All the linked lists contain the elements of type _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY. The term “module” here refers to any executable image, which includes the process executables and DLLs.
_PEB_LDR_DATA - InLoadOrderModuleList
A linked list that organizes modules in the order in which they are loaded into a process. Because the process executable is always first to load in the process address space, its entry is first in this list.
_PEB_LDR_DATA - InMemoryOrderModuleList
A linked list that organizes modules in the order in which they appear in the process’ virtual memory layout. For example, the last DLL to load may end up at a lower base address than the first (due to address space layour randomization [ASLR] and other factors).
_PEB_LDR_DATA - InInitializationOrderModuleList
A linked list that organizes modules in the order in which their DllMain function was exectuted. This is different from the load order list because a module’s DllMain isn’t always called immediately when it loads. Sometimes it’s never called, for example when you load a DLL as a data file or image resource.
This is the base address of the module in process memory. The DLL dumping plugins read this address to know where to start carving.
The first instruction executed by the module. In most cases, it is taken from the PE file’s AddressOfEntryPoint value.
The size of the module, in bytes.
The full path to the module’s file on disk (for example, System32/kernel32.dll)
The base portion of the module’s filename(for example, kernel32.dll)
The number of times LoadLibrary was called for the module. It is used as a reference count to know when it is safe to unload a DLL from process memory. Used to determine how a DLL was loaded (via the import address table (IAT) or an explicit call to LoadLibrary)