A midsummer night's dream quotes Flashcards
What does Theseus compare the moon to?
“like to a stepdame or a dowager,”
What quote presents Hippolyta and Theseus’s alternative views?
“Four days will quickly steep themselves in night,”
How does Theseus use phallic language against Hippolyta?
“I wooed thee with my sword,”
What triple does Theseus use in act1.1?
“with pomp, with triumph and with reveling,”
How does Egeus show his possessive nature over Hermia?
“As she is mine, I may dispose of her,”
How does Hermia show her power?
“I know not by what power I am made bold,”
How does Theseus warn Hermia about being single?
“withering on the virgin thorn,”
How does Theseus imply he doesn’t believe in Egeus’ opinion?
“private schooling,”
What quote shows Theseus’ blindness to Hippolyta’s emotions?
“what cheer my love?”
What is the law?
“sharp Athenian law,”
What quote presents Helena’s view on love?
“Love looks not with the eyes, not with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind,”
How does Lysander believe the darkness of his relationship?
“The jaws of darkness do devour it up,”
How do the mechanicals use juxtaposing language?
“on his wedding day at night,”
How is play described?
“lamentable comedy,”
How does Bottom use malapropism?
How is Oberon characterised?
“jealous Oberon,”
How has nature been disturbed?
“Pelting river,”
How does Titania uses personification to imply her supernatural connection with nature?
“The childing autumn , angry winter change,”
What does Oberon want to do with Titania?
“Till I torment the,”
How does Oberon describe Titania?
“Imperial Votaress,”
What does Helena believe to be to Demetrius?
“I am your spaniel,”
How does Helena invert the expected behaviour of her?
“more you beat me, I will fawn on you,”
What triple does Helena use to describe her actions?
“spurn me, strike me, neglect me,”
How does she beg for Demetrius?
“can I beg in your love,”
What does Lysander want to do with Hermia?
“Two bosoms interchained with an oath,”
How does Helena comment on courtly expectations?
“When cowardice pursues, valour flies,”
How does Demetrius threaten sexual violence?
“with the rich worth of your virginity,”
What is the potion called?
“love juice,”
What quote highlights that Lysander wants to have sex with Hermia?
“two bosoms interchained with one oath,”
How does Hermia respond?
“Lie further off, in human modesty,”
How does Helena describe herself?
“I am as ugly as a bear,”
How does Lysander describe Hermia and Helena?
“Who will not change a raven for a dove?”
What does Hermia say when she wakes up?
“Lysander, help me!”
What did Hermia dream?
“methought a serpent ate my heart away,”
How does puck describe the mechanicals?
“Hempen homespuns,”
What quotes demonstrate the shock of Bottom’s transformation?
“O monstrous! O strange!”
“O Bottom, art thou changed,”
What ironic quote to Bottom say when he is changed into an ass?
“This is to make an ass of me,”
What does Titania say when she wakes up?
“What angel wakes me up from my flowery bed?”
How does Bottom warn about the irrationality of love?
“reason and love keep little company nowadays,”
How does Titania show her love for Bottom?
“O, how I love thee! How I dote on thee,”
What is Puck’s view on fate?
“fate o’errules,”
How does Demetrius’ language change towards Helena?
“O Helen, goddess, nymph, perfect divine,”
How does Helena highlight her shock towards Demetrius?
“O devilish-holy fray,”
How does Hermia illustrate the view that love is chosen?
“You thief of love,”
What anaphora illustrates the closeness between Hermia and Helena?
“Both […] / Both […] both in one key,”
What simile implies the naturalness of the women’s friendship?
“like a double cherry,”
What quote demonstrates that Hermia is beyond her female gentleness?
“Of maiden’s patience,”
How does Lysander threaten sexual violence?
“Should I hurt her, strike her, kill her dead,”
How does Oberon view the night?
“night’s accidents,”
How does Hippolyta reinstate the parallels in comedy?
“I never heard so musical a discord, such sweet thunder,”
How is Egeus blind to love?
“I wonder of their being here together,”
How did Demetrius’ love for Hermia change?
“Melted as the snow,”
What quote shows that Helena views Demetrius as a precious object?
“found Demetrius like a jewel,”
What quote highlights that Hippolyta believes the young lovers?
“Tis strange, my Theseus, that these young lovers speak of,”
How does Theseus represent a sceptical audience?
“I never may believe these antique fables,”
How is Theseus insensitive to Hippolyta and his relationship?
“Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,”
How does Philostrate view the mechanicals?
“never laboured in their minds till now,”
What simile to Theseus use to highlight the poor quality of the mechanicals’ performance?
“like a tangled chain,”
How does Bottom break the forth wall of power?
“No, in truth, sir,”
What does Puck do to the night’s actions?
“to sweep the dust behind the door,”
How does Puck remind the audience of the mischief of the fairies?
“If we shadows have offended,”
What does puck say in his epilogue that gives connotations of being sly?
“scape serpent’s tongue,”