9th Grade Final Flashcards
What was the real problem in the fall of man
Questioning God
Sign of Gods promise in the Noahaic covenant
God spoke creation into existanece
Ex nihilo
After the fall of man God ???
Declared war on Satan
God created men and women with ???? Yet different ???
Equal dignity
Man and women ??? Each other
Man was created to be the
Women created to be the
Man is to exercise ????? Over woman
Woman is to extend ???? To men
Loving authority
Loving submission
4 biblical views of work
Work is a gift from God
Work was designed to fulfill you
Mankind was designed to work
Mankind works bc God works
Gods plan of redemption (8 C’s)
Creation Choice consequence Cleansing Confusion Chosen Christ cross Church Consummation
Obeyed God and preached 120 years
Murdered his bro
Distorted Gods word while correcting servant
Brought an acceptable offer
Was to have his head crushed by the coking seed
Could have made a choice but sin crouched at the door
Blamed God when confronted about their sin
In response to God given consequences said “my punishment is greater than I can bear”
Cause a doubt of Gods word
Was caused to be a wanderer
2 types of revelation from God and an example of each
General- creation
Special- miracles
4 things each day of creation included
Divine speech
Fulfillment of His decree
Divine evaluation
3 consequences that resulted from fall of man
Labor increased
Lain in child birth
Women’s desire to rule denied
3 deceptions of mans condition prior to flood
Free will
To choose between two or more alternatives on your own
Why did God ask Adam and Eve questions He knew the answered to
For accountability, to see of they knew the extent of what they had done, and if they would own up to it
Why did God rest at the end of creation week
He didn’t need it, but because he was satisfied
Why didn’t God accept Cains offering
It was offered without faith and he already belonged to satan
What promise was made in the Noahaic covenant
God would never wipe out life from earth with a flood again
Exodus is a picture or leaving ????? And journeying to ????
Promised land
When Moses made excuses to God what did God say
To say I AM sent him
Gods law regarding murder extends to
Passover ???? Is avoided through the shedding of ???
Christ is the ??? Of God
The ten plagues were to display Gods power and ??? Over pharaoh and the ??? Or Egypt
The 10 plagues were to strengthen the ???? of Israel so they will trust and obey God
The ten plagues for to create anticipation and appreciation of the ???? God would provide
The tend plagues demonstrate how divine sovereignty works with human ????
The 10 plagues were to display how God’s hands people over to ??????????
Consequence of their sin
2 examples how Moses parallels Christ
He survived the killing of infants
Image of sacrifice
2 excuses Moses gave to God
I am not good with speech
What if they don’t believe me
Theme of exodus
What question was asked by pharaoh that God answered through the 10 plagues
Who is this God that I shall submit to
Why are we not permitted to murder
God put us on this earth and the bear his image
What commandment is the first with a promise and what is that promise
Honor your mother and father and you will have a long life
What commandment is the only one not really reiterated for the church in the New Testament
Keep the Sabbath day holy
What commitment is the only commitment that deals with your inner attitude rather than outward behavior
Do not covet
The Kings in the northern and southern kingdoms were measured by what standard
After the split how many tribes were in the northern kingdom
After the split how many tribes were in the southern kingdom
What was the northern kingdom called
The southern kingdom is all descendants of
930 bc
United Kingdom, of Israel split
722 bc
Assyrians conquer north
586 bc
Babylon destroyed Jerusalem
NORTHERN KINGDOM: Israel worshipped
NORTHERN KINGDOM: sex and ??? Dominated their ???
NORTHERN KINGDOM: profit placed above the ??? Of the ???
NORTHERN KINGDOM: religious practice focused on ????
Worship sights of both kingdoms
NORTHERN KINGDOM: Dan and bethel
South: Jerusalem
Capital of both kingdoms
South: Jerusalem
Nations God used to punish both kingdoms
N: Assyria
S: Babylon
What caused the split of the nation
Jeroboam ask Rehoboam for decrease labor but rehoboam threatens to increase labor this causes a conflict
How many kings from each kingdom were good
N: none
S: 8
What happened to the northern kingdom after the Assyrian captivity
They were eventually disbursed and became the 10 lost tribes of Israel or intermarried with Samaritans
What were conditions like in captivity for the southern kingdom
Decent except Jerusalem and the temple are destroyed but they were allowed to keep their identity
What prophet foretold the destruction of asSyria by the Babylonians
How many times did neb lay siege to Jerusalem
The act of God making known to humans His nature and other truths
God demands to be worshipped alone bc he is a ??? God
What tribe are the priests from
High priests are descendants of
What event solidified Joshua’s leadership of the people of Israel
Crossing the Jordan
What is the significance of Rahmab
She’s in the lineage of Jesus
What occurred as soon as the Israelites entered the promised land and observed Passover
Manna ceased to appear
Who toke items under ban causing Israel to suffer defeat at Ai
What nation tricked Israel into making a treaty with them by pretending to be a traveling envoy from a distant country
What nation didn’t get a portion of land in the promised land
An annual sacrafice for the sins of the nation
Day of atonement
Voluntary sacrifices (3)
Burnt offering
Grain/ meal offering
Peace offering
Mandatory sacrifices (2)
Guilt offering
Sin offering
Worship is a response to ???? Because of who he is and what ?????
He was done
Worship is ??? More than ???
Worship is ???? Not ????
Worship is a ???
Explain the day of atonement
Sacrifices performed by the priests
Sacrifices performed in the holy of Holies
Blood sprinkled over the ark of the covenant
On this day Israel is required to fast
Spying out the land
?? Spies checkout the promised land for ??? Days
?? Spies came back a nd said it was flowing with milk and honey
?? Spies were scared
?? Had confidence in God
12 40
God asked Israeli what in regarding to the temple
To give contributions to the building and functioning of it
In the northern campaign is the conquest why did God command Israel to hamstring the horses and burn the chariots
So they would rely of God
Not to use the enemies
List the 3 promised land commands expected of Israel as they settled the land
Drive out the inhabitants
Do not intermarry
Do not adapt the religious practices
What should the animal meet for any sacrafice
1 year or younger without any blemishes
Describe in detail how God punished unbelieving generation who refused to enter the promised land?
God punished the unbelieving generation by giving 1 year of wandering for everyday spent spying out the land
40 days = 40 years
Until that generation died
Who led the first return from Babylon
Who led the second return
Who led the 3 returned
Focus of each return
1- rebuild the temple
2- re establish worship
3- rebuild city walls
What is the focus of Matthew
Jesus as king
Focus of mark
Jesus as humble servant
Focus of like
Jesus as man
Focus of John
Son of God
Not a synoptic gospel
Author of acts
Not a disciple but wrote gospel
Traveling companions of Paul and gospel writers
2 ways it was the perfect time for christ birth
All one language
All one empire
3 purposes of Christ miracles
To give glory to God and show His power
To prove he is the son of God
To serve others
Two evidences that prove Jesus was born of a virgin
Matthew says Joseph knew her not until after Jesus was born
When Joseph heard Mary was pregNant he was going to silently divorce her
What is a miracle
An event or phenomenon that doesn’t follow natural law and shows God as the meaning/cause of the occurrence
What resulted from the incarnation ine relation to the nature of Christ
He is a perfect human/god combo and an eternal being
Through Abrahams ??? He was counted as righteous
What represents Israel’s part of the covenant God established with Abraham
God chose Abraham to show
He can use anyone
God chose the inheritor of isaacs son when
They were still in the womb
LESSONS LEARNED FROM JOSEPH: god has the power to make all things ????
Ultimately serve his purpose
LESSONS LEARNED FROM JOSEPH: God provides the ????? To face ????
Help we need
Difficult circumstances
LESSONS LEARNED FROM JOSEPH: God will eventually ???? The wrong done and ????
Honor the right
Four of six promises given to Abraham
I will bless you
I will give this land to your offspring
I will make your name great
I will make you into a great nation
2 similarities between Isaac and Christ
They both carried their sacrificial wood
They were beloved and only sons
Describe the call of Abraham ; what did God ask and how did he respond
God asked Abraham to leave his home and take his family to an unknow land. He hesitated at first but did as God said
What covenant is most binding and please describe it
Blood covenant
Cut an animal in 2 and walk between the halves
Said “may this happen to me if I break this with you”
When Sarai grew impatient with Gods timing what did she suggest to Abraham & what was the outcome
She suggested he lay with her servant and he had Ishmael