A+, Core 2, Practice Test 2 Flashcards


Match the Windows utility to the function. Some functions will not have a match.

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A network administrator is troubleshooting an intermittent Internet link outage to a server at The administrator believes that the outage is occurring on one of the WAN connections between locations. Use a Windows network utility that can identify the router closest to the outage.


The tracert (traceroute) command will display a list of all network hops between two devices. If a route is down, the tracert output will show the last hop before the faulty link.

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Match the scripting language with the most common use. Some uses will not have a match.

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Select the Windows 10 Editions that include the following features. Some features will be included in multiple Windows 10 Editions:

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A system administrator is concerned that a Windows system may contain logical file system errors. Scan and repair any logical file system errors from the Windows command line.


The chkdsk (Check Disk) command is used to identify and fix logical file system errors and bad physical sectors. The /f option will fix the logical file system and the /r option will locate bad sectors and attempt to recover any readable data.

In this example, the administrator would run this from the command line:

chkdsk /f

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A desktop administrator is upgrading an older computer to support the 64-bit version of Windows 10 Pro. The computer currently has:
1 GB of RAM
50 GB of free storage space
1024 x 768 video resolution
Which of the following should be upgraded to support the Windows 10 installation?
❍ A. CPU
❍ B. RAM
❍ C. Storage space
❍ D. Video resolution


The Answer: B. RAM
The 64-bit version of all Windows 10 editions require a minimum of
2 GB of system memory. Since this system only has 1 GB of RAM, it will need a memory upgrade before Windows 10 x64 can be installed.

The incorrect answers:
A processor running at 1 GHz is supported by both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10.
C. Storage space
The 64-bit version of Windows 10 requires 32 GB of free disk space. This system has 50 GB of free storage space, so it can easily support an upgrade to Windows 10 Pro x64.
D. Video resolution
Windows 10 Pro x64 requires a video resolution of 800 x 600, and this system supports a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

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A system administrator is analyzing a problem with a USB flash drive on a Windows 10 computer. When the flash drive is inserted, the CPU utilization increases to 100%. The administrator would like to disable one of the computer’s USB controllers for troubleshooting. Which of the following would provide this functionality?
❍ A. Services
❍ B. Performance Monitor
❍ C. Event Viewer
❍ D. Device Manager


The Answer: D. Device Manager
The Windows Device Manager provides access to the device drivers that manage the hardware on a computer. Individual drivers can be enabled, disabled, and managed from the Device Manager utility.

The incorrect answers:
A. Services
The Services utility manages background service processes in Windows. The Services utility does not manage or disable hardware components.
B. Performance Monitor
The Performance Monitor gathers long-term statistics and can alert or create reports for ongoing performance metrics. Performance Monitor does not manage hardware device drivers.
C. Event Viewer
The Event Viewer contains logs from the applications, operating system, and other services. Although the Event Viewer may provide additional details about this flash drive issue, the administrator would not manage the device drivers from the Event Viewer utility.

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A medical research company is using laptop computers when visiting testing centers. The IT security team is concerned about a data breach if a laptop is lost or stolen. Which of the following would be the BEST way to manage this issue?
❍ A. BIOS password
❍ B. Authenticator application
❍ C. Full disk encryption
❍ D. Biometric authentication
❍ E. Cable lock


The Answer: C. Full disk encryption
Encrypting the laptop storage drives would prevent access to any data if the laptops are lost or stolen.

The incorrect answers:
A. BIOS password
A BIOS password would prevent someone from booting the operating system, but the data would still be accessible if the storage drive was removed from the laptop and moved to another system.
B. Authenticator application
An authenticator application would provide another factor during the login process, but it would not provide any additional security for the data stored on the laptop drive.
D. Biometric authentication
Using biometrics during the authentication process would ensure that the proper users were logging in, but it would not protect the data if the drives were removed from the laptop.
E. Cable lock
A cable lock might help prevent the laptop from theft, but it would not provide any data protection if the laptop was lost or stolen.

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A user would like to encrypt a small group of files in a shared folder without modifying other files on the drive. Which of the following would be the BEST way to accomplish this?
❍ A. EFS
❍ B. Save the files “as Administrator”
❍ C. BitLocker
❍ D. Save the files with a dollar sign at the end of the filename


The Answer: A. EFS
EFS (Encrypting File System) allows a user to encrypt individual objects at the file system level. With EFS, a single file or group of files can be protected without encrypting any other items on the storage drive.

The incorrect answers:
B. Save the files “as Administrator”
Windows includes the option to execute an application with Administrator rights, but saving files does not include this option. By default, files are saved using the rights and permissions of the current user and changing this option would not provide any encryption features.
C. BitLocker
BitLocker is a full disk encryption technology that protects all of the data on the volume. BitLocker does not provide a feature to encrypt a single file or group of files.
D. Save the files with a dollar sign at the end of the filename
Creating a Windows share with a dollar sign at the end of the share name will hide the share from a public list. Saving a filename with a dollar sign at the end does not provide any protection or encryption of the file.

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A local coffee shop has a public wireless network for customers and a private wireless network for company devices. The shop owner wants to be sure that customers can never connect to the company network. Which of the following should be configured on this network?
❍ A. Install a new access point for company devices
❍ B. Configure WPA3 on the company network
❍ C. Require static IP addresses on the customer network
❍ D. Assign MAC filters to the company network
❍ E. Use a firewall between the customer and corporate network


The Answer: B. Configure WPA3 on the company network
Enabling WPA3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access version 3) would require a password to connect and would prevent customers from connecting to the company wireless network.

The incorrect answers:
A. Install a new access point for company devices
Installing another access point doesn’t inherently provide any additional security.
C. Require static IP addresses on the customer network
Requiring the configuration of static IP address adds additional administrative overhead without providing any security enhancement. Static IP addressing does not prevent devices from connecting to a wireless network.
D. Assign MAC filters to the company network
MAC filtering can provide some administrative controls over access, but MAC filtering is not designed as a security control over wireless network access.
E. Use a firewall between the customer and corporate network
A firewall between networks would not prevent devices from connecting directly to a wireless network.

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A system administrator has inadvertently installed a Trojan horse that has deleted a number of files across many Windows file shares. The Trojan also had access to user documents and login credentials and transmitted numerous documents to an off-site file storage system. Which of the following would limit the scope of future exploits?
❍ A. Require multi-factor authentication
❍ B. Disable all guest accounts
❍ C. Modify the default permissions
❍ D. Configure full disk encryption
❍ E. Require complex passwords
❍ F. Require a screensaver lock


The Answer: C. Modify the default permissions
Many system administrators configure their accounts to have full access to the network as their default setting. This means that malicious software would also have full access if the administrator’s desktop was exploited. Changing the default permissions to have limited access would also limit the scope of a Trojan horse exploit.

The incorrect answers:
A. Require multi-factor authentication
A Trojan horse exploit uses the permissions associated with the logged-in user. Requiring additional authentication factors will not have any effect on the scope of the malware infection.
B. Disable all guest accounts
Although disabling guest accounts is always a good best practice, the Trojan horse uses the current user permissions and does not require a guest account to function.
D. Configure full disk encryption
Full disk encryption protects the data on a storage drive if a device is lost or stolen. Once a user is logged in, the data can be accessed normally and the encryption is no longer a limitation to any user processes (such as a Trojan horse).
E. Require complex passwords
A complex password would protect against unauthorized user access, but it won’t stop a Trojan horse from exploiting a system using the current user’s account permissions.
F. Require a screensaver lock
A screensaver password protects a system when the user is away from their desktop. A Trojan horse is executed by the user at an active workstation, so configuring a screensaver password would not protect against this infection.

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Which of the following Windows Share permissions has the priority when assigning access on a mapped drive?
❍ A. Allow
❍ B. Full control
❍ C. List folder contents
❍ D. Deny


The Answer: D. Deny
In Windows shares, the most restrictive setting has priority over all others. For example, the deny option takes priority over all other permissions.

The incorrect answers:
A. Allow
If a share is configured to deny access, it will take priority over an allow.
B. Full control
The permission option for full control would be configured for allow or deny access, and does not itself have priority over the deny option.
C. List folder contents
List folder contents is an NTFS permission configured to allow or deny. These permission categories do not take priority over a deny setting.

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A desktop administrator has just removed malware from a user’s desktop computer and has configured the system to automatically update anti- virus signatures and perform a scan each night. Which of the following should be the NEXT step in the removal process?
❍ A. Enable System Protection
❍ B. Educate the end-user
❍ C. Quarantine the computer
❍ D. Boot to Safe Mode


The Answer: A. Enable System Protection
Before the malware was removed, System Protection was disabled to delete all potentially-infected restore points. Once the malware is removed and the anti-malware process is working again, System Protection can
be re-enabled.

The incorrect answers:
B. Educate the end-user
Once the malware is removed and all of the technical configurations are complete, the end-user can be educated on ways to identify and avoid a malware infection in the future.
C. Quarantine the computer
The quarantine process occurs immediately after malware has been identified. A technician would not wait until anti-malware configurations are complete before quarantining a system.
D. Boot to Safe Mode
Safe mode may be required during the malware removal process, but it’s not necessary once the malware is removed and the anti-virus signatures are updated.

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A security administrator is installing a new VPN connection for remote users. The administrator would like all users to authenticate with their Windows Active Directory credentials. Which of the following technologies would provide this functionality?
❍ B. WPA3
❍ D. AES


The Answer: A. RADIUS
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service) is an authentication protocol commonly used to provide authentication from devices to a centralized database. A common use of RADIUS is to authenticate users to an Active Directory database from a router, switch, VPN concentrator, or any other service.

The incorrect answers:
WPA3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access version 3) is an 802.11 wireless security protocol. WPA3 would not be used to provide authentication features between devices and centralized databases.
TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) is a wireless protocol used with the original version of WPA. TKIP is not used to provide authentication to a centralized database.
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is an encryption protocol used with many wired and wireless services

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Which of the following partition types limit a Windows installation to a maximum partition size of 2 TB?
❍ A. FAT32
❍ B. GPT
❍ D. MBR


The Answer: D. MBR
The MBR (Master Boot Record) partition style is an older method partitioning files, and the maximum partition size of an MBR partition is two terabytes in size.

The incorrect answers:
A. FAT32
FAT32 (File Allocation Table 32-bit) is a Microsoft file system originally designed for earlier versions of Windows. FAT32 is not a partition type.
GPT (GUID Partition Table) is a modern partition style that increases the number of partitions and partition sizes over the older MBR style.
Apple’s APFS (Apple File System) is optimized for solid-state storage and includes support for encryption, snapshots, and increased data integrity.

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A help desk technician has been tasked with rebuilding an email server that recently crashed. Which of the following would be the BEST source for this information?
❍ A. Compliance report
❍ B. Acceptable use policies
❍ C. Network topology map
❍ D. Knowledge base


The Answer: D. Knowledge base
A knowledge base commonly contains information about processes, procedures, and documentation for resolving technical issues. An internal knowledgebase would contain important historical information about the email server and would potentially document the hardware and software specifications for the server.

The incorrect answers:
A. Compliance report
A compliance report would document how closely the email server complied with a set of rules or regulations associated with the company or service. A compliance report might document how long email messages were stored and how they were protected, but it would not commonly contain the information required to rebuild the server.
B. Acceptable use policies
An acceptable use policy (AUP) describes the rules of behavior for users of the organization’s services and equipment. An AUP does not contain any information that would assist with the rebuilding of an email server.
C. Network topology map
A network topology map would display the location of the email server in the organization’s network, but it would not contain the information required to rebuild the hardware and software of the server.


A Linux administrator is modifying a log file and needs to rename the file. Which of the following should be used to make this change?
❍ A. rm
❍ B. mv
❍ C. mkdir
❍ D. pwd


The Answer: B. mv
The Linux mv (move) command will move a file from one location to another, or move/rename a file from one name to another.

The incorrect answers:
A. rm
The Linux rm (remove) command will delete a file or object from the file system.
C. mkdir
The mkdir (Make Directory) command can be used in Linux or Windows to create a folder or directory in the file system.
D. pwd
The Linux pwd (Print Working Directory) command will display the path of the current working directory.


Jack, an executive, has a laptop that runs very slowly after login and continues running slowly throughout the day. Jack has complained that certain applications cannot be started and others will randomly crash. A check of the laptop shows that the memory utilization is very close to 100%. Which of the following would provide a short-term fix for
this issue?
❍ A. Disable startup items
❍ B. Update to the latest OS patches
❍ C. Defragment the hard drive
❍ D. Reboot the computer


The Answer: A. Disable startup items
The memory utilization issue appears immediately after the login process, so disabling some startup items may help resolve the issue until a memory upgrade or better laptop is located.

The incorrect answers:
B. Update to the latest OS patches
The over-utilization of RAM cannot be commonly resolved with an OS patch. The two best options are to add more RAM or to limit what runs in the current memory space.
C. Defragment the hard drive
There’s no evidence that a fragmented hard drive would be causing these slowdowns, and the high utilization of RAM appears to indicate an issue with the memory resources available for the active applications.
D. Reboot the computer
Because this issue appears immediately after login, rebooting the system would not be the most likely short-term resolution for this memory issue.


A technician would like to modify a configuration in a user’s UEFI BIOS, but the system will not provide a BIOS configuration hotkey after shutting down and powering on the computer. Which of the following would be the BEST way to address this issue?
❍ A. Change the File Explorer Options
❍ B. Modify the Indexing Options
❍ C. Turn off Fast Startup
❍ D. Start the computer in Safe Mode
❍ E. Modify the Ease of Access settings


The Answer: C. Turn off Fast Startup
Fast Startup can bypass many of the normal startup options, so using the Control Panel Power options for disabling Fast Startup can allow a technician to regain access to the BIOS startup hotkeys.

The incorrect answers:
A. Change the File Explorer Options
There are options in the Control Panel to modify File Explorer options, but none of those options would provide access to the BIOS startup keys.
B. Modify the Indexing Options
The Indexing Options specify which folders should be used during the Windows search process. Modifying the Indexing Options will not allow access to the BIOS startup options.
D. Start the computer in Safe Mode
Starting the computer with Safe Mode would help troubleshoot any ongoing Windows issues, but it would not provide any access to the BIOS configuration.
E. Modify the Ease of Access settings
The Control Panel’s Ease of Access settings allow the user to make the computer easier to use, but it doesn’t change any of the startup or BIOS configuration options.


A user has noticed their mouse arrow has been moving around the screen without any user intervention. The user has watched the mouse opening applications and changing settings in the Control Panel. Which of the following would be the BEST way for an administrator to resolve
this issue?
❍ A. Turn the firewall off and back on again
❍ B. Run an anti-virus scan
❍ C. Remove all recently installed applications
❍ D. Upgrade to the latest OS patches


The Answer: B. Run an anti-virus scan
A system with a mouse moving independently and opening applications and other windows is most likely infected with malware. The best available option is to run an anti-virus scan to determine the scope of the infection.

The incorrect answers:
A. Turn the firewall off and back on again
Since this issue appears to occur when the firewall is active, toggling the state of the firewall would not resolve this issue.
C. Remove all recently installed applications
Although it’s possible that this malware infection was part of a recently installed application, it’s now likely that the malware has infected other parts of the system. Uninstalling the applications would most likely not remove the malware.
D. Upgrade to the latest OS patches
Keeping the operating system updated can often prevent malware infections. However, once the system is compromised, installing the latest patches will not resolve the existing infection.


A user on the sales team has opened a help desk ticket because of short battery times on a new company-provided tablet. When using the tablet, the battery only lasts a few hours before shutting off. Which of the following would be the BEST choices for improving the battery life? (Select TWO)
❍ A. Install the latest operating system patches
❍ B. Increase the brightness levels
❍ C. Connect to the corporate VPN
❍ D. Disable Bluetooth and cellular connections
❍ E. Close apps that work in the background
❍ F. Perform a soft reset


The Answers: D. Disable Bluetooth and cellular connections, and E. Close apps that work in the background
The two options that would have the largest power savings would disable wireless Bluetooth radios and close applications that use CPU power.

The incorrect answers:
A. Install the latest operating system patches
Installing operating system patches do not commonly resolve issues with excessive battery usage. After installing the patches, the battery use would most likely remain the same.
B. Increase the brightness levels
Increasing brightness levels would have the opposite of the intended effect, since additional battery will be required by the brighter display.
C. Connect to the corporate VPN
Connecting to the corporate VPN (Virtual Private Network) would require additional wireless communication and increased CPU usage due to the encryption and decryption process used by the VPN.
F. Perform a soft reset
Performing a soft reset might help if the issue was associated with a problematic application or unusual system state. There’s no evidence that either of these is occurring, so resetting the system would most likely have no effect on the battery life.


A user in the accounting department has installed a new application for the upcoming tax year. Although the current application worked perfectly, the newer application runs significantly slower. Which of the following should be the FIRST troubleshooting step?
❍ A. Roll back to the previous application
❍ B. Run a repair installation
❍ C. Verify the requirements for the new application
❍ D. Perform a system file check


The Answers: C. Verify the requirements for the new application
The new application may not have the same requirements as the older application, so the user’s computer may require additional CPU, memory, or storage space.

The incorrect answers:
A. Roll back to the previous application
The previous application may work properly, but it’s designed for a different tax year. The new tax year will require an updated application.
B. Run a repair installation
A repair installation can often resolve issues with the Windows operating system, but this question doesn’t clearly point to any OS issues. Running a repair installation would not be the first step in the troubleshooting process.
D. Perform a system file check
The Windows System File Checker (SFC) utility can scan the operating system for modified files and correct any inconsistencies. However, this question doesn’t clearly show any operating system issues, so running an SFC scan would not be the first step when troubleshooting.


A data center manager is installing a new access door that will require multi-factor authentication. Which of the following should be used to meet this requirement? (Select TWO)
❍ A. Cabinet locks
❍ B. Key fobs
❍ C. Privacy filter
❍ D. Palmprint scanner
❍ E. USB lock
❍ F. Cable lock


The Answer:
B. Key fobs
D. Palmprint scanner
The only two devices that provide authentication are the key fobs and the palmprint scanner. The key fobs are something you have, and the palmprint scanner is something you are.

The incorrect answers:
A. Cabinet locks
Cabinet locks are used to protect the information inside the data center cabinets and do not protect the access door to the data center itself.
C. Privacy filter
A privacy filter is used on a monitor or LCD screen to limit the ability for others to see the screen contents. A privacy filter would not provide authentication for an access door.
E. USB lock
A USB lock is used to secure access to the USB interfaces on a computer system. USB locks are not used for physical doorways.
F. Cable lock
A cable lock is used to securely attach a device to something solid to prevent theft. Cable locks are not used to secure entrance doors.


A graphics designer has been editing image files that have become increasingly large over the last few months. The designer is now receiving error messages from their graphics application complaining of low temporary file cache space. Which of the following would be the best NEXT step?
❍ A. Replace all system RAM
❍ B. Increase available storage space
❍ C. Roll back to a previous restore point
❍ D. Rebuild the user’s profile


The Answer: B. Increase available storage space
Graphics files can become very large to store, and the error messages from the application point to a lack of available storage space. Upgrading the available drive space would be the best next troubleshooting step.

The incorrect answers:
A. Replace all system RAM
Faulty memory will cause a computer to halt or fail with no warning.
In this case, there have been no issues related with the overall stability of the system.
C. Roll back to a previous restore point
Before making any significant changes to the system, it would be useful to complete some initial troubleshooting tasks to avoid changes to the system configuration. There’s also no evidence that the current configuration is the root cause of this issue.
D. Rebuild the user’s profile
A damaged or corrupted Active Directory profile can certainly create issues on the local computer, but none of the identified symptoms appear to be related to a profile issue.


A user has dropped off their laptop at the repair desk. A message taped to the laptop states: “Doesn’t work.” Which of the following would be the BEST next step?
❍ A. Start the laptop and look for any issues
❍ B. Call the customer and ask for more information
❍ C. Replace the power adapter and try booting the laptop
❍ D. Use a diagnostics boot CD to run hardware tests


The Answer: B. Call the customer and ask for more information
A problem report of “Doesn’t work” does not provide enough information to begin troubleshooting. A quick call to the customer will allow the technician to ask more specific questions and ultimately will resolve the laptop problem faster.

The incorrect answers:
A. Start the laptop and look for any issues
There’s no way to know what part of the laptop is having problems, so blindly stumbling through possible issues would not be the most efficient way to troubleshoot this issue.
C. Replace the power adapter and try booting the laptop
There’s no evidence that the laptop’s power adapter is faulty. Replacing hardware without knowing more about the problem would not be the best next troubleshooting step.
D. Use a diagnostics boot CD to run hardware tests.
Many hardware diagnostics disks use bootable media, but there’s no way to know if the reported issue was hardware-related. Taking time to run a hardware diagnostics test would not be the most efficient troubleshooting step.


A network administrator has a report showing a single user with numerous visits to a website. This website is known to violate the company’s AUP. Which of the following should the administrator do NEXT?
❍ A. Create a firewall filter to block the website
❍ B. Scan all computers with the latest anti-malware signatures
❍ C. Contact the company’s security officer
❍ D. Change the user’s password


The Answer: C. Contact the company’s security officer
A company’s AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) is in place to limit the legal liability of an organization. If a person in the organization is not following the terms of the AUP, then the security officer’s team should manage the results of that action.

The incorrect answers:
A. Create a firewall filter to block the website
A firewall filter may successfully prevent the user from visiting the site, but the original problem of the user browsing to the site still exists. Creating a firewall filter might be an eventual result of this situation, but it would not be the best next step.
B. Scan all computers with the latest anti-malware signatures
There’s nothing in this example that would indicate that the inappropriate website was a security risk or that the end user’s computer was infected with malware.
D. Change the user’s password
Locking out the user by changing their password might cause other issues that are outside the scope of the AUP violation. This also does not resolve the issue associated with the original website visits.


An employee used their tablet to take pictures of the company’s newest product. Those pictures were posted on an industry rumor website the following week. Which of the following should be evaluated as the MOST likely security concern?
❍ A. Cloud storage
❍ B. USB flash drive use
❍ C. Application updates
❍ D. Deleted email messages


The Answer: A. Cloud storage
Many mobile devices use cloud storage to backup documents, videos, and photos. Anyone with access to the cloud storage would also have access to all of the photos.

The incorrect answers:
B. USB flash drive use
Using a USB flash drive for storage isn’t the most significant security concern, and an attacker would still need to gain physical access to the USB flash drive.
C. Application updates
Applications should always be updated when available, but running older application’s wouldn’t necessarily provide an attacker with access to the photos.
D. Deleted email messages
There’s no mention in this example of any email messages, and deleting messages would not be a security concern.


A system administrator needs to configure a laptop to support inbound Remote Desktop services for the help desk team. Which of these Control Panel features provides access to these settings?
❍ A. Internet Options
❍ B. Devices and Printers
❍ C. Network and Sharing Center
❍ D. System


The Answer: D. System
The System utility includes a Remote tab for Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop. The Remote Desktop option is available in non-Home editions of Windows.

The incorrect answers:
A. Internet Properties
The Internet Properties utility includes configuration options for the browser and configuration settings for proxies.
B. Devices and Printers
The Devices and Printers utility allows for the addition, removal, or configuration of monitors, storage drivers, printers, and more.
C. Network and Sharing Center
The Network and Sharing Center provides access to network configurations, file sharing options, and other network-related configurations. The options for Remote Desktop are not located in the Network and Sharing Center.


A system administrator is installing a new video editing application on
a user’s workstation from an installation USB flash drive. However, the installation process fails due to lack of available drive space. Which of the following would be the BEST way to complete the installation process?
❍ A. Use a share drive for the installation source
❍ B. Compress the installation files
❍ C. Install the application to a network share
❍ D. Manually copy the installation files to the application directory


The Answer: C. Install the application to a network share
The installed application files can be much larger than the installation utility, so using a network share with a larger available storage space can be a good alternative until free space is available on the local computer.

The incorrect answers:
A. Use a share drive for the installation source
Changing the installation media from a USB (Universal Serial Bus) drive to a share drive would not provide any additional free space on the destination storage drive.
B. Compress the installation files
Most installation files are already compressed, but compressing files on the installation media would not provide additional free space on the application storage drive.
D. Manually copy the installation files to the application directory
Most installation programs do not simply copy the existing files to a directory. The installation program often uncompresses the files, updates registry settings, and updates Windows configurations. Manually copying the files would not result in a properly installed application, and it would not provide any additional free space for the installation.


A system administrator is troubleshooting an application issue. The application uses an increasing amount of memory until all available RAM is eventually depleted. The computer must be rebooted every few days when this memory issue occurs. Which of the following utilities would show how much RAM is used by this application?
❍ A. Event Viewer
❍ B. Device Manager
❍ C. Task Manager
❍ D. Programs and Features


The Answer: C. Task Manager
Task Manager provides a real-time view of system metrics, including CPU utilization, storage use, and memory utilization.

The incorrect answers:
A. Event Viewer
The Windows Event Viewer is a consolidated log of all system events. Real-time memory usage is not monitored by the Event Viewer.
B. Device Manager
The Device Manager provides management of the hardware device drivers. Resource utilization and memory information is not provided in Device Manager.
D. Programs and Features
Applications and Windows features can be installed or removed from the Programs and Features applet. Programs and Features does not display memory utilization statistics.


An organization has distributed new laptops to all of their home-office employees. Although the users at home can successfully connect through the Internet to resources at the corporate office, there have been complaints that printers and shared drives at home are not accessible. Which of the following would explain this issue?
❍ A. Incorrect login credentials
❍ B. Port security is turned on
❍ C. The corporate VPN is enabled
❍ D. Blocked by DLP


The Answer: C. The corporate VPN is enabled
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection that sends all traffic back to the corporate office by default would effectively disconnect the user from any other local resources, such as printers, other computers, and local file shares.

The incorrect answers:
A. Incorrect login credentials
Incorrect login credentials would prevent access to all resources, including those at the corporate office over the VPN.
B. Port security is turned on
Port security is a switch feature to prevent an unauthorized user from physically connecting to the network. Port security would limit all traffic through the network, including the traffic intended for the corporate office.
D. Blocked by DLP
DLP (Data Loss Prevention) is a security technology to identify and block the transfer of unauthorized materials through the network. DLP solutions are often used to block private customer information, credit card details, and other sensitive data. A DLP solution would not be the reason that communication to home resources would be blocked.