A Model of Empirical Research (Schwab, 2005) Flashcards
Characteristics of objects that can take on two or more values.
Conceptual variable (also a construct)
A mental definition of an object or event that can vary.
Operational variable
Variable with a measure to obtain scores from cases.
Dependent variable
Research outcome; the consequence in a causal relationship.
Independent variable
Variable that helps explain or predict a dependent variable; it is a cause in a causal relationship.
Causal conceptual relationship
A relationship where variation in the independent construct is responsible for variation in the dependent construct.
An expected relationship between an independent and a dependent variable.
Validity (basic definition)
In research, when a conclusion or inference is true.
Having the appearance of truth. In research, validity is best thought of as verisimilitude.
Empirical relationship
The correspondence between scores obtained from cases on measures.
Internal validity
Present when variation in scores on a measure of an independent variable is responsible for variation in scores on a measure of a dependent variable.
Internal validation
Methods used to determine whether internal validity is likely.
Internal statistical validity
Present when an empirical relationship is not due to chance.
Statistical validation
The use of probability theory to investigate internal statistical validity or statistical generalization validity.
Provides a tentative explanation for why a causal relationship(s) obtains.