98. Imperfect past Flashcards
I called
Tu appelais
You (singular, informal) called
Il appelait
He called
Elle appelait
She called
Nous appelions
We called
Vous appeliez
You called
Ils appelaient
They (masculine) called
Elles appelaient
They (feminine) called
Je vendais
I sold
Tu vendais
You (singular, informal) sold
Il vendait
He sold
Elle vendait
She sold
Nous vendions
We sold
Vous vendiez
You sold
Ils vendaient
They (masculine) sold
Elles vendaient
They (feminine) sold
Je vivais
I lived
Tu vivais
You (singular, informal) lived
Il vivait
He lived
Elle vivait
She lived
Nous vivions
We lived
Vous viviez
You lived
Ils vivaient
They (masculine) lived
Elles vivaient
They (feminine) lived
I went
Tu allais
You (singular, informal) went
Il allait
He went
Elle allait
She went
Nous allions
We went
Vous alliez
You went
Ils allaient
They (masculine) went
Elles allaient
They (feminine) went
I was
Tu étais
You (singular, informal) were
Il était
He was
Elle était
She was
Nous étions
We were
Vous étiez
You were
Ils étaient
They (masculine) were
Elles étaient
They (feminine) were
Tu étais très malade
You were very sick
Nous allions à la montagne
We used to go the mountain
Elle étudiait toujours avant de sortir pour jouer
She always studied before going out to play
Quand j’étais enfant, je nageais tous les après-midis
When I was a kid, I used to swim every afternoon
Il n’y avait pas de gens dans la rue pendant qu’elle conduisait
There weren’t people on the street while she was driving
Les arbres étaient verts et grands
The trees were green and big
J’étais professeur d’espagnol
I was a Spanish teacher
Elle habitait à Medellin
She used to live in Medellin
Marcos n’étudiait pas le français
Marcos did not use to study French
Ils n’étaient pas amis
They were not friends
Étais-tu à l’aéroport ?
Were you at the airport?
Est-ce qu’ils nageaient tous les jours ?
Did they use to swim every day?
Nous allions au centre commercial chaque vendredi
We went to the mall every Friday