A - Ageing and society Flashcards
The mean life expectancy is increasing by roughly 2.5 years per decade Give two reasons why people are living longer?
This is because fewer people are dying in childhood and fewer people are dying middle aged
With regards to Japan, how does the population of the country differ from childhood, to middle aged to 65 and over?
Japans population is middle aged dominated There are far more elderly residents however than children There is an increasing number old people in many countries with a decreasing number of young
How does age vary with activities of daily living impairment?
With increasing age, there is increased activity of daily living impairment
Do women or men tend to have a greater disability with increasing age?
In most countries women tend to have increasing disability over men
Is an increase in life expectancy accompanied by and increase in healthy life expectancy?
currently the aim is to increase healthy life expectancy as life expectancy increases The healthy life expectancy increase however is not keeping with the pace of life expectancy
What is the main cause of disability?
CVD - cardiovascular disease
What is ageism?
Ageism is an unacceptable behaviour that occurs as a result of the belief that older people are of less value than younger people
Which man discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer?
Richard doll
Some frail older adults are vulnerable to abuse Name some types of abuse and which is the most common?
Financial abuse is the most common type of elder abuse Other types include verbal and physical and less commonly sexual abuse