A Christmas Carol 🎄🎶 Flashcards
Hard and Sharp as flint from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire
Chapter 1
Scrooge wept to see his poor forgotten self as he had used to be
Chapter 2
I am as light as a feather
I wear the chain i forged in life
The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business
and witness what it cannot share but might have shared on earth and turned to happiness
All chapter 1
You fear the world too much
Another idol has displaced me a golden one
Both chapter 2
Ghost of Christmas Past
A solitary child neglected by his friends is left there still
A small matter to make these silly folk so full of gratitude.
Scrooge: the happiness he gives is quite as great as if it cost a fortune
All chapter 2
Ghost of Christmas Present
They are mans. This boy is ignorance this girl is want beware them both and all of their degree
Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?
All chapter 3
Though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket i believe that it has done me good and will do me good
Chapter 1
I mean to give him the same chance every year for i pity him
Chapter 3
Who suffers by his ill whims? Himself always
Chapter 3
Mrs Cratchit
Brave in ribbons
Chapter 3
Ignorance and Want
Two children, wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable
Wolfish, prostrate, meagre
Both chapter 3
Bob Cratchit
I’ll give you Mr Scrooge founder of the feast
As good as gold. And better, somehow he gets thoughtful sitting by himself
A merry christmas to us all my dears. God bless us.
All Chapter 3.