A-neurology Flashcards
first arch
M:muscles of mastication mylohyoid ant belly of digastric tensor veli palatini tensor tympani B:malleus incus mandible maxilla vomer palatine zygoma
first arch
M:muscles of mastication mylohyoid ant belly of digastric tensor veli palatini tensor tympani B:malleus incus mandible maxilla vomer palatine zygoma
2 arch structures
b:styloid process stapedius lesser horn of hyoid m:facial expression post belly of digastric stylohyoid stapedius
1 and 2 arch n
common site of ulnar n injury
medial epicondyle of humerus(post to epicondyle)
bw hook of hamate and pisiform bone
ds of post column occurs in
B12 def
romberg sign
2 out of 3 inputs req to make balance
RS+ means either proprioception or vestibular fxn is abnormal(visual input is taken away by closing eyes)
if cerebellar ataxia-then imbalance is present even on eyes open
common peroneal n injury leads to?
seen in?
1seen in fibular neck fracture
2.pressure on lateral side due to prolonged immobility. (surgery ,hospitalization,casting)
foot drop
steppage gait(foot lifted high)
foot slap
if only sup peroneal plantar flexion ll mot be effected.
thalamic syndrome
lesion in VPL/VPM where sensory inf from body synapse.
loss of sensation on whole contralateral side
some proprioceptive defects
incomplete lesion leads to abnormal pain on affected side
cause of lacunar infarctions
small vs lipohyalinosis and microartheromas.
5 mm cavities
found in cerebellum, pons, BG, int capsule
compression of 4 cn due to post cerebral a aneurysm
course bw post cerbral and sup cerebellar a
more prone to compression :parasympathetic fibres-surface
more to ischemia-motor-deep in n
compression of 4 cn due to post cerebral a aneurysm
course bw post cerbral and sup cerebellar a
more prone to compression :parasympathetic fibres-surface
more to ischemia-motor-deep in n
ext auditory canal n supply
post part:vagus
rest + TM:auriculotemporal-mandibular -trigeminal
inner TM:IV CN
stu in brain that is mostly effected in B1 def in alcoholics
mammillary body
diff in L5 ans and S 1
L5: post and lateral thigh and leg pain shooting to foot
S1:post Thigh and leg
syriate coetrx of visual pathway
lingual: pie in the aky
cuneus: left/right homonymous inf quadrantopia