3 fear quotes?
“I wear the chains I forged in life” Marley - Stave 1
The boy is Ignorance, the girl is Want. “yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish” Narrator - Stave 3
On the neglected grave his own name Ebenezer Scrooge
I wear the chains I forged in life
Marley, Stave 1
chains = metaphor for sins
repetition of I = he’s responsible
instilling fear to change society
christians scared of hell
chains = punishment for his behaviour
The boy is Ignorance, the girl is Want
“yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish”
Narrator, Stave 3
Negative adjectives
wolfish = animalistic
ignorance = lack of knowledge
Want = lack of basics
scrooge scared by the 2 children
cycle of deprivation
period of extreme social inequality
On the neglacted grave his own name Ebenezer Scrooge
‘neglected instills fear into Scrooge & reader.
grave plays on fear of hell
Dickens wrote CC t scare the audience into changing their ways
fear at thought of dying alone
3 poverty quotes?
“if they would rather die” said Scrooge, “they had better do it and decrease the surplus population”. Stave 1 - Scrooge
“Brave in ribbons” Stave 3 - narrator
“This boy is Ignorance, this girl is Want” Stave 3 GOCPresent
“If they would rather die”, said Scrooge, “they had better do it and decrease the surplus population”
Scrooge, Stave 1
‘surplus’ = cruel way rich (Scrooge) view poor
Cold and clinical language = no compassion
He would rather see poor die than help them
Dickens wants us to be shocked
if rich deny the poor of necessities they would grow up to become criminals
Malthusian theory
“Brave in ribbons”
Narrator, Stave 3
Mrs Cratchit added new ribbons in desperate attempt to freshen up for Xmas
example of their extreme poverty
metaphor = puts a brave face on being poor
Dickens wants us to sympathise
Cratchits were decent and pride not idle
“This boy is Ignorance, this girl is Want”
GOCP Stave 3
2 children = allegories of 2 social problems.
humanised in disturbing creatures who embody these worst traits of vic society
ignorance = Rich (Scrooge) ignore problems of the poor
Want = pop boom means many people going without
Society must care for poor like we do children
scrooge did not engage with charity
Thomas Malthus?
Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) was an economist who thought that population would always grow faster than food supplies and that overpopulation would lead to many people (poor) dying from famine.
Dickens thought he was wrong and rich need to be more generous. The poor suffered because the rich were too selfish.
Scrooge reflects Malthus’ views “decreasing surplus population”
In stave 3 you see all the nough watering food in the window - i.e. enough food but not shared with the poor
3 Ghost quotes
“I wear the chains I forged in life” Marley - Stave 1
“there sat a joyy giant who bore a glowing torch” describing GOCPresent - Stave 3
“if they are going to die.. they had better do it and decrease the surplus population” GOCPresent - Stave 3
“There sat a jolly giant who bore a glowing torch”
describing the GOCPresent
Stave 3
The light could reflect hope - that Scrgooge will change
‘jolly’ = good natured and christmas is time of goodwill
torch represents ‘Plenty’s Horn’ (Greek myth) produces never ending fruit - suggests xmas cheer should never run out.
i.e. abundance in contrast to Malthusian theory
“If they are going to die… they had better do it and decrease the surplus population”
GOCPresent, Stave 3
important moment in play - GOCPresent has just shown Scrooge Bob and Tiny Tim
The ghost repeats Scrooge’s cruel words back to him wheb Scrooge asks if Tim will live
Scrooges said they were surplus and essentially not worthy of live in Stave 1
Dickens uses ghost to umanise the poor
making point it’s not for us to decide who is worthy of life
repeated quote reminds us of dangers of malthusian theory.
The Amended Poor Law and the Workhouses?
1815 Poor Law - given money by parish if you couldnt work
Money raised by taxing middle and upper class which caused resentment.
Cost of Poor Law increased every year and in 1834 the government amended the Poor Law Act = workhouses for people needing food and shelter.
Workhouses were inhumane and “many would rather die than go there|”
Deserving and Undeserving poor?
“deserving” poor through no fault of their own e.g. disability, age, sickness.
“undeserving” poor were considered work-shy, a burden on their communities
In Stave 1 Scrooge called the poor “idle” meaning laziness.
Poverty and Dickens’ personal experience?
his father was imprisoned for debt and so he experienced poverty. He had to work in a to support his family.
he felt neglected and lonely at this time.
this links to themes of loneliness and abandonment in novel
he loved near a workhouse.
1837 he was on a jury for a poor young servant accused of killing a child. he felt legal system was unfairly stacked against the poor, He argued the case and she was deemed not guilty.
Ghosts - Historical context?
There had been ghost stories before but ghost stories as a specific genre was the invention of the victorians. This was because:
1) the industrial revolution
2) Gas lamps
3) Spiritualisation
Ghosts - Their purpose?
They all represent an idea or aspect - they all serve to teach Scrooge something through their visits so he can learn and ultimately change to be better
What does Ghost of Christmas Past represent?
with his glowing head represents memory reminding Scrooge of his childhood.
“a solitary child, neglected by his friends”
the relationship he had with his father, sister, fezziwig (power he has as an employer) and Belle (reminding his he chose money over a loving family)
What does the Ghost of Christmas Present represent?
generosity and the xmas spirit. He shows Scrooge that even the poorest have xmas spirit. Gives insight into how the Cratchit’s live and the happiness they get from family.Humanises the working class and reveals what Dickens thinks are the biggest issues of society - Ignorance and Want
What does Ghost of Christmas yet to come represent?
fear of death and moral reckoning. Shows Scrooge his death will mean very little to people unless he changes his ways. Scrooge is terrified by what he learns through this ghost stating “I will honour Christmas in my heart”
Ghost’s appearance - Marley?
“I wear the chains I forged in life” = metaphor for the sins he committed in life. Note that everything on the chains is to do with money
Ghost’s appearance - Christmas Past?
“from the crown of it’s head there sprung a bright clear jet of life” the light is symbolic of shining a light on Scrooge’s memories and his past to enlighten Scrooge
Ghost’s appearance - Christmas Present?
“There sat a jolly giant who bore a glowing torch” - the light couls also reflect hope and the hope that Scrooge will change. Jolly conveys the good nature of the ghost and links him to a time of goodwill
Ghost’s appearance - Christmas yet to come?
“It was shrouded in a deep black garment which concealed it’s head, it’s face”. This ghost’s appearance symbolised how the future is unknown. Also similar to a grim reaper who represents death - something present in all our futures.