9th Kup Flashcards
What is the meaning of Chon Ji?
Chon ji means literally the heaven and the earth, in the orient its interrupted as the creation of the world or the beginning of human history.
Therefore, it is the pattern done by the beginner.
This patter consists of 2 similar parts - one to represent the heaven and the other the earth.
Chon ji has 19 movements
Walking stance?
Gunnun sogi
What does yellow belt signify?
Yellow belt signifies the earth towards which the plant sprouts and takes root as the TKD foundations are being laid.
What is Bakat Palmok Najundae Makgi?
Low outer forearm block
What is An Palmok Kaundae Makgi?
Middle inner forearm block
What is side kick in korean?
Yop chagi
What is Ap Chagi?
Front kick
What is dollyo chagi?
Turning kick
What is back kick?
Dwit chagi
Training secret 4?
To choose the appropriate attacking tool for each vital spot
Training secret 5
To become familiar with the correct angle and distance for attack and defence
Training secret 6
Keep the arms and legs bent slightly while the movement is in motion
Training Secret 7
All movements must begin with a backward motion with very few exceptions.
However, once the movement is in motion it should not be stopped before reaching the target.
Training Secret 8
To create sinewave during the movement by utilising the knee spring
Training Secret 9
To exhale briefly at the moment of each blow except at a connecting motion.
Meaning of Dan Gun?
Dan Gun is named after the holy dan gun, the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333BC.
Dan Gun has 21 movements
Sonkal Daebi Makgi
Knifehand guarding block
Bakat Palmok Chukyo Makgi
Outerforearm Rising Block
Hosin Sul?
Self defence
Heel of the foot?
Ball of the foot?
Ap Kumchi
What is the meaning of Do-San?
Do San is named after the patriot Ahn Chang Ho (1876 - 1938).
He devoted his entire life to furthering the education of Korea and its independence movement.
Do San has 24 movements.
What does green belt signify?
Green belt signifies the plants growth as TKD skills start to develop.
What is Hechyo Makgi?
Wedging Block
What is Yopchag Jirugi
Side piercing kick
What is 3 step sparring in Korean?
Sambo Matsogi
What is the meaning of Won-Hyo?
Won-Hyo was the name given to the noted Monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in 686AD.
Won-Hyo has 28 movements.
What does green belt signify?
Green belt signifies the plants growth as the TKD skills begin to develop.
What is Moa Sogi?
Closed Stance
Circular block?
Dollimyo Makgi
2 step sparring in Korean?
Ibo Matsogi
Reverse turning kick?
Bandae Dollyo Chagi
Fixed stance?
Gojung sogi
What is the meaning of Yul-Gok?
Yul-Gok is the pseudonym of the great philosopher and scolar Yi I (1536 - 1584) nicknames “The Confucious of Korea”.
The 38 movements represent his birth place on the 38 degree latitude and the diagram represents Scholar.
Yul-Gok has 38 movements.
What does blue belt signify?
Blue belt signifies the heaven towards which the plan sprouts and matures into a towering tree as training in TKD progresses.
What is Doo Palmok Makgi?
Double forearm block
What is connecting motion?
Yong Gyol Tongjak - 2 movements using opposite arms with one sinewave and one breath, normally a block and an attack.
What is 2 step sparring?
Ibo Matsogi