a;lsldj f;la Flashcards
In order to be considered first degree rape, the offender must have used…
An adult sexually aroused exclusively by children.
Use this when no alternatives exist and your life is in imminent danger
Deadly Force
When a woman had to fight back in order to be considered rape
Earnest Resistance Rule
You may use this to remove someone from trespassing on your property.
Reasonable Force
To use this defense, you must withdraw from the crime and stop it from happening
Police ccan better track serial rapists and serial killers
DNA Databank
12 year old having consensual sex with a 19 year old
1st degree rape
When a police officer encourages you to commit an act.
21 year old with a 16 year old would be…
3rd Degree Rape
When someone forces you into an illegal act
The burden of proof is on them in an insanity offence (you are innocent till proven guilty)
Defense Attorney
required mental state needed to be charged with a crime
minimum of 15 years jail time
Class A Felony
Not a legal defense, “I didn’t know it was against the law”
Ignorance of the law
percent of rapes that happen at parties
percentage of rape victims that are under 17 years old
victims of child molestation that know their attacker
percentage of college campus rapes committed by male athletes
percent of rapes that go unrecorded
3rd Degree Rape
35 year old having sex with a 15 year old