A Flashcards
⛔ The Prisoner of Zenda was published exactly a hundred years ago
✅ The Prisoner of Zenda was published exactly one! hundred years ago.
"a" + informații numerice aproximative
"one" + informații numerice exacte
⛔ All the gentlemen have taken off their jackets and not a few have gone so far as to take off their trousers, too.
✅ All the gentlemen have taken off their jackets and not few! have gone so far as to take off their trousers, too.
a few= câțiva, câteva (în număr suficient, conotație pozitivă) : "There are a few patients in the waiting-room."
few= câțiva, câteva, puțini (în număr insuficient, conotație negativă)
⛔ There was a great deal of witchcraft books lying on the table in his room.
✅ There was a great number! of witchcraft books lying on the table in his room.
"A great deal" este ÎNTOTDEAUNA urmat de un s. nenumărabil: "a great deal of money/time/meat" etc.
⛔ There was an ordered heap of books in the farthest corner of the library.
✅ There was an ordered pile of! books in the farthest corner of the library.
"a heap of" = o grămadă (dezordonată) de: "When she saw the heap of old magazines, newspapers and lumber she turned giddy."
"a pile of" = o grămadă (ordonată) de
⛔ There is a little water left; soon we'll die of thirst!
✅ There is little! water left; soon we'll die of thirst!
"a little" = puțin, puțină (cantitate suficientă, conotație pozitivă): "She started eating a little fruit." (She realized it was better for her to give up eating meat.)
"little" = puțin, puțină (cantitate insuficientă, conotație negativă): "She eats little fruit." (She prefers eating meat.)
⛔ The officer was court-martialled as he had abandoned his colours and passed over to the enemy.
✅ The officer was court-martialled as he had deserted! his colours and passed over to the enemy.
"abandon" = a renunța la ceva/cineva silit de împrejurări: "The crew had to abandon the burning ship to the waves."
"desert" = a renunța la ceva/cineva în mod intenționat, încălcând o datorie/obligație.
⛔ He abandoned his friends and his home.
✅ He forsook! his friends and his home.
"abandon" = a renunța la ceva/cineva silit de împrejurări: "The crew had to abandon the burning ship to the waves."
"forsake" = a renunța la ceva/cineva prin ruperea oricăror legături afective cu locul/persoana etc. respectiv(ă)
⛔ Sea sickness made him abandon the desire to become a sailor.
✅ Sea sickeness made him relinquish! the desire to become a sailor.
"abandon" = a renunța la ceva/cineva silit de împrejurări: "The crew had to abandon the burning ship to the waves."
"relinquish" = a renunța la ceva/ cineva din cauza unor împrejurări nefericite.
⛔ I have no wish to abandon my responsibility.
✅ I have no wish to shirk! my responsibility.
"abandon" = a renunța la ceva/cineva silit de împrejurări: "The crew had to abandon the burning ship to the waves."
"shirk (from)" = a se eschiva, a se sustrage
Seria sinonimică a lui ABANDON (cu valorile aferente):
"abandon" = a renunța la ceva/cineva silit de împrejurări: "The crew had to abandon the burning ship to the waves."
"desert" = a renunța la ceva/cineva în mod intenționat, încălcând o datorie/obligație.
"forsake" = a renunța la ceva/cineva prin ruperea oricăror legături afective cu locul/persoana etc. respectiv(ă)
"relinquish" = a renunța la ceva/ cineva din cauza unor împrejurări nefericite
"shirk (from)" = a se eschiva, a se sustrage
⛔ Although she was taken to hospital at once, Mrs. Rosemary had an abortion.
✅ Although she was taken to hospital at once, Mrs. Rosemary had a miscarriage!.
"abortion"= avort, întrerupere deliberată a sarcinii: "Abortion is not recommended by the church."
"miscarriage" = pierdere accidentală a sarcinii
⛔ I've written an article about the life of dolphins.
✅ I've written an article on! the life of dolphins.
"about" + informații de interes general
"on" + informații științifice
⛔ He kept his hands above his head.
✅ He kept his hands over! his head.
"above" (ant. "below") = deasupra, sus (NU presupune și acoperirea a ceea ce se află dedesubt): "The plane was flying above the clouds."
"over" (ant. "under") =deasupra, peste (presupune și acoperirea a ceea ce se află dedesubt)
Rețineți totuși că ambele prep. pot fi utilizate când se referă la ceva situat pe verticală, la un etaj superior: "His office is above/over the shop."
⛔ He put his gloves above his hat.
✅ He put his gloves on top of! his hat.
"above" = deasupra, sus
"on top of" (ant. "underneath")= pe ceva, atingând obiectul deasupra căruia se află.
⛔ I found the clue at the page above-mentioned.
✅ I found the clue at the above-mentioned! page.
"Above-mentioned" stă ÎNTOTDEAUNA înaintea s. pe care-l determină: "above-mentioned company/ address/ person" etc.
⛔ She was absent at the meeting but she wasn't sorry about that.
✅ She was absent from! the meeting but she wasn't sorry about that.
"absent from", NU at
⛔ When I rang her up at the office she was absent.
✅ When I rang her up at the office she !was away/ she wasn't in!
"absent" = care nu este prezent la ceva ce trebuie frecventat în mod regulat: "absent from a meeting/school" etc.
⛔ She absented for one month, as she had promised.
✅ She absented herself! for one month, as she had promised.
"to be absent" = a fi absent
"to absent oneself" = a absenta în mod intenționat.
⛔ After hearing the news, he was so absent-minded that he didn't even notice my presence in the room.
✅ After hearing the news, he was so abstracted! that he didn't even notice my presence in the room.
"absent-minded" = distrat, neatent: "When he went home he discovered the reason why his absent-minded host had forgotten to put in an apperance."
"abstracted" = 1) cufundat în gânduri; 2) zăpăcit
⛔ She was absent-minded because of the cellphone, that's why she didn't know what you had said.
✅ She was distracted by! the cellphone, that's why she didn't know what you had said.
"absent-minded" = distrat, neatent: "When he went home he discovered the reason why his absent-minded host had forgotten to put in an apperance."
"distracted" = distras de ceva
⛔ They abused us by not taking into account our petition.
✅ They **insulted** us by not taking into account our petition.
**abuse** = 1) a abuza de; 2) a striga la cineva într-un mod jignitor, a aduce injurii cuiva: "He used to abuse his soldiers whenever he had the oportunity."
**insult** = a insulta, a ofensa, a da dovadă de lipsă de respect
⛔ She speaks without any peculiar accent. /aek'sent/.
✅ She speaks without any peculiar **accent** /'aek•sent/.
Rețineți existența unui număr de s. care au aceeași formă cu v. corespunzătoare, singura diferență constând în accentuarea diferită a termenilor în pronunție: ('accent vs to ac'cent, 'export vs to ex'port, import, object, progress, subject etc.)
⛔ I accept to lull his suspicions in order to find out the truth.
✅ I accept **the need** to lull his suspicions in order to find out the truth.
**Accept** nu este NICIODATĂ urmat de **to-v.** care nu este precedat de un s.
⛔ The Worthings won't accept to go to their wedding because he is a Mormon.
✅ The Worthings won't **agree** to go to their wedding because he is a Mormon.
**accept** = a accepta sfatul, părerea, sugestia sau invitația cuiva: "Mr. and Mrs. Jackson accept with pleasure Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Amstrong's kind invitation for dinner on Thursday, the 15th of June, at 8 o'clock." ~<u>accepți</u> un substantiv
**agree** = a fi de acord cu ceva ~ a fi de acord cu o acțiune.
⛔ They won't accept you in the conference room after the chairman's arrival.
✅ They won't **allow** you into/ **admit** you to the conference room after the chairman's arrival.
**accept** = a accepta sfatul, părerea, sugestia sau invitația cuiva: "Mr. and Mrs. Jackson accept with pleasure Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Amstrong's kind invitation for dinner on Thursday, the 15th of June, at 8 o'clock." ~<u>accepți</u> un substantiv
**allow/admit** = a permite, a lăsa
⛔ She cannot accept people who pick their nose in public.
✅ She cannot **stand** people who pick their nose in public.
**accept** = a accepta sfatul, părerea, sugestia sau invitația cuiva: "Mr. and Mrs. Jackson accept with pleasure Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Amstrong's kind invitation for dinner on Thursday, the 15th of June, at 8 o'clock." ~<u>accepți</u> un substantiv
**can't stand/bear/abide** = a nu putea suporta/tolera.
⛔ It is known that the Japanese cars are cheap, but their accessories are very expensive.
✅ It is known that the Japanese cars are cheap, but their **spare parts** are very expensive.
**accessories** = accesorii, îmbunătățiri: "A car accesory is something helpful but not essential, like an electric fan or a roof rack."
**spare parts** = piese de schimb (astea sunt esențiale)
⛔ He did a very serious accident last month.
✅ He **had** a very serious accident last month.
**have/ be involved in** an accident, NU make/do
⛔ She called on, but accidentally you were asleep.
✅ She called on, but **unfortunately** you were asleep.
**accidentally** = întâmplător: "I've accidentally run into them just when they were kissing each other."
**unfortunately** = din nefericire
⛔ I will accommodate our plans with yours.
✅ I will accommodate our plans **to** yours.
**accommodate with** = a acorda o favoare, a înzestra cu: "The bank will accommodate you with a loan."
**accommodate to** = a adapta, a potrivi, a schimba ceva conform cu/după
⛔ She accompanied her words by a wave of her hand.
✅ She accompanied her words **with** a wave of her hand.
**accompanied by ** smb., DAR **accompanied with** smth.
⛔ He has accomplished the impossible.
✅ He has **achieved** the impossible.
**accomplish** = a realiza/ a reuși să facă ceva: "Because of the bad weather, he couldn't accomplish his task."
**achieve**= a realiza ceva în ciuda dificultăților
⛔ Things hardly accomplished are longer retained.
✅ Things hardly **attained** are longer retained.
**accomplish** = a realiza/ a reuși să facă ceva: "Because of the bad weather, he couldn't accomplish his task."
**attain**= a realiza ceva datorită ambiției și perseverenței
⛔ One must attain great knowledge if one wishes to accomplish fame.
✅ One must attain great knowledge if one whises to **gain** fame.
**accomplish** = a realiza/ a reuși să facă ceva: "Because of the bad weather, he couldn't accomplish his task."
**gain** = a realiza ceva care te pune în avantaj, a câștiga
⛔ Actors should accomplish their roles with a will.
✅ Actors should **perform** their roles with a will.
**accomplish** = a realiza/ a reuși să facă ceva: "Because of the bad weather, he couldn't accomplish his task."
**perform** = 1) a interpreta; 2) a îndeplini
Seria sinonimică a lui ACCOMPLISH (cu valorile aferente):
**accomplish** = a realiza/ a reuși să facă ceva: "Because of the bad weather, he couldn't accomplish his task."
**achieve** = a realiza ceva în ciuda dificultăților
**attain** = a realiza ceva datorită ambiției și perseverenței
**gain** = a realiza ceva care te pune în avantaj, a câștiga
**perform** = 1) a interpreta; 2) a îndeplini
⛔ Learning Chinese at 45 was quite an accomplishment.
✅ Learning Chinese at 45 was quite an **achievement**.
**accomplishment** = îndemânare, talent: "It was part of her creed that people who are not long for this world possess supernatural accomplishments."
**achievement** = realizare
⛔ Mrs. Pebbles has turned in her job on her own accord.
✅ Mrs. Pebbles has turned in her job **of** her own accord.
**of one's own accord**, NU **on**.
⛔ They are acting on my own accord.
✅ They are acting on my **behalf**/on my **account**.
**of smb.'s own accord**= nesilit de nimeni, de bunăvoie: "He typed the report of his own accord, nobody asked him to do it."
**on smb.'s behalf** = în numele cuiva
⛔ According to me, you shouldn't speak unrequested.
✅ **In my opinion**, you shouldn't speak unrequested.
**According to** NU poate fi urmat de **me** sau **us**.
⛔ She must be asked such a question with no account.
✅ She must be asked such a question **on** no account.
**on no account**, NU **with**
⛔ A statement free from error is said to be accurate.
✅ A statement free from error is said to be **correct**.
**accurate** = corect, adevărat: "A statement showing careful conformity to fact is called an accurate statement."
**correct** = fără greșeală
⛔ That was an accurate translation of a well-known passage.
✅ That was an **exact** translation of a well-known passage.
**accurate** = corect, adevărat: "A statement showing careful conformity to fact is called an accurate statement"
**exact** = exact, fidel
⛔ A statement showing a higher degree of strictness and most detailed conformity to fact is an accurate statement.
✅ A statement showing a higher degree of strictness and most detailed conformity to fact is a **precise** statement.
**accurate** = corect, adevărat: "A statement showing careful conformity to fact is called an accurate statement."
**precise** = precis, care evaluează corect și sigur
Seria sinonimică a cuvântului ACCURATE (cu valorile aferente):
**accurate** = corect, adevărat: "A statement showing careful conformity to fact is called an accurate statement."
**correct** = fără greșeală
**exact** = exact, fidel
**precise** = precis, care evaluează corect și sigur