A brief history of the USA : Questions Flashcards
Killing the British
Samuel Colt invented the first weapon
- The KKK became an illegal terrorist organisation
- The NRA waw founded
A black woman refused to move the back of a bus (Rosa Parks)
Why did the Pilgrims go to the New World ?
The Pilgrims go to the New World because they were explorers on a mission
Why did Pilgrims kill the Indians upon arrival ?
The Pilgrims kill the Indians upon arrival because they saw the Indians as savages and that scared them
Why did the Pilgrims/Americans burn witches ?
The Pilgrims burn witches because witches are evil
Why dis they pass the Second Amendment ?
Americans passed the Second Amendment because they didn’t feel safe and they needed guns
Where does slavery come from ?
Slavery come from Africa
Why were the whites afraid of dying ?
The whites afraid of dying because slaves were free
Why did the whites flee to live in all-white suburbs ?
The whites fled to live in all-whites suburbs because the blacks were demanding their rights
What is the common factor for everything that happened ?
The common factor for everything that happened above FEAR
FEAR (exps.) :
- To be afraid of + V-ing
- Be scared
- Didn’t feel safe
- They were freaking out
- Have a freak out
- Get frightened
Expressions de la PEUR/CRAINTE :
- Avoir peur de
- Être effrayé
- Ne pas se sentir en sécurité
- Ils étaient entrain de flipper
- Avoir une peur bleue
- Prendre peur
Who signed the Emancipation Proclamation that effectively ended slavery ?
Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 that effectively ended slavery
What happened to Abraham Lincoln ?
Abraham Lincoln was assasinated in 1865