A/C systems Flashcards
Aircraft ceiling
8000ft as not pressurised
Maximum structural cruise speed (Vno)
Minimum control speed (Vmca)
Recommended climb speed (Vyse)
15° flap speed limit
Less than 150 kts
25° or 40° degree flap speed limit
Both less than 140 kts
Landing gear limiting speed
Less than 130 kts
What to do in a landing gear malfunction
Follow the checklist in FRC
Landing gear warning horn
Power below 12” of MAP (manifold air pressure) and gear selector up
Flap lever is moved beyond approach flaps and power
For ground towing what must be checked
Oloe collar must be checked as removed before flight
Tell tale flag is attached to pitot to increase visibility to collar if fitted
When in the right hand seat you must keep feet clear of?
Rudder and breaks
Engine oil
Wet sump type
Pressure range 25 to 100 psi
Company minimum oil to fly
If oil pressure is below 25 psi?
This is hazardous to engine operation
What fuel type?
100 or 100LL Avgas