise the stucture of the poem
- Meter- Iambic pentameter.
- Enjambment.
- Rhymed couplets.
- Regular rhyme scheme (ABBA CDDC)
What is the effect of using rhymed couplets?
- Continuty and inevitable cycle of grief which is contained within a structured form but never resolved.
What effect does the use of iambic pentameter have?
- Steady rhythmic flow= Order contrasts the chaotic feelings of sorrow
What effect does the enjambment have?
- Grief with no pause or conclusion, just spilling over to the next lines
Why is the poem’s form described as elegiac?
- Elegy= A form that expresses mourning and grief.
- Thus the elegiac structure= intensifies emotional depth
How does the alchemical imagery (e.g., “alchemy of love”) affect the form and meaning of the poem?
- Highlights the idea of transformation, but rather than refinement, the grief destructively transforms and empties the speaker.
What is the winters solictice?
“Tis the years midnight”
- Shortest day and longest night in the year
- Reflecting emotional stagnation, spiritual and emotional coldness.
What is St Lucy’s day? What is the significance of this day?
- The winter solstice fell on St Lucy’s day.
- SLD= a Christian feast day dedicated to St Lucy, a Christian martyr and a patron saint of the blind
How might Donne’s personal experiences influence the themes in the poem?
- Death of Anne More (1617)
- Death of Lucy Countess of Bradford (godmother and patron)
- Religious doubts (search for meaning)
What is the significance of alchemy in the poem’s context?
- Alchemy, during Donne’s time, was seen as the pursuit of transformation and purification
: How does Donne’s religious beliefs impact the themes of the poem?
- Hope for redemption/ spiritual resurrection.