A Christmas carol quotations Flashcards
“A solitary child… (stave 2) (Scrooge)
neglected by his friends, is left there still.”
And he (stave 2) (Scrooge)
Scrooge entered (stave 3) (Scrooge)
timidly and hung his head before the spirit.”
Violent fit (stave 3) (Scrooge)
of trembling
Legs trembled (stave 4) (Scrooge)
beneath him
Let me see (stave 4) (Scrooge)
Some tenderness connected with adeath,”
As solitary (stave 1) (Scrooge)
as an oyster
If they would rather (stave 1) (Scrooge)
die they had better do it and decrease the surplus population
Darkness is (stave 1) (Scrooge)
cheap, and Scrooge liked it
Mankind was (stave 1) (Marley)
my business
I am here tonight (stave 1) (Marley)
to warn you, that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate
There was a boy singing a (stave 2) (Scrooge)
Christmas Carol at my door last night. I should like to have given him something: that’s all
Shaking hands with every (stave 2) (Fezziwig family)
person individually as he or she went out, wished him or her a Merry Christmas
The happiness he (stave 2) (Fezziwig)
gives, is quite as great as if it costs a fortune
Another idol (stave 2) (Belle)
has displaced me
I have seen your (stave 2) (Belle)
nobler aspirations fall off one by one, until the master passion, Gain engrosses you
Quite alone (stave 2) (Belle’s husband about Scrooge)
in the world, I do believe
Sprinkled incense (stave 3) (Ghost of Christmas Present)
on their dinners from his torch
A feathered (stave 3) (about the Cratchit’s goose)
If these shadows (stave 3) (about Tiny Tim)
remain unaltered by the Future, the child will die
I’ll give you (stave 3) (Bob Cratchit)
Mr Scrooge, the Founder of the Feast
This boy is (stave 3) (Ghost of Christmas Present)
Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all their degree, but most of all beware this boy
I am prepared to (stave 4) (Scrooge)
bear you company, and do it with a thankful heart
It’s likely to be (stave 4) (men about Scrooge)
a very cheap funeral for upon my life I don’t know of anybody to go to it
I see, I see. (stave 4) (Scrooge)
The case of this unhappy man might be my own. My life tends that way, now
I wish you could (stave 4) (Bob about Tiny Tim’s grave)
have gone. It would have done you good to see how green a place it is
It really seemed (stave 4) (Bob about Fred)
as if he had known our Tiny Tim, and felt with us
Overrun (stave 4) (Scrooge’s grave)
by grass and weeds
I will not (stave 4) (Scrooge)
shut out the lessons that they teach
The Spirits of (stave 5) (Scrooge)
all Three shall strive within me
I am as (stave 5) (Scrooge)
light as a feather, I am a happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school-boy. I am as giddy as a drunken man
Scrooge was (stave 5) (Scrooge)
better than his word. He did it all and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father
He knew how (stave 5) (Scrooge)
how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the Knowledge
The smooth white (Stave 3) (Society)
sheet of snow upon the roofs, and with the dirtier snow upon the ground