a Flashcards
ah, open top of throat a little more - the sound you’d make if a dentist asked you to open wide and say ah
ba, like ba in bar (if you remove the r sound) or baa (if you open top of throat a little more, less flat)
pa, like pa in pass or par, open top of throat a little more
ma, like ma in manage, open top of throat a little more
fa, like fa in far (if you remove the r sound) or fan (if you open top of throat a little more, less flat)
da, like da in dad, open top of throat a little more
ta, like ta in tangible, open top of throat a little more, hard t - like d but with whole flat tip of tongue not a flick
nah, like na in nacho, open top of throat a little more, use more of tongue surface in the n, not just the tip
la, like la in last with an american accent but no difference in tone from first tone, spread out back of tongue a little more, move tongue back a little and forwards a little less as the sound is made, open top of throat a little more
ga, like ga in lady ga ga, open top of throat a little more
ka, like ka in car (if you remove the r sound) or japanese ka (if you open the top of throat a little more and open the back of the lower mouth a little more)
ha, like hea in heart, open top of throat a little more
dsa, like combining ds and dentist ah
tsa, like combining ts and dentist ah, raise bottom/forwards part of top/middle of throat a little mor
sa, like sa in sang, closer to but not saying san but not committing to the n (no tongue movement, just throat things)
ja, like ja in jar (if you remove the r sound) or jam (if you open the top of the throat a little more
cha, like cha in chan, open the top of the throat a little more
sha, like sha in Shannon, open the top of the throat a little more