99 Bottles of Beer Flashcards
True or False: Beer predates wine as one of the oldest alcoholic beverages known to man (only mead surpasses it in age), and the “discovery” of the fermentation of grain is closely linked to the transition from a nomadic to a settled agricultural society during the Neolithic Revolution.
The brewing process is twofold: the brewer must derive the wort-a sugar-rich liquid, from malted grain, and then ferment the wort. This brewing process typically utilizes raw ingredients: ___, ___a starch source, and ___—a flower that adds flavor and bitterness, and has both preservative and antiseptic qualities that prohibit bacterial growth.
water, yeast and hops
Three ingredients authorized for beer production as barley, hops, and water—the action of yeast in fermentation was as of yet undiscovered, and wheat, a component of Hefe Weizen and White Beer styles, was reserved for the production of bread.
____—the cereal grain of choice for most beers—is steeped in water for approximately two days to promote germination of the grain.
First step-create malted barley, or malt. Barley—is steeped in water approx 2 days-promote germination It germinates, or sprouts, it’s transferred to compartments w/controlled temperature and moisture until it grows to an inch in length, the enzyme amylase is produced, converts starchy carbohydrates of the grain into the fermentable sugars maltose and dextrin. This “green malt” is roasted w/hot air in a kiln to halt further growth. The style of beer desired determines length and degree of roasting: heavy roasted black malts-for porter-style beers, whereas pale malt, dried at low temperatures and very light in color, is used for pale ales. True or False
The grain is malted, then ground, or cracked, in a mill to produce grist. Grist is combined w/hot water in a mash tun for one to two hours, converting and extracting sugar from the malt, and results in the flavor-, sugar- and color-rich wort. The wort liquid is drawn off the grains, filtered into the brew kettle, or “copper.” Additional sugar and flavor may be extracted from the spent grains by sparging—rinsing with fresh water—although this may lead to unwanted bitterness in finished brew. The sparge is combined with the wort in the copper, and hops are added. The wort is brought to a sustained, roiling boil for least one hour. Boiling the wort stabilizes and sterilizes the brew, darkens the color, and causes excess water to evaporate. Hops contribute more bitterness the longer they boil, but lose aroma. In order to retain fleeting, volatile hop aromas, the wort may pass through a hopback chamber prior to chilling. Fresh hops encounter the hot wort, and contribute fresh aroma. The wort is then strained, leaving spent hops behind, and chilled to an appropriate temperature for fermentation.
More of the process to know
True or False: Wort destined to become lager beer is cooled to a lower temperature than wort for ale production, and the two styles do not require different yeasts for fermentation.
For what style of beer is a top-fermenting yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is added to the wort. Top-fermenting yeasts prefer warmer temperatures and result in fruity and richly-flavored beers. This fermentation is quick, usually lasting less than a week.
Bottom-fermenting yeast (Saccharomyces pastorianus, formerly called Saccharomyces carlsbergensis) is used for what style of beer _____and results in a more delicate, cleaner beer. The bottom-fermenting yeasts, which tend to clump together at the bottom of the vessel, ferment slower and at lower temperatures
True or False: After fermentation, the beer is transferred to conditioning tanks or casks, and often pasteurized prior to bottling. Cask ales sold as draught beers are unpasteurized, and bottle-conditioned beers are unfiltered and undergo partial fermentation in the bottle.
Lambic beers, a unique specialty of ____, are spontaneously fermented in open-top containers with native wild yeasts, such as Brettanomyces bruxellensis and Brettanomyces lambicus. Classic lambics are almost vinous in character, distinctively sour, and aged prior to release—often up to three years in cask.
_____is a style produced by mixing one-year-old lambics with beers that have aged for two to three years. The blend is then refermented with aged hops in the bottle, giving the beer its sparkle.
Geuze and pure, uncarbonated lambics are a rarity outside of Belgium—fruit lambics, such as Kriek, are more common, and are traditionally dry.
_____are refermented with added fruits, such as sour Morello cherries for Kriek styles or raspberries for Framboise. Lindemans and Cantillon are two noteworthy producers, but vary greatly in style and quality.
Fruit lambics
True or False: The alcohol content of beer is generally low—4% to 6%—but more potent beers are available.
In accordance with their relative weights, lagers should be served at 48-52° F,
Service Temp
Lighter ales and draught bitter beers should be served at a warmer temperature—54-57° F.
Service Temp
Trappist ales, lambics, stouts, brown ales and other powerful, strong beers should be served at a cool room temperature.
Service Temp
What are these styles where fermentation is fast and warm, producing richly-flavored beers?
Brown Ale Pale Ale
Scotch Ale Mild Ale
Burton Ale Old Ale
Belgian Ale Trappist Ale
Abbey Beer Stout
What are these styles where fermentation is slow and cool, producing delicately flavored beers?
Pilsner Märzen/Fest Beer
Bock (including Doppelbock, Eisbock, Maibock)
Pale Lager
Vienna Style Dortmunder
Black/Schwartz Munich Helles
What style is spontaneously fermented (with Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Brettanomyces lambicus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus, and others) over a long period of time; aged hops provide antibacterial qualities, not bitterness
Gueuze: blend of one year-old and two year-old lambics, fermentation concludes in the bottle
Mars: A mild lambic produced by reusing the malt from a previous lambic fermentation
Faro: A mixture of lambic and a lighter brewed beer, Belgian candy sugar is added for sweetness
Kriek, Framboise and other fruit lambics
What style is produced with up to 60% wheat instead of barley (German law requires at least 50%), These beers are typically cloudy and unfiltered
Hefe Weizen: literally, “yeast-wheat”
Dunkel / Dark Weizen
Kristall Weizen: filtered, crystal clear wheat beer
White Beer: includes additions orange peel or coriander
Wheat Beers
What beer is produced in various styles (strengths): patersbier, enkel, dubbel, tripel, quadrupel? Orval (Belgian, est. 1931) Chimay (Belgian, est. 1863) Westvleteren (Belgian, est. 1838) Rochefort (Belgian, est. 1595) Westmalle (Belgian, est. 1836) Achel (Belgian, est. 1998)
Trappist Beers
Biere de Garde: Flemish and Northern French bottle-conditioned beer
California Common: Lager fermented at warmer than normal temperatures (i.e. Anchor Steam)
Kölsch: Ale from Cologne (Germany) fermented at cooler than normal temperatures
Kvass: Rye-based Russian beer usually fermented with fruit juices
Rauchbier: Smoked beer, famously produced in Bamberg (Franken, Germany)
Saison: from Hainaut Province in Belgium
Other Beers to Know!!!!
Ale is top-fermented; Lager is bottom-fermented.
• True
• False
In beer brewing, what is the wort?
• a sugar-rich liquid extracted from the mashing process
• barley steeped in water to promote germination
• the roasted malt prior to the mashing process
• a flower added after mashing for flavor and bitterness
a sugar-rich liquid extracted from the mashing process