Å hilse på noen. (To greet/meet someone.) Å hilse til noen. (To send regards/say hello to someone) Flashcards
Å hilse på noen. (To greet/meet someone.) Å hilse til noen. (To send regards/say hello to someone)
Hi there! (Hey!)
Hello! (Hi!)
Hvordan går det?
How’s it going? (How goes it?)
Bra, takk!
Good, thanks! (Well, thanks!)
Hvordan har du det?
How are you doing? (How have you it?)
Fint, takk!
Fine, thanks! (Nice, thanks!)
Takk for sist!
Thanks for last time! (Thanks for last time!)
I like måte.
Likewise. (In same way.)
Hvordan går det med familien?
How’s the family? (How goes it with the family?)
Det går bra, takk.
They’re good, thanks. (It goes well, thanks.)
Hvordan går det med dine foreldre?
How are your parents? (How goes it with your parents?)
Det går fint, takk!
They’re fine, thanks. (It goes fine, thanks.)
Du må hilse til de fra meg!
Say hello to them for me! (You must greet to them from me!)
Du også!
You too! (You also!)
Hyggelig å hilse på deg igjen.
Nice to see you again. (Nice to greet you again.)
Vi snakkes.
See you later. (We talk.)
Ja, vi ses!
Yes, see you! (Yes, we see each other!)
Ha det bra!
Goodbye! (Have it good!)
Ha det godt!
Take care! (Have it well!)