a correlational study involving the stroop test Flashcards
operationalised co-variables
creativity- score on the northwestern creativity scale out of 116
stroop effect- time taken to complete stroop test in seconds
operationalised alternative hypothesis
there will be a significant relationship between the score on the northwestern creativity scale and the time taken to complete the stroop test (s)
identify if the alternative hypothesis is directional or non directional
non directional
justify/explain why you chose to use a non directional hypothesis and make a link to your covariables
the way in which the stroop test is operationalised varies significantly between studies, therefore I have chosen to do a non directional hypothesis as I am not directly replicating previous research
appropriate null hypothesis
there will be no significant relationship between time spent completing a stroop test (s) and the scores on the northwestern creativity scale. any relationship will be due to chance
identify the main characteristics of your sample group and hypothesis and make a link to your co variables
number- 20 minimum
gender- mixed
bilborough college students aged 16-18
identify the sampling method you employed to select your sample
opportunity sample- recruit people who are readily available/ convenient
explain at least 2 advantages of your choice of sampling technique and link them both to your co variables
easier technique than random sampling as i can just approach bilborough students who are available at the time rather than collecting a list of all bilborough students and randomly selecting who will complete the stroop and creativity test from the list.
less time consuming than volunteer/ self selected sample because i can approach bilborough students who are available at the same time as me rather than creating an advert to put up around college and wait for responses.
explain at least 2 limitations of your choice of sampling technique
just because bilborough students are available at the time does not mean they are willing to complete the stroop test and creativity test.
inevitably biased because the sample is drawn from bilborough students readily available in the cafeteria at the time and therefore is unlikely to represent the entire bilborough college population
give a step by step description of your procedures with links to your co variables
firstly, i collected participants (bilborough college students) through opportunity sampling in the college cafeteria. i then presented the participants with a briefing statement, entailing why the research is being conducted, the aim of the research and what the research includes. i will then gain the consent of the students by asking them to read through the consent form and sign if they are alright with being involved in the study. next i will read the instructions to the students of how they complete the creativity questionnaire and the stroop test. after this i will begin the study by giving the students the northwestern creativity test, and recording their scores in the data collection table when completed. i will then give the students the stroop test. i will set a stopwatch when they begin and end it when the test is completed properly. this will then be recorded alongside the creativity score for each student on the data collection table. finally i will provide a debrief to the students and make them aware that they can withdraw their data at any time if they wish.
identify an appropriate descriptive statistic that could be used to describe the data collected with a link to your co variables
for creativity co variable- median and range
stroop effect co variable- mean and standard deviation
explain why your choice of descriptive statistic is appropriate and link it to your co variables
as creativity is measured on the northwestern creativity scale (0-116) the data is ordinal therefore the median is the most appropriate measure of central tendency. for measure of dispersion as i have used the median the most appropriate is range as SD cant be calculated without the mean.
stroop effect is measured in time taken to complete the stroop test (s) this data is ratio therefore i have chosen the mean. for measure of dispersion i have chosen SD as i have already calculated the mean
identify an appropriate graphical representation that could be used to describe the data collected
scatter graph
explain why your choice of graphical representation is appropriate
a scatter graph is most appropriate as i have conducted a correlation with the co variables of creativity score and time on the stroop test. these will be plotted on a scatter graph to see the strength of the relationship between creativity and stroop
identify an appropriate inferential statistic that you used to display the data collected
spearmans rank