A Idioms Flashcards
A hidden advantage or resource kept in reserve until needed.
ace in the hole
A fatal weakness, a vulnerable area,
Achilles heel
Applying to all the individuals in a group.
across the board
What one does is more important than what one says.
actions speak louder than words
Behavior that shows or tests a person’s religious or other convictions.
act of faith
An unforeseen and uncontrollable natural event, such as a hurricane, fire, or flood.
an act of God
If you do this, you worsen an already bad situation, as by increasing anger, hostility, or passion.
Add fuel to the fire
If you do this, you hurt a person’s feelings after doing him or her harm; also, make a bad situation worse.
add insult to injury
To ridiculous excess, to a sickening degree. referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome.
ad nauseam
“The inherent risks of nuclear power have been debated ad nauseam.”
In spite of seeming very unlikely.
against all odds
Despite serious misgivings or objections.
against all odds
Something or someone that is dead, doomed, ruined, or past recovery.
A goner
In a position of advantage, especially financially.
ahead of the game
To assist or encourage something or someone. The term, which pairs two verbs of nearly the same meaning, comes from criminal law, where it means helping in the commission of a crime. Still so used, it also is transferred to non-criminal situations,
Aid and abet
Complain publicly.
Air your grievances
Eager to hear something
All ears
Also, all kidding aside.
all joking aside
All members or items of a group are here or their whereabouts are known.
all present and accounted for
Many different methods will produce the same result.
all roads lead to Rome
Everything is ready for proceeding,
all systems go
Something attractive is not always what it seems.
all that glitters is not gold
The current or latest fashion, with the implication that it will be short-lived.
all the rage
Hard work without time for recreation is not good for one’s health.
all work and no play
The beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Alpha and Omega
A past event. An old relationship.
ancient history
Pay what is due, contribute; by extension, do one’s share.
ante up
Something that no one knows for sure.
anyones guess
Means neat and tidy, everything in order, all things in their place.
Apple pie order
An exorbitant amount of money.
an arm and a leg
Overly well equipped or prepared.
armed to the teeth
How things turned out, as it happened.
as luck would have it
Regardless of the expense or effort involved, by any means.
at all costs
At a higher price than usual owing to scarcity.
at a premium
At any price
at all costs
At a distance, avoiding intimacy or familiarity.
at arms length
Arguing or fighting
at each other’s throats
This means to accept from its outward appearance.
at face value
When first seen.
at first blush or at first glance
Immediately, without delay.
at the drop of a hat
At a point of decision or a critical juncture.
At crossroads
At this (that) step, phase, or position in a process or activity.
At this stage
Evade or elude at any cost, shun.
avoid like the plague
A selfish aim or motive. Have a private reason for doing or being involved in something.
Axe to grind