A. Functions of Management Flashcards
The 4 functions of management
step 1. plan
step 2. organize
step 3. direct
step 4. control/evaluate
*planning is the basic function of management
The 4 things involved in planning (OPPT)
- objectives
- policies
- procedures
- time span
Part of planning function
- details the steps
- specific guide for daily operations
- ex: ergonomics
associated with procedures
ergonomics uses what kind of chart
a flow chart and template assocaitated with planning
organizational chart shows
how the employee fits into the organization
what is this describing?
-shows relationship of positions and functions
- depicts lines of authority shown woth straight lines (chain of command)
- chain of command top to lowest
organizational chart
organizational chart
not shown in the chain of command
degree of authority at each level or informational relationships
2 kinds of span of control
- narrow span
- wide span
span of control
number of individuals or departments under the direction of the one individual
narrow span
requires more supervision
- more levels are created
- need more managers
- needed with newly hired personnel
wide span
doesnt require supervision
- fewer levels and fewer managers are needed
- used with highly trained and highly motivated workers
A food service manager who supervisies 35 employees has a problems with discipline and increased abesentism is experiencing
an excessive span of control
full time equivalent
useful in palnning the budget for wages
absolute FTE
- minimum number of employees needed to staff the
facility - ONLY counts productive hours (hours actually worked)
FTE / day
labor hours worked per day/ 8 hour normal work load
* Labor hours worked includes full-time and part-time workers.
adjusted FTE
takes into account the benefit days and days off
FTE / week
labor hours worked per week / 40 hour normal work load
@ $20/hr how much salary is made a week for 1 FTE
step 1. $20x8hr (1 day)=160
step 2. 160 x32hr (4 days) = $51200
FTE / year
labor hours worked that year/ 2080 hrs
- A food service has seven 40-hour employees, five 20-hour employees, and three 16 hour employees. How many FTE’s are involved?
step 1: 7 employees x 40 hrs= 280
step 2: 5 employees x 20 hrs= 100
step 3: 3 employess x 16hrs = 48
step 4: add totals and divide by 1 FTE (40) = 10.7 FTE’s
- How many FTE’s can you hire with a weekly budget of $8640 if the salary is $12/hour?
step 1: $8640/$12=720hr
step 2: 720 hrs/40 = 18 FTE’s
relief workers
cover time off
To determine how many relief workers are needed to cover a full time employee multiply by
If you have 20 full-time positions how many relief workers are needed:
20 X .55 =11 relief employees
oral communication provides
immediate feedback
5 organizational communication channels
(directions on the organizational chart)
(1) downward
(2) upward
(3) horizontal
(4) diagonal
(5) informal channel (grapevine)
uses memos for meetings and policy statements
- from Department Head down through the ranks of workers (chain of command)
- use procedure manuals
more challenging if you do not use an open door policy
- from workers up to the Department Head
- open-door policy
- suggestion boxes
- grievance procedures
management needs to recieve vital inforamtion from lower levels
- between departments (Nutrition and Nursing)
- between production and service within the Nutrition Department
On your meal rounds yo notice an elderly patient is not being fed prpoperly so you talk to the head of Nursing department
what kind of communication is this?
- minimizes time and effort expended in organizations
- between functions
- ex: ordering clerk in foodservice sends requests directly to purchasing department
informal channel (grapevine)
meets social needs of group
talking casually
productivity is the efficiency with which a production or
service activity converts inputs into outputs, expressed as ratios
ratio measures inputs and outputs
product ratio measures
how efficient we operate
inputs (resources)
labor, money, materials, facilities, energy
outputs (units of service)
meals, patient days, consults (service provided)
examples of productivity
- labor minutes worked per day
- trays per minute
- consults per labor hour
to increase productivity
increase the output or decrease the input.
if there is increase input and output, productivity will
remain constant
how do you find meal per labor hour
meals produced/# hours worked
Determine how many hours worked (if given in full-time equivalents, multiply by 40 if per week, multiply by 8 if per day)
20 FTE produced 2700 meals during one 40-hour week. How many meals were produced per labor hour?
step 1. 20 FTE X 40 hours (week) = 800 hours
step 2: 2700 meals/800 hours = 3.38 meals per labor hour
if asking per labor minute divide meals per labor hour by 60 instead of 40
delegation is the
instructions, motivate, provide training, require complete work, establish
- distribution of work to qualified people
- individuals are the adequate controls
ex: The general guid line
before delgating work a manager must have clear understanding of what they want done, give specific instruction, and -
- motivate
- provide training
- establish adequate controls
before delgating work to a subordinate first
evaluate skills and task difficulty
allowing an employee to change procedurers to achieve desired outcomes is an example of
what is the general guidline for starting a meeting
start on time
directing and controlling are the 2 management functions that require
the greatest allotment of time by a production manager
what do work simplification procedures do?
- increase productivity and decrease costs
- find and eliminate unnecessary parts of the job
- reduce motions and time required
- use shortest and straightest routes to move materials
simultaneous, symmetrical, natural, rhythmic, habitual
motion economy
exmaples of work simplification (6)
(1) motion economy
(2) occurrence sampling
(3) pathway chart or flow diagram
(4)operation charts
(5) process charts
(6) cross charts
observe random samples (intermittent observations) to determine percentage of time working or idle
occurrence sampling
scale drawing showing path of a worker during a process
pathway chart or flow diagram
or flow chart
- movement of hands; reduces transportation and replan work areas
- use both hands simultaneously and effectively
operation charts
steps involved in process using symbols
process charts
efficiency of equipment placement, studies work motions, shows number of movements between pieces of equipment
cross charts
when trying to cut down on the number of emplpyees on the tray line, evaluate
the number of work stations avaibale
look at the smallest part of the job (hand movements, steps taken)
It takes 14 mins to prepare 1 meal, and 300 meals are needed a week. How many FTEs are needed
step 1: 14 mins x 3 meals/day= 42 meals/min
step 2: divive 42 by 60 mins = .7 x 300 meals needed
step 3: divide answer from above 210 meals by 1 FTE
step 4: 210/ 40= 5.27 x 7 days/week
answer: 37 FTEs needed
what study
- Idea of being well-treated by supervisors
- if you involve people in the process, they become more productive
Hawthorn studies- Western Electric - by Elton Mayo
Hawthorn studies- Western Electric - by Elton Mayo
- productivity is due to
- worker were involved in an interesting experience, and were ___
- work breaks =
- employees given special attention
- well-treated by supervisors
- increased productivity
- placebo effect (special attention improves behavior)
Theory and author
- people inherently dislike work and will avoid it if possible
- authoritarian
- work-centered
- workers prefer to be controlled and directed by pressure; motivation through fear
MacGregor: Theory X (negative, autocratic)
Author associated with:
attitude of the manager toward employees has an impact on job performance (based on manager’s assumptions as to how employees view work)
if managers expectations are high then productivity is high
Author and theory
- work is as natural as play or rest
- management should arrange conditions so workers can achieve goals by directing own efforts
- democratic
MacGregor: Theory Y (positive, participative)
leadership styles (1- most controlling and 6 least controlling)
- autocratic
- consultative
- bureaucratic
- participative
- democratic
- free rein (laissez-faire)
asks for input, but makes major decisions alone
demands obedience, most control, full responsibility, crisis control
makes decisions on their own
by the book, follows procedures to the letter
- emerging trend in management
- Encourage workers to participate in decision-making.
- Uses quality circles: small group of employees who meet regularly to identify and solve problems
results are improved productivity, quality, and morale
guides and encourages the group to make decisions
least control, allows group to make decisions
free rein (laissez-faire)
minimal direction and control
management theories
- uses behaivoral sciences, workers exist in social groups
- employee participation is needed for decision making
- improves morale and productivity
human relations (behaivoral) theory
human relations (behaivoral) theory
- the value of the company comes from the employees
- everyone affected by the descion is involved in the decision making
Theory Z (Ouchi)
Based on the premise: mutual- worker employer loyalty
Theory and author
- work-centered
- wants the least motivation needed by supervisor
- find the best way of performing tasks (workers trained to work at many efficiency levels
ex: assembly line, manufacturing
Scientific management- Taylor
focuses on the physical aspects of the job
what type of work environment does Taylor promote
- fastest pace possible and at maximum efficiency
systematic approach to improving worker efficiency
Managerial Characteristics
what are the 3 types skills in management?
hard skills can be taught, soft skills must be developed and nurtured
- technical (techniques, procedures)
- human
- conceptual
technical skills are important for a manager when needing understanding of and proficiency in a specific kind of activity or -
*at lower levels of management
kitchen supervisor
human skills are important at all levels but mostly at lower levels of management for a manger, and are -
interpersonal superisor
- needed to work effectively as a group member
ex: a supervisor being able to interact with different level employees
When are conceptual skills important for a manager
- at higher ranks on management
- need to be able to see ability to see organization as a whole
a supervisor promoted to department head needs fewer ____ and more ____
- technical and human skills
- conceptual
Theory and author
- has authoritative leader, controlled interactions, closely focused goals
- often sit in horseshoe formation
- silent generation of ideas by participants
- vote for final decision
modified brainstorming not chaotic
nominal group technique - Delbeca (generate innovative, creative ideas)
yields more ideas than traditional brainstorming
- designed to probe expert minds in a series of written interviews from which some consensus is sought
- participants do not meet
Delphi technique (consensus of experts)
managerial roles (3)
- informational
- interpersonal
- decisional
which managerial role
- monitor- onstantly searching for information
- disseminator - transmits information to subordinates
- spokesman - transmits information to people inside and outside
informational managerial role
whihc managerial role includes a
* leader: responsible for the work, hiring, training
* liaison - dealing with those inside and outside the organization
ex: when the manager updates the director about the activities occuring on the patient trayline
interpersonal role