How many morphological forms does E. histolytica have?
E. histolytica trophozoite
- is the growing stage of the parasite & the only FORM present in tissues.
-It is large, irregular in shape & actively motile in freshly passed dysenteric stool (contains RBCs)
-Tend to be smaller in convalescents & carriers - EXCYSTATION IN TERMINAL ILEUM OR CECUM ->metacyst
Precystic Stage of E. histolytica
- Trophozoites undergo encystment in the intestinal lumen.
- Before encystment, the trophozoite extrudes its food vacuoles and becomes round or oval. This leads to the precystic stage of the parasite.
- It contains a large glycogen vacuole and two chromatid bars.
- It then secretes a highly retractile cyst wall around it and becomes
Cystic Stage of E. histolytica
- It begins as an early cyst with a single nucleus, a glycogen mass & 1–4 chromatoid bodies.
- As the cyst matures, the other structures disappear and the nucleus undergoes 2 successive mitotic divisions to form 4 nuclei.
- The mature cyst is quadrinucleate
E. histolytica parasite virulence factors include:
*Amoebic lectin, cystine proteinase which inactivates complement factor C3 and ionophore
*Host factors are: stress, malnutrition,
alcoholism, corticosteroid therapy, bacterial flora & immunodeficiency.
* Glycoproteins in colonic mucus blocks attachment of trophozoites to epithelial cells hence changes in the nature & quality of colonic mucus may influence virulence.
Diagnosis of Amoebiasis:
* Definitive diagnosis depends on microscopic demonstration of actively motile trophozoites in freshly-passed stool.
* Presence of ingested RBCs identifies E. histolytica. Charcot-Leyden crystals are often present.
* Iodine-stained preparation is needed to demonstrate cysts or dead
➁MACROSCOPIC features include brownish black foul-smelling stool intermingled with blood & mucus
*IHA,Latex agglutination test & ELISA.
* lHA & LA are highly sensitive but often give false-positive results as
they remain positive for several years even after successful treatment
Morphology of N. fowleri:
- Cyst
- Amoeboid trophozoite form
- Flagellate trophozoite form
Trophozoite Stage
* The trophozoites occur in 2 forms, the amoeboid and flagellate
N. fowleri Amoeboid trophozoite form
- The amoeboid form has rounded pseudopodia, a spherical nucleus & pulsating vacuoles(used for engulfing RBCs/WBCs).
- It is the feeding, growing & replicating form of the parasite, seen on the surface of vegetation, mud and water.
- It is also the invasive stage & the infective form of the parasite.
What causes Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) ?
amoeboflagellate Naegleria (the brain eating amoeba).
What causes Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) and chronic amoebic keratitis (CAK) ?
* Balamuthia have also been reported to cause GAE.
N. fowleri Flagellate form
- The biflagellate form occurs within a minute when trophozoites are transferred to distilled water.
- The flagellate can revert to the amoeboid form, hence N. fowleri is classified as amoeboflagellate.
N. fowleri Cyst Stage
- It’s the resting or the dormant form & can resist unfavorable conditions such as drying and chlorine up to 50 ppm(2ppm kills the cyst).
- Trophozoites encyst due to unfavorable conditions such as food deprivation, desiccation, cold temperature etc.
- Cysts and flagellate forms of N. fowleri have never been found in tissues of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
diagnosis of PAM
*presence of motile Naegleria trophozoites in wet mounts of freshly-obtained CSF.
*The CSF picture resembles that of bacterial meningitis with a cloudy
to purulent appearance, prominent neutrophilic leukocytosis, elevated
protein & low glucose.
*Cysts are not found in CSF or brain.
* At autopsy, trophozoites can be demonstrated in brain histologically
by immunofluroscent staining
* N. fowleri can be grown in several kinds of liquid axenic media or non-nutrient agar plates coated with Escherichia coli. Both trophozoites and cysts occur in culture.
* Newer tests based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology are being developed
Which Acanthamoeba species cause human infection?
- A. culbertsoni (formerly, Hartmanella culbertsoni) mostly
- A. polyphagia, A. castalleni, and A.
**Acanthamoeba exists as active trophozoite form & a highly resistant
double-walled cystic form.
* The trophozoite is large in size & characterized by spine-like pseudopodia (acanthopodia).
* It differs from Naegleria in not having a flagellate stage & in forming cysts in tissues.
* Cysts are present in all types of environment all over the world