A Flashcards
Verb: To reduce in amount, degree, or severity As the Hurricane’s force abated, the winds dropped and sea became calm. Synonyms: ebb; lapse; let up; moderate; relent; slacken: subside
Verb: To humble; disgrace My intention was not to abase the comedian. Synonym: demean, humiliate
Verb: To give up a position, right or power With the angry mob clamoring outside the palace, the king abdicated his throne and fled. Synonym: cede: relinquish; resign; quit; yield
Adj: Deviating from what is normal or expected: Since he had been a steady, cheerful worker for many years, his fellow postal workers did not expect his aberrant burst of rage. Synonym: abnormal; anomalous; deviant
Noun: Temporary suppression or suspension: The baseball game was held in abeyance while it continued to rain. Synonym: deferral; delay
Verb: To reject; abandon formally The spy abjured his allegiance to the United States when he defected to Russia.
Verb: To leave secretly: The patron absconded from the restaurant without paying his bill. Synonym: decamp; flee; escape
Verb: To choose not to do something: Before the medical procedure, you must abstain from eating. Synonym: refrain; withhold
Adj: Moderate in appetite : Because Alice is a vegetarian, she was only able to eat an abstemious meal at the Texas steakhouse. Synonym: abstinent; sober; self-restraining
Noun: An extremely deep hole
Noun: A growth in size; an increase in amount : The committees strong fund-raising efforts resulted in an accretion in scholarship money. Synonym: accumulation; buildup
Adj: Sour in taste or manner: The acidulous taste of the spoiler milk made the young boy’s lips pucker. Synonym: acerbic; acetose; pigquant; tart
Noun: Highest point; summit; the highest level or degree attainable: Just when he reached the acme of his power, the dictator was overthrown. Synonym: apex; peak
Verb: To make impure The restaurant made his ketchup last longer by adulterating it with water. Synonym: decade; load; doctor
Verb: To speak In favor of: The vegetarian advocated a dirt containing no meat. Synonym: support; bolster
Noun: A nest built high in the air; an elevated, often secluded dwelling: Perched high among the trees, the eagle’s aerie was filled with eggs. Synonym: perch; stronghold
Adj: Concerning the appreciation of beauty
Adj: Phony; artificial: The affected hairdresser spouted french phrases, though she had never been to France. Synonym: insincere; pretentious; put-on
Verb: To increase in power, influence and reputation: The supervisor sought to aggrandize himself by claiming that the achievements of his staff were actually his own. Synonym: amplify; augment; elevate
Noun: Promptness, cheerful readiness: The restaurant won a reputation for fine service since the wait staff responded to their clients requests with alacrity. Synonym: eagerness; swiftness
Verb: To ease, to make more bearable